This site has some very terrific moderators. When one disappears, as ElGringo14 apparently has, it's saddening. (I wonder if anyone has some idea about what happened with him; hopefully, he is all right.)
he is doing fine and is still around, just does not log in
as for information, on offline, we do not need other outside sources, if you come over to IRC, a lot of the on going questions can be answered, see you there, and if you hit the chat button above, you will find us, easy way to remember if we are offline, is to bookmark it, have fun, and chat, is not only akiba related, see you there
Thanks for the hard work.mah >.<
and again we went offline for a few minutes.
this time one of the raid-hdds crashed.
i've disabled the raid and enabled the nfs-shares in our network. So we are now back online.
But the hdd has to be replaced. this should be able to be handeled on the fly - in worst case, we have to reboot the sytsem -> approx. downtime from around 10 - 15mins (we will see)
p.s. the thing with the mail works really good : D
only 5 minutes after my automatic mail i received a mail from one of you. Thanks!![]()
It's great that you have such a great motivation, but - please - don't forget also to relax from time to time.[...]
perhaps i'll find some time over christmas to get this working.
I can see your post.hello ! why my post : This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors.
Your 1st post is set to moderation, due to having a lot of spamming-problems.