Ryushare Support

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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2007
Can anyone help me out? trying to get a Ryushare account but every time I click on the payment option nothing shows up.


New Member
Dec 21, 2009
Given the updated rules regarding required links per post I would think that this would be a larger issue. If Avantguard stopped working with RS, then why hasn't RS website been updated to reflect that? Also, the resellers I find seem too shady. Fishy all around. :puzzled:


New Member
Jan 14, 2012
yea I cannot seem to get it to work either. That "one payment" system just does not seem to work at all. It automatically redirects you to verify with your bank which is incredibly annoying and often does not work. Hopefully, MEGA will work as promised!


Active Member
Aug 19, 2008
Does anyone know how I can purchase another ryushare subscription? I am in the US and it won't allow me to make a purchase. Thanks!


Grand Wizard
Staff member
Super Moderator
May 10, 2009
Either wait for the new system to be in place or use a reseller. I'm sure they'll give you a list of trusted ones if you email them.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2008
I've sent exactly 7 e-mails since December 1st, with absolutely no response from them what so ever. Very polite in my usual way, and not even a list of resellers I could potentially use.
It's odd, because I was once a subscriber, you would think they would return an email to those who are on their list of subscribers (my login still works but no premium features).


Grand Wizard
Staff member
Super Moderator
May 10, 2009
Maybe they're too busy with all the problems they're having because they always answered all my emails in the past and I'm not even a premium user.

There's a reseller link in the bottom right of the site so you can pick one from those or from a member of this site. I think JPTOr had a reseller link in his signature a little while ago but I might be confusing him with someone else since it's not there anymore or it could have been removed by a mod.

Another option would be to use reward money to get premium for a month if you happen to have some. Just click on the My account link on the top right and if you have more than 5 euro, click on request payout and then extend my own account...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2008
The situation is getting seriously ridiculous. I was an early supporter of the Akiba/Ryushare deal and have maintained my position over the last few weeks despite what the evidence appeared to be suggesting.

A little over a week ago I got a response from Ryushare (after I emailed their support services on Dec 9) on Dec 10 saying that they are fixing their paygate system; meaning premium buyers from the US (as well as other countries) would then be able to purchase premium accounts directly and without fuss. They said the system was to be in place starting this week - which I read to mean anywhere from Dec 17 to 21. Well, it is Dec 21 now and so far nothing has changed on their website. This is what you will see now if you try to purchase a premium account:

And this is what you will end up with after you have supplied all the necessary information: "We're sorry, your session has expired. Please go back to the vendor website and place your order again."

Those are the same things you would have seen last week, and the week before, and the week before. In other words, nothing has changed. At least not when you are logging in from the US.

Now you might say give them more time. Bro, the problem started on November 1, to be precise. Avangate withdrew their services on that date and a Ryushare representative at WJunction assured everyone back then that a new processing system will be in place within days. That was a month and a half ago. So the question is how long does it take for a new processing or paygate system to be in place? Every time you ask it is "wait, it is coming."

My last two emails to Ryushare asking for clarification on exactly what date the new system will be in place over the last four days have not been answered. What am I supposed to think now?

And whatever happened to the Ryushare representative (http://www.akiba-online.com/forum/member.php?u=672900). His last login date is Nov 13, 2012.


Grand Wizard
Staff member
Super Moderator
May 10, 2009
At the beginning of december, Avangate was still holding their funds so that's probably one of the reason for the delay.

But it's true they're not very fast to change their site. There are still options available as payment infos that don't even exist anymore and I've pointed it to them a while ago, but still no changes.

Maybe they're waiting to see if the end of the world will happen before doing something.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2008
At the beginning of december, Avangate was still holding their funds so that's probably one of the reason for the delay.

But it's true they're not very fast to change their site. There are still options available as payment infos that don't even exist anymore and I've pointed it to them a while ago, but still no changes.

Maybe they're waiting to see if the end of the world will happen before doing something.

It is indeed a sad situation. How they allow things to get this bad is beyond me.


Active Member
Aug 19, 2008
I can't even upgrade to premium, US still doesn't allow me to select a credit card. Is there anyone here that sells ryushare keys that I can purchase?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2008
Apparently if you are not from the US this is the screen you will get when you try to get a premium account:

As for me I am going to wait till the first or second week of January. If they don't do anything about it It is bye bye to Ryushare.


Ninja Pig
Jan 15, 2009

Today I try to download some files and it show You have reached the download-limit: 188888 Mb for last 1 days even though I am premium member until MAY 2013... I thought premium with unlimited download with no limit ?

Anyone have the same problems ?



Grand Wizard
Staff member
Super Moderator
May 10, 2009
About download limit,
-Premium user can download 300Gb data per day and no limit on file size.

There's a daily limit for premium users too, but you shouldn't have reached it yet unless they changed it recently.


New Member
Dec 23, 2011
I bought Ryushare premium with the new usa payment gate, however it also charged me another $1 something usd for international pos fee Vis. Does this happen to anyone?


New Member
Jan 16, 2008
Visa Rejected

I just attempted to upgrade to premium account on Ryushare. I chose payment by VISA, and got to the verification screen after entering my information, but It keeps rejecting my card after submitting to a check. I tried 4 times with 2 different browsers.

It's becoming a headache trying to get a premium account anymore. Can you suggest some trusted resellers I might be able to go through? (I am in the United States BTW.)



jav fisting connoisseur
Apr 29, 2009
some problems with ryushare . . .

i thought i would report some problems here:

i attempted to upload 6 .rar splits to ryushare earlier this evening via ftp. the first two splits kept loading a few kb or mb [the files are considerably larger - by 4x or 10x or more] - i am going to say it attempted upload of these partial files 20 or more times before i attempted to terminate the process. the files i attempted to upload consisted of two videos: 2 rar splits of a 600 mb video and 4 rar splits of a 1.34 gb file.

i am also attempting download of three files from ryushare: 2 are 500 mb each and 1 is 375 mb. the files say it will take 12, 17 and 22 hours, respectively, to download. moreover, the times for download of each file seems to be wildly fluctuating

hopefully just a glitch, eh?

curious? :exhausted:
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