How to post movies with a lot of informations and useful files


Grand Wizard
Staff member
Super Moderator
May 10, 2009
I thought this might be useful for the less computer savvy people on this forum that want to upload movies here with a more "professional" look.

It could also contain things the more veteran posters don't know about.

Here's what this tutorial will teach you:
-Making sure if you should post the movie
-Gathering general and technical infos about the movie
-Creating thumbnails files
-Creating a file to check if the movie is corrupted
-Splitting the movie into parts
-Restoring the archive files after you delete them
-Uploading your files(kind of)
-Writing the post

Notepad2 (or any plain text editor that support japanese encoding)
Media Player Classic Home Cinema
Winrar (you can also use any other archiving softwares if you want)


-Useful in 1 case-

The movie you want to post
The DVD-Code or the japanese title of the movie

---Finding where and if to post it---
The first thing to do before anything else is to check if the movie you want to post has already been posted on the forum by someone else.

To do this, use the Search function of the forum(it's in the menu at the top of the akiba forum, the 4th one from the right when you're logged in).
In the search box, write the DVD-code with and without the "-" and add "or" between the two.
For example:
SMA-481 or SMA481

If it's already there in the category you want to post(torrent or direct download), it's the same file you have and the same host you planned on using, then don't post it or use an host that's not already there(if you planned on using some direct download site).

If it's already there in the correct category, but you're using a different host or you have a better quality file, you can post it in the same thread as the original poster! Which means you need to reply to his post to create your post.

If it's not in the forum or not in the category you want to post, you can create a new thread for your files.

Also, make sure it's not in the Do Not upload list of the forum which you can find here:

---Gathering infos about the movie---
--Finding the source--
Go the official webpage of the movie if you can. If not, do a search on google using the DVD-code(or the japanese title if you don't have the DVD-code) and add " dmm" (or any other dvd store/rental website) at the end and click on the result that start with "".
If you end up on a search result, click on the title on the dvd.
Use google translate to know which informations are where.
Search example:
Search on Google: SMA-481 dmm
Click on [URL=""][/URL]
Then click on [URL=""]ノーパンHighSchool 早乙女ルイ[/URL] in the DVD通販 section.

Download the DVD cover from the website if you don't already have it.
To do this, click the thumbail picture of the cover(usually on the left of the infos) or click the + sign below it, right click the image and click save image.
I like to name mine the same as the DVD-Code if it's not already named like it.

--Technical infos about movie file--
To get the technical informations about your movie file, open it in MediaPlayerClassic HomeCinema, right-click the movie screen, go to properties and click on the "MediaInfo" tab.

--Creating an information file--
Create a .txt(or .nfo if you're familiar with it) file with your plain text editor(I name mine the same as the DVD-Code) and write all the informations you think are important from the movie website.
Example with explanation between {}:
No Panty High School {english title translated with google and edited using common sense}
ノーパン High School {japanese title taken from website} (need japanese ip or proxy to access it) {link to official website, not really necessary, but I like to add it as a reference}

Filetype: Mkv {Extension of the file(Compare with "Format" line in the general section of the MediaInfo tab to make sure your file has the right extension). Put "DVDIso" if you're uploading a DVD Iso}
Video codec: x264 core 114 r1924 {The codec used to encode the video. "Writing library" in the video section of the MediaInfo tab.}
Audio codec: AAC 2 channels {The codec used to encode the audio and the number of channels(2 for stereo and 6 for 5.1 sound). "Format" for the codec and "Channels(s)" for the number of channels in the audio section of the MediaInfo tab.}
Runtime: 180 min {Official runtime from the website or the DVD cover}
Duration: 2h 01min 05sec {Actual runtime of the movie file. "Duration" in the video section of the MediaInfo tab.}
Size: 1.76 GB {Size of the movie file. "File size" line in the general section of the MediaInfo tab.}
Studio: Marx Brothers (Company that created the movie. Usually "メーカー" on the website.)
Label: - {Internal company label of the movie(none in this case). "レーベル" on the website.}
Code: SMA-481 {DVD-Code of the movie}
Cen/Uncen: Censored {If the movie is censored or uncensored. Watch it to know if it's censored.}
actresses: Rui Saotome(早乙女ルイ) {actresses english(translated with google and searched it afterwards to make sure it had the right spelling) and japanese name. Usually "女優名" or "出演者" on the website.}
Release Date: 2010/06/13 {Release date of the DVD. "発売日" on the website.}

---Creating a thumbnail file---
It's always a good idea to create a thumbnail file that will give people an idea of the content of your movie.

To do this, open your file in MediPlayerClassic HomeCinema, click the "File" menu, click "Save thumbnails", changes the settings if you want(I use 5 rows, 4 columns and 1024 pixels width) and click save.

If you want a more complete tutorial on how to do this, ANTIDEUS posted one here:

You can also create a thumbnail for your movie using the front of the dvd cover. Some programs like xbmc(A great media center software) uses it as an icon for the folder of the movie.
Most people probably won't care for it, but some(like myself) will thank you for it if you decide to trouble yourself creating one.
See my tutorial on how to do this here:

---Creating a data verification file---
This can be useful to check if the movie file got corrupted somehow.
Install QuickSFV, right click your movie file, click "create .sfv file", choose .sfv or .md5 in the dropdown list on the right(Both will work, but I prefer .md5 for movie files) and click OK.

Opening this newly created file with QuickSFV(or any other sfv or md5 verification software) will tell you if the file is corrupted or not.

---Separating the files in parts---
If there is a size limit for files where you want to upload them, you need to separate your movie in file of that size or less.
There are 2 ways to do this: by archiving them or with a binary separation.
Since I'm not a big fan of binary separation, I'll only explain how to archive them(you can group all the files you just created that way which is much better).

Install Winrar, select all the files you want to add to the archive(the movie file, the dvd cover, the info file, the .md5 or .sfv file and the folder.jpg file), right click on one of them and click on "add to archive...".
-Set the "Archive name" to the filename you want to use(I use the DVD-Code).
-Set the compression method to "store" if you want to have to ability to recreate the files after you erase them(I will explain how in the next step), or any other level if you want smaller a filesize(you won't gain much since video doesn't compress very well).
-Set "Split to volumes, bytes" to the maximum allowed size allowed where your going to upload it. For example: "400 mb"(the mb needs to be lowercase) if you want 400MB files(don't worry if the size displayed by windows is more than 400MB, it's not really bigger.) If your files take less space than this number, they simply won't be split.
-Click the "Advanced" tab and check "old styles volume names". This will create shorter filenames.
-(Optional) Click the comment tab if you want to add a comment to the files, for example: "Uploaded by YourNameHere"
-Click "OK" to separate the files.

---Enabling restoration of the archive files---
This only works if you created .rar archives using the store compression(meaning no compression) and it will permit you to restore the archive files after you delete them in case one of the files get deleted where you uploaded them as long as you still have all the files(unmodified) contained in the archive.
You'll be able to upload only the one deleted file after the restoration and it will work with all the old ones.

--Creating the recovery file(.srr)--
-Create a single .sfv file of all you archive files by selecting the .rar, .r00, etc, right clicking one of them, clicking "create .sfv file", selecting .sfv in the dropdown on the right(.md5 won't work here) and clicking ok.
-Download ReScene .NET version and extract it somewhere(it doest need installing to work)
-Download ReScene GUI and save it in the folder where you extracted the content of ReScene .NET and open it.
-Click "Select the .sfv of the release.." and open the .sfv you just created.
-Uncheck "Include following files:" and click on "Create .srr"
-Make sure everything is unchecked, click ok and save the .srr file(I name it the same as the DVD-Code)
-Check the log on the right to make sure it was created successfully.

--Restauring the archives files--
If you need to restaure the .rar later, here's how to do it:
-Open ReSceneGUI and go to the .srr tab.
-Click "Select .srr" and choose the .srr file for the archive you want to restore.
-Uncheck "Auto resample(if .srs exist)" (version 1.3.2 might crash after restoring you files if you don't do this)
-Click "Reconstruct.." and select the folder where all the files that were in the archive currently are.
-Select the folder where you want to save the archive files(a new folder containing them will be created in the folder you select) and click ok.
-(Optional) You can deleted the .sfv for the rar files since it's included in the .srr and will be restored in the same folder as the archives.

---Uploading your files---
--Using torrent--
All you need to do is to create a torrent file and open it in your torrent client. I won't explain how since it changes between the different clients and I assume most people uploading torrent already know how.
When you create your post, upload the .torrent file directly to the akiba forum as an attachement(the staple icon in the post creation menu). It is much easier that way for people to get the files.

--Using direct download websites--
I assume everyone knows how to do this since you only need an account and clicking upload, but here are some useful tips to upload to more than 1 host by uploading everything only once.

Most Direct download website have a feature called "remote upload" which allow you to upload files from an internet link which mean it won't use your bandwidth to upload it.
Some website allow you to enter you account informations from other hosts to use with this feature, but since it doesn't work for all hosts or you may not want to write your account information there, you can use hosts that give you a direct link to the file as a free user for your first upload and use that link and the remote upload function for the others.
One host that allow this is Megaupload and I also think Mefiafire does but I'm not 100% sure since I only use Megaupload.

All you need to do with Megaupload is to upload your file, after that click the link to download it, wait for the end of the countdown, right click the download button, click "copy link address" and use that link in the remote upload feature of any host you want. It work on the first try most of the time and I found it works best if you wait about 30 sec after the countdown before uploading to another host.

You can also use website like which will upload to a bunch of host for you and I also heard you can set your other hosts account information so that it actually upload to yours, but I never personally used it since I like having control of what I do.

---Writing your post---
The time has finally come for you to contribute to the forum.

All you need to do here is Create an informative english title.
I like to include the hosts I'm uploading to if I use direct download, the english title of the movie and the DVD-Code.
for example:
[MU,RS,HF,FS] No Panty High School [SMA-481]
In the main body of the post, add the cover picture and the thumbnail file for the movie(the one created by MediaPlayerClassic HomeCinema), paste the content of your information file, a comment or description of the movie(if you want) and all the links to the hosts.

Use a code tag(the # icon in the post menu) if the link is too long to not be cropped by the forum. That way, the persons using jdownloader(or any other download manager) can easily copy the links without having to click them one by one.

Use an anonymous redirection website like add before your link) if you put links to a website outside of the forum so they don't know it came from here.

One thing I also like to do is put the cover picture in a fullattach tag(put the link between [FULLATTACH] and [/FULLATTACH] instead of
or ) to have it display in full size without the thumbnail at the bottom of the post.

Don't forget to fill the Tags section when you post with information about the movie like the DVD-Code number and the actresses names. This will help people find your post.

Here's an example(I uploaded this movie in separate files which is why there a 2 different section at the bottom of the post):

No Panty High School
ノーパン High School

[url=""][/url] (need japanese ip or proxy to access it. I use [url=""][/url] )

Filetype: Mkv
Video codec: x264 core 114 r1924
Audio codec: AAC 2 channels
Runtime: 180 min
Studio: Marx Brothers
Label: -
Code: SMA-481
Cen/Uncen: Censored
actresses: Rui Saotome(早乙女ルイ)
Release Date: 2010/06/13

Since Rui Saotome is my favorite JAV actress, I thought this deserved a better quality rip.

---Main Movie---
Duration: 2h 01min 05sec
Size: 1.76 GB





Duration: 02min 08sec
Size: 26 MB





---SMA previews---
Duration: 32min 14sec
Size: 389 MB
Previews for SMA-427,442,447,454,448,450-451,455,459-461,464-473





---No Panty HS samples---
Duration: 30min 01sec
Size: 479 MB
Samples of Tsubame Shiina from SMA-447, MOKA from SMA-455 and Cocomi Naruse from SMA-464





If you have any question, comments or critics, don't hesitate to post them, I'll be glad to answer.
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