
New Member
Jan 27, 2008
The site has been running slow for several days now over the last week or so, but today is the first that I've ever gotten this message. Yes, I got it, too, multiple times.


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
as already told in another thread: since the last server upgrade the new server handles nearly twice as much users / guests at the same time than the old server did, the maximum before was ~ 3,300 users, now the counter is at 5,770 users at the same time already. Akiba-Online site is becoming more and more popular too, so the server has to handle a very high load almost the whole day every day, the 504 gateway time-out errors are just a sign of that heavy load (the average seems to be at ~ 5,000 users) only, nothing else. So it´s nothing really to worry about, mods are suffering from it as well. Peaks are the Japanese late afternoon and evening and early night hours anyway. Admins are already thinking about a solution to handle this problem (another / next server upgrade).

We truly are sorry about the inconvenience but we hardly can do anything about it atm.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2009
Why don't you block all Japanese IPs? I reckon most lurkers that give the forum load a hard time are Japanese. So if you block those it would help the forum load a lot. Many Japanese websites do the same with non-Japanese IPs anyways.


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
Why don't you block all Japanese IPs? I reckon most lurkers that give the forum load a hard time are Japanese. So if you block those it would help the forum load a lot. Many Japanese websites do the same with non-Japanese IPs anyways.

Most if our visitors / audience are from Japan. We are verly well informed about the percentage distribution of users / countries all around the world. We never will block the IP´s of any country.

This site is all about Japanese stuff anyway.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2009
Well then make sure you get a better load-balancer/hardware. I'm sure many people would donate even.


New Member
Mar 23, 2009
I don't think many people would pay money to support the site.

You have to beg and hopefully the generosity/guilt of a few forum members with jobs prompts them to ante up and help offset a portion of the cost of the server(s).

I've seen 4-5k users on before and at most it would log you off. I brought up this gateway issue because it's such a pain lately. For example:

1. You upload a torrent + image files
2. bad gateway, so you have to upload the torrent + images again
3. hit the post button
4a. bad gateway, go back to step #1
4b. you get lucky, your post goes through!
5. oh crap, you have to edit the post now!

Everything seems fine after refreshing the page..

yeah, that's fine if you're just browsing but it causes problems when you try to post


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
it´s ~ 00:50 a.m. in the night in Japan now, so the server load is decreasing very much now...


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2009
it´s ~ 00:50 a.m. in the night in Japan now, so the server load is decreasing very much now...

Always good but it obviously can't go on like this. I think we should at least start giving the opportunity for people to donate. New hardware is definitely needed. Or you find another way to reduce the load. I personally would really block Japanese IP. They don't care about European/American in their forums too.


Team Tomoe
Oct 4, 2007
I have a vbulletin mod in the works that should help.


Jan 13, 2007
Most if our visitors / audience are from Japan. We are verly well informed about the percentage distribution of users / countries all around the world. We never will block the IP´s of any country.

This site is all about Japanese stuff anyway.

Not to mention that a good deal of the uploads come from Japanese users, so blocking Japanese IPs would basically kill the site.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
We aren't against ethnic Japanese, as we have many Japanese friends both in Japan and elsewhere around the world. We're also not against geographical Japanese, as we have many Japanese, Caucasian, black, Asian, Arab, Jew, etc. friends who visit this site from Japan. (Okay, fine, maybe I only know of a couple of whites, Asians, and one black. :p) And by "friends" I mean forum regulars who provide content, moderators and administrators who help to run the site, and then the average joes who hold discussions on a regular basis.

So banning all of Japan isn't really a desirable route (imo), even if it were easy to pull off and even if it didn't threaten to completely kill the site. We're a better community in large thanks to our international representation. We're also a living example to the world that people from all walks of life and from all over the world can and do have an interest in Japanese erotica. This is an especially important example to set for Japan proper, since the mentality these days amongst a lot of the high-profile Japanese porn providers is to keep non-Japanese out. Fighting xenophobia with xenophobia = bad idea. =\


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
Don't think that the staff don't notice what you guys notice (except some rule-breaking threads and posts, so please keep reporting things to us when you see them).

The load issues have been plaguing us pretty much since day one here. We upgrade hardware on a regular basis. As Rollyco said, there's something in the works that should help ease the impact of guests. If that doesn't pan out, we also have an upgrade route for the server (how does one upgrade from two bleeding edge processors you ask? why, with four of course!).

As for banning Japanese IPs, that would certainly decrease load - most visitors here are from Japan after all. But that is hugely undesirable for many reasons, not least because so many active members here are Japanese or ex-pats living in Japan.

gyoza ramen & a beer

Active Member
Feb 20, 2009
I personally would really block Japanese IP.

Uh, really?

You seriously want to ban Japanese participants from a board dedicated to Japanese erotica? I mean no disrespect, bpx, but this sounds wacky as hell to me. If you want to really reduce traffic, how about just banning porn?. That would sure lighten the load on the servers and get rid of a lot of us, wouldn't it?

Thanks to chompy for the clarity and to Sakunyuusha for the wise words.


Señor Member
Oct 28, 2008
And not to mention that some of the best and fastest seeders on torrents are Japanese.

If it's a bad gateway, I think someone needs to talk to the gatekeeper.


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
And not to mention that some of the best and fastest seeders on torrents are Japanese.

I agree, I also think the Japanese contribute more than you think

it would be a disgrace to ban anybody


No more JI - Retired from AO
Apr 2, 2008


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2009
Rubiks6, if you would follow the entire thread a bit more and not only jump on one sentence of all the things I've said you would know that it was already explained that this is not a good idea due to many reasons and that I and the others already thought about other ideas too. You are free to contribute some ideas too instead of just criticizing others' ideas ;)