JAV Questions... THREE!


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012

All right, you JAV lovers; allow me to throw three questions your way, further getting to the bottom of the stranger workings of Japanese Adult Videos.


You must have seen examples of the omnipresent “Hunting women Nampa, Nakadashi” etc. style “genre.” Frequently, we can see the hustlers handing over a kind of “gift certificate” or “prize award,” often dressed in a pretty ribbon. The women take these little gifts, and suddenly become a lot more conducive to walking over to a strange apartment with several seedy men... of if the mystery gifts are handed over once they have already been talked into the private location, the women become far more amenable to getting undressed and/or worked over.

The question is: what the heck is in these little packages, you think?


Here, in “Amateur Madam Hunting 4” [JUC504], the “target” (I love the way the word “target” is often written in English on many of these videos) gets giddy after receiving the mysterious envelope. Yes, you may now have your way with me without a condom, strange man!

I have seen a few of these “Nampa” videos taking place in the United States, where the dialogue is in English – hoping to get an idea of what the envelopes represent. Unfortunately, the Japanese hustler finds other ways to talk the women into doing devilish deeds, in these films. I suppose he is aware that either A) American women are too clever to fall for the envelope gag, or B) the whorish American porno actresses hired for the job are going to be in the bag, no matter what.


How come the digital mosaic is placed to fuzz out the faces of surrounding characters in many of the “reality” videos?

The answer is not hard to fathom when we are dealing with passersby or incidental actors in the scene… even if the actors were hired, I suppose the producers enjoy giving the idea that the goings-on are “real,” and the faces were fuzzed out in order not to get hit by lawsuits.

But what about when the actors are a critical component of the scene? Why in the world would their faces get digitalized?


In this “chikan” Mother and Daughter video [NHDTA072], note the actor on the left that the daughter is speaking with, so we may buy into her being distracted, and not notice the terrible things being done to her mommy. He is a part of the scene, and not one of the incidental “body blockers” from the crowd (although they have been hired for the action as well), and we don’t need to get sold on his being an innocent bystander, getting filmed without signing a release. Yet the more obvious example is the man on the right, the molester himself. It’s as clear as Mitsubishi that he has been hired for the scene, no less than the women performers. Why in the world would his face be fuzzed out? Is he supposed to represent… an “innocent,” whose rights must be protected?

I have seen this peculiarity being exercised in a number of videos, enough to make me wonder about the logic.

By the way, if you recognize the actress who plays the mother, it would be kind of you to drop her name. (Oh, I can now see her features are not well on display here... well, then, for those of you familiar with the video.)


There is a ton of JAV that has “Magic Mirror” translated into the titles. I believe the term signifies one-way mirrors in a few of the instances.


For example, in Magic Mirror Box Car [SDMT096], the idea is that the lady (in at least one scene – the rest of the movie has nothing to do with mirrors, unless I’m mistaken) is being “hotsexed” (Note how I am adopting the “translation-speak”) behind a glass that the outdoors passers-by cannot see through, providing the thrilling sensation (presumably for her, at least) that she is being exposed in public.

Yet there is host of other films that has “Magic Mirror” in their translated titles, and there are no mirrors, mirrors on the wall, or anywhere else. What is your take on “Magic Mirror”?

Ahh, the mysterious ways of the Far East.



I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
Number one: That's a money-gift package. Often you will see that style during a wedding, although they can be used for just about any time (however a wedding is the number one traditional sense - I was scolded because I thought it would make a great Christmas envelope to send folks back home, lol). Typically they will contain 30,000 yen.

Number two: The Mosaic is added to do the following:
1) Add an aire or reality to the film which is why you will nearly NEVER see brands (t-shirts, bottles, etc) or street names when filming outside.
2) To protect the ID of the actors as they most likely would NOT want a co-worker to have seen them in a video. Unlike the girls, most JAV Actors have day-jobs that are office & business oriented.

Number Three: Magic Mirror is another way in here here that we refer to public sex (exhibitionism). Most times if it's in the title, it will include a window that is a one-way-mirror, yet other times, it has been used to suggest 'hidden' outdoor sex (ie: fucking in a public toilet)


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
What great answers

For crying out loud, Aquamarine... I see your tagline is "I Know Better Than You," and that is not at all false advertising.

(Over 4,000 posts... since 2007! You sure are a "Big Daddy" around here.)

Konnichiwa, for shedding expert light on these mysteries. Indeed, you brought up another essential point regarding the Mosaic usage, how brand names and street signs are disguised -- which I have taken note of, sometimes to the point of annoyance. I can see the reason why they would do so for the brand names (avoidance of lawsuits), but the reason for the street signs has always stupefied me. You explained that this was to maintain an air of reality, but in reality, I think it takes away from the reality.

Disguising the identities of the one-time porn actors makes sense. There have been times, however, when established JAV actors (clearly recognizable underneath the distortion) have gotten the same treatment, so there might be another reason, a more bizarre one, as to why this practice is put to use.

I give you a salute.



I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
My pleasure. (btw, "Konnichiwa" is "Good Day" - better would be 'Arrigatou')

Also, when I said to maintain a sense of reality, you have to understand that in most Japanese TV programs that are syndicated, people who are bystanders and not directly involved (ie: without consent give) with the program typically will have their faces mosaiced.



Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
That must mean Japan is a civilized country, then... because even in an uncivilized society, such as the United States, if bystanders are shown on television without consent, their faces get fuzzed out. (It could be argued, of course, that the primary incentive in the USA is not a sense of courtesy or civility, but the fear of getting sued.)

Yet even in cases where the people on screen are not unrelated bystanders, but hired performers, I have already mentioned the producers probably prefer to fuzz out the faces to provide for a false sense of reality - to give the illusion that the action is happening on the spot. Maybe that explains why the faces of the established and recognizable JAV actors still get distorted. What I don't understand is why the producers would go so far as to blur the street names. (It's a public location; who is the party being protected?)

Of course! It's not "Konnichiwa," it's 'Arrigatou"...! What was I thinking? I could have also written, I believe, "Domo."

If I may quote Sumire Enomoto, in the HAZ003 episode of the series she appeared in... I'm Embarrassed !




Señor Member
Oct 28, 2008
What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen JAV actress?


Sorry, I couldn't stop myself from posting that.


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
After having lived here for... I'unno....... a week or two.... you tend to learn things, if not by choice, then by accident :)



Akiba Citizen
Dec 7, 2009
When it comes to blocking street names and faces of participants, the idea I got was that they usually do this in "r***" movies.

While the women are of course not really r***ing, but paid actresses, making the locations and "criminals" unrecognisable makes it seem like they have something to hide because it's "real".