Help with Konoha Nishino Movie Release this year.


Smut Hunter
Apr 17, 2012
I saw a Konoha Nishino Video 2 weeks ago, I bookmarked it, but I think I accidentally erased it. I've been searching since yesterday and I can't find it. I really don't know the video ID or code but I can describe the cover. It's Konoha Nishino with this other loli looking girl, both are in school uniform, maybe middle school uniform they have hats and bags too. Then the background is like a forest.
Please help.


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Whew. Your signature message sure is uncompromising and nihilistic, Prophetomega! (Or... maybe the idea is not "What's the use?", but... "Reflect deeply, and ye shall discover that life is indeed beautiful.")

I commend you on the clear-cut description you provided for the cover of this as-yet-unknown video. I first needed to figure out who "Konoha Nishino" was, and based on the screen shots of one of the titles that came under her name (PIRA-016, where her name was provided as "Nishino Konoha"... you know how frustrating that can be, when Japanese names are provided either with first name first, or last name first, and the non-Japanese speaker does not know what's what. Boy, that lack of clarity sure can be frustrating, just as in your signature message), she physically matched (at least to my eye, with her interesting nose) the actress known simply as "Konoha."


(I needed to resort to the physical match, because unfortunately the only DVD code that Google matched Konoha Nishino - or Nishino Konoha - with was PIRA016, and that title does not credit the actress, in the official listings.)

So presuming Konoha Nishino is, in fact, Konoha (このは), her comprehensive film output listed at DMM should have done the trick. I went through all six pages of her works, looking for two uniformed young girls dressed with hats and bags against a forest-y backdrop, but could not come up with it. Maybe you should put your eye to the task:

It is possible the film you have in mind did not credit its actresses, as with PIRA-016, so it would not then appear in the actress' film listing, meaning the search would need to go on. But that possibility should be remote. Hopefully, when you look through these six pages, you will have an A-HA! moment.