BANNED MATERIAL -> DO NOT UPLOAD: List - by chompy (section header + announcements)


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
responding to chompy´s thread:

1st) PIXY animes are banned. Pixy series list to be found here:

2nd) many 3D-movies / -DVDPG-rips / -doujins are banned, but normally not all rips of DVD player games, which are still to be seen like normal h-animes. Please check DLsite before posting torrents or links !!!

3rd) many doujins and doujinshi animes are banned. Please check DLsite before posting torrents or links !!!

4th) Linda comics are banned

5th) animes by アニアン (ANI-AN) are banned

6th) MS Pictures, Animac and some others are cooperating with DLsite, so some anime releases and DVG´s / DVDPG´s are banned.
Please check DLsite before posting torrents or links !!!

[update: 08-16-2008]

We can discuss those titles though but...
we may not post any torrent or direct download link of banned material

dicere argentum, silere aurum est.


Waga Itoshii Enzeru~
Dec 6, 2007

Iris,Princess Knight Lilia,Space Pirates Sala(was hopping for the twin girl),Ikusa Otome Suvia................

well i hope they will showed up in t-tosho

oh well......,Thx 4 the info:bow-pray:


New Member
Jun 23, 2007
for future reference, how far does mentioning tosho go in 'pushing the envelope'?

it's not giving the link to download par say, but it does tell them where to find it, which seems a violation of the rule, but not quite at the same time


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
This surely is a question how to interpret the rules, this can be answered by chompy or the mods only.


New Member
Jun 23, 2007
yea, because I know different mods/forums tend to have varying strictness regarding banned material, and despite the material being banned, I still see postings of the site which it can be found, though not via direct link (which personally I feel defeats the purpose)

I'd rather not go pointing and yelling at people like Larcx if the mods are fine with it though


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I'll never understand why people post those links publically. Did they really not consider the ramifications? Do they just not care? Think about it:
  1. Nobody told chompy to take stuff down without having seen it here in the first place. In other words, DLSite, Linda, etc. are all watching. Don't kid yourself.
  2. If you try to skirt the rules by sharing these things, DLSite, Linda, etc. are going to notice and might come after you personally.
  3. Even if they don't do that, let's say you tell the whole world "hey guys guess what? u can get it all here!!!!!!!!!" and you post a link to (say) KyotoChikatetsu. By doing so, you provide DLSite and the others with their next target. Keep it up and even you, eventually, won't know where to find these things.

(rest edited out)


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
I guess this was not the last adjustment to the rules, there will be more to come.

I have my reasons when I say I´m not posting licensed material, on one site I´m fighting against it to do it here then would make no sense to me, I´m not that split minded. On the other hand I try to avoid trouble for AO as much as I can by myself without the need to have rules for it, I think it´s kind of (my) responsibility.


Mar 22, 2008
[*]Even if they don't do that, let's say you tell the whole world "hey guys guess what? u can get it all here!!!!!!!!!" and you post a link to (say) KyotoChikatetsu. By doing so, you provide DLSite and the others with their next target. Keep it up and even you, eventually, won't know where to find these things.[/list]

Couldn't agree more.....if that happens probably the masses/majority people with little resources that feel the biggest impact while a few can still get away with their vast resources, so do not openly state a link than a necessary one


New Member
Jun 23, 2007
[*]If you try to skirt the rules by sharing these things, DLSite, Linda, etc. are going to notice and might come after you personally.

actually that scenario has almost no chance of happening
the cost of tracking down the individual then bringing up the lawsuit would incur a massive expense that probably wouldn't be recouped assuming they were successful

these aren't companies with huge resources like the RIAA remember

what you DO do however (as you mentioned) is ruin the forum for everyone else


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Agreed, but let's not nitpick: I was just covering all the bases and in so doing providing a selfish incentive for people to not fuck things up seeing as humans are selfish creatures and so given selfish incentives they will be more likely to change their behavior. #2 was "if you continue to do this you will incur bad" (even if the odds are low) while #3 provided the alternative 2nd clause of "if you continue to do this you will not incur good." Some people are motivated by the fear of losing perks, but others are better motivated by the fear of incurring penalties.

Anyway ... I'd rather not go into too much detail. Particularly because of my sentiments regarding #1. -.-


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
the rule change only makes sense for me, when the forum will be cleaned from all that threads in which material now forbidden has been posted in the past, as hard this may be, but on one hand it would be consistently, on the other hand AO can show that the messages given by DLsite and Linda really have been understood.

Forbidden means nothing else than illegal, some people seem to have big problems to recognize / understand this...


Mar 22, 2008
The rules are clear, do whatever it takes to abide by the rules, del threads or give warning whatsoever but a fucking sabotage or causing crashes are NOT I repeat NOT a message, its called annoying......
meh they can keep their stuff whatsoever doesn't really concern for me as those stuff barely my interest.


New Member
Jun 23, 2007
the rules are actually NOT clear, which is why I posted here

"do not provide link" is meaningless if you say "but you can find it here"

you're following the rules by 'not giving a link', but as you can see, people that say Tokyo Tosho are abiding by the rules, but the content is still getting through, which is what I have a problem with

personally in AO's best interest, if the material is banned, then I believe that any mention of how to acquire said material should be as well; otherwise the rule hasn't changed anything other then forcing people to click one more link


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
It is not obvious to all new members, but did you see chompy's announcement at the top of this forum? It mentions that you cannot provide links to torrents or files pertaining to DLSite merchandise. This includes all Pixy anime products. I think our hentai anime forum could use a sticky that says "NO PIXY ANIME ALLOWED!" because you're the second or third guy this month who has signed up just to share Iris Volume 02 with us. ^_^;
source: (perhaps deleted by the time you read this)

Anyway, I'm cross-posting this message in this thread because I would like to formally request that such a sticky be made for the Hentai Anime Torrents forum (as well as other forums where Pixy products are likely to be plugged). If the title says in clear English "NO PIXY PRODUCTS ALLOWED", people should take a hint even without clicking on it. When they do click on it, inside could be a hyperlink that points here, to red's frequently-updated list of banned material, and the link could say "For a list of anime, games, and other products you are not allowed to distribute on Akiba-Online, click here."


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
source: (perhaps deleted by the time you read this)

Anyway, I'm cross-posting this message in this thread because I would like to formally request that such a sticky be made for the Hentai Anime Torrents forum (as well as other forums where Pixy products are likely to be plugged). If the title says in clear English "NO PIXY PRODUCTS ALLOWED", people should take a hint even without clicking on it. When they do click on it, inside could be a hyperlink that points here, to red's frequently-updated list of banned material, and the link could say "For a list of anime, games, and other products you are not allowed to distribute on Akiba-Online, click here."

I´m not into games at all (sorry), if you know something about this category in relationship to DLsite, please tell so that I can make an update or please make an own thread reg. these. Thx.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Nor am I interested in HCG. I was just saying. You do what you do best, red, and let's let others worry (or not worry) about the other lists. Really, the burden falls on each and every one of us each and every time we make a thread to double-check that what we're uploading isn't on DLSite. This list is a friendly way for the one member of the community to make life a little easier (actually a lot easier) for the rest of us. Nobody should ever say it's your duty, and I'm definitely not suggesting you have to start doing more than anime.


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
:pissed:Thread renamed, updated 08-06-2008 and the thread starter got some modifications...:fever:


Mar 22, 2008
:pissed:Thread renamed, updated 08-06-2008 and the thread starter got some modifications...:fever:

yeah the thread starter got some curry and kurkuma(curcuma) added into his dish :lols:, those megafontsize done some miracle into pixy lovers haha

hey whats the deal with 3D movies as I barely soiled it so I need more lol (I'll chop any obstacles getting into it :furious:), chompy don't mention it in his post hahaha


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
yeah the thread starter got some curry and kurkuma(curcuma) added into his dish :lols:, those megafontsize done some miracle into pixy lovers haha

hey whats the deal with 3D movies as I barely soiled it so I need more lol (I'll chop any obstacles getting into it :furious:), chompy don't mention it in his post hahaha

Since I noticed that even very old ones are owned by DLsite and I only know many 3Ds but not all by far everyone who wants to post stuff normally has to make a cross check in advance with DLsite whether they have it or not, and even our mods should check when there is a new thread with suspicious material in the same way. Nobody can sit back and say "I didn´t know...".:miserable:

reg. 3D this of course is more than difficult as the files floating around in the net rarely have the original names, many of them have been renamed so that a check at DLsite often is impossible. That´s a known problem to me but I do not have a real solution how it can be solved atm...:stress: