

May 14, 2009
I need some help.

Over two months ago, I visited this website to buy some DVDs of stuff I can't find here nor any other forum. Obviously, tempted by their prices I ordered five DVDs from them, one of them being for free. I sent them a check for $31. I checked my account on my bank's website and found out they chased it in. So far.....NO FUCKING PACKAGE!!! :destroy: :furious: :abandoned:

Apparently, I've been a victim of online fraud. I've sent the website tons of e-mails and they all go unanswered. I've sent complaints, but how would they help? What should I do??? :sick:


Oct 25, 2009
Whenever I come across a webstore that I consider buying from, I always do multiple google searches just to see what comes up. If the site is a legit site, you'll usually get a bunch of references on forums or straight up service/product reviews. I ran a few searches on this site you speak of and find next to nothing, to be honest. The store itself comes up, along with a lot of unrelated pages (and quite a few pages I'd be wary of visiting without proper virus protection [or linux]).

Unfortunately, this may be a situation where there's not much you can do. With credit, its usually pretty easy to take care of something like this. With a check, I'd imagine you'd actually have to take your complaint to the bank. Considering that a stop payment on a check BEFORE its cashed runs around 25 bucks (if i remember right), whatever action you are able to take may actually not be worth the time or whatever extra funds it would require.

If its any consolation, I've been burned by a seemingly legit online store as well. It's definitely nothing to be embarrassed about.

What's the approximate timeline on all of this, if you don't mind me asking? Assuming that you haven't been burned, the only thing that could justify it taking as long as you allude to is that it may be shipping from another country. I've had some items I've ordered online from Hong Kong or Japan take from 1 to 2 months depending on the method of shipment. Of course, if these are just DVDs being shipped within the US, there's no reason it should take more than 2-3 weeks AT THE MOST!

Hopefully things work out for you here, if not, I'm sorry this happened to you. Like I said, its happened to me, so I know how you feel. But remember, considering how bad some people get screwed in online scams, dropping 31 bucks doesn't seem so bad. I'm not saying it doesn't suck, but if it had to happen, at least it wasn't 31 hundred!


Survived to Japan
Super Moderator
Apr 28, 2008
Did you try to contact them with email =>

How long ago did you order something from them ?
In other words, as lowleg26 said, describe more precisely your situation.

videomayhem said:
Your order will still be shipped within 3 business days.

videomayhem said:
Shipping is within 2 weeks.

I get easily confused ROFL ZOMG :rofl:

On the other hand, there is not much of a TOS (Term Of Service) or something similar, which is not so good. :exhausted:


May 14, 2009
Well, I sent in my check in early December, and I found out they cashed it in about a week later, sometime on the 16th. It's been almost two months since they cashed it in and they refused to contact me, no matter what e-mail I tried.

I can't call the cops on them, let alone my bank, cuz if they knew what I was I trying to buy, well...they wouldn't really want to help me anyway.


Oct 25, 2009
Hmmmmmmmm...?...?...? When did you first contact them? If they haven't responded to multiple emails since mid December we're probably looking at the situation being sour.

Yeah, unfortunately you probably wouldn't get much help from any organization based on the amount of money that was taken and the subject matter of the DVDs.

Is there any other contact info on their site you can try? They might have the order email and the customer service email on different accounts.


Master Cheef
Super Moderator
Nov 17, 2006
I doubt you are getting any money back, at least its only $31. When I checked out the website, the extremely low price of the DVD's was an immediate red flag for me, not to mention the website itself is shoddy. While a crummy website isn't a reliable indicator of a website's credibility, it certainly doesn't help. I couldn't find any consumer complaints about the site which also isn't a good sign but I found some whois info. I'd just chalk this up as a lesson learned and move on.

Video Mayhem
4 Mill Street
Hornell, NY 14843-1730


Administrative Contact:
Pelkey, Larry
Box 72
Hornell, NY 14843
607-324-4773 fax: 123 123 1234

Technical Contact:
Video Mayhem
4 Mill Street
Hornell, NY 14843-1730
999 999 9999 fax: 999 999 9999

Record expires on 12-Jun-2015.
Record created on 13-Jun-1998.

Domain servers in listed order:



Oct 25, 2009
Uh-oh. New York address? Extreme Vids? Has anyone else watched "8mm" recently?

If there's a performer named "machine" listed on any of the vids, let the money go, man. Its not worth it! :battered:


Señor Member
Oct 28, 2008
Best credit cards for online shopping with new "to you" sites are ones like one I use to have, were on the credit card site you could get a randomly generated CC number that could only be used for a number of days/dollar amount that you specified.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2008
I've been burned online, as well, though two were legit companies, such as DELL.

If you give a DELL salesperson a "hold" order, and he or she sends it anyway, there's nothing you can do because DELL doesn't record sales pitches and likes salespeople that sell.

When, to your surprise, it arrives, you call and write the DELL extension, leave a dozen hysterical messages which he or she doesn't return and pretends not to get.

That or they're out of the office, cashing in their commission check.

Therefore nothing that happens online surprises me, and God is the only Being I'd now trust with any cc info.

But then how you actually be certain that it's God.

The point being, I'm sorry you got ripped off.

It's frustrating, it's embarrassing, and the DELL thing still stings because the corporate position was and is that I made the whole story up.

(DELL only offers you fifty percent back on any returns, regardless if it's an unopened package, how's that for stinkified?).

I do pray this particular salesperson burns in hell, but with my luck he's probably brand manager now or a supervisor in the sales division.
