Why most American Office ladies are fat??


New Member
Nov 27, 2008
I just got a job in an office place .. it's a call center.

First, they don't even dress professionaly, they come in sweats and whatever just ccause the dress code is casual. Even i make an effort to dress nice even though i don't have to..

Then, they are all overweight and don't' care. All of them are married though, so i don't really care about them.

But i've seen many other places where the Receptionist or whatever is overweight.

Why isn't it mandatory to have slim and decently professionaly dressed employees? If there was such rule, overweight people would have some kind of drive to get slim. So i don't see how that is bad


Oct 25, 2009
I've worked in a call center as well and its pretty lopsided as far as the body types go

but, if you think about it, a job where you just sit on a phone all day and there's no footwork or heavy lifting? That's probably going to attract a particular type of applicant

not trying to be overly judgmental, I mean, I'm no Adonis myself, but some of those people just let it go :victim:


New Member
Jan 29, 2008
That's exactly how it is out here in Taiwan. People are almost always required to hand in a picture with their resume, and it's an unspoken rule that being presentable is a required skill for any job where you're dealing with people.

In America, or Canada, or any western country people would scream discrimination, but here it's just good business sense. Why would you buy something from a fat and fugly salesperson when it could be bought from someone you'd actually want to talk to?

As for call centers in particular though, the only thing required from a business perspective is a nice voice - customers never actually see the nasty blobs in sweat pants, right?


New Member
Jan 30, 2008
I think its wierd that you would care who you talk to on the phone or anywhere.. Whether people are fat slim ugly or not doesnt matter...

"Why would you buy something from a fat and fugly salesperson when it could be bought from someone you'd actually want to talk to?"

because the fat just may be educated on the product im gonna buy. Understadn im not buying a product from some hot girl cause shes hot.. Im buying the product that i want.

Perfect example.. im buying a PS3 for my GF last week and i ask the girl behind the counter at EB ( pretty hot btw). And im askign her questions like oh is the system backwards compatible with Ps2 games and asked them if theyhad a PSN card of 20 or 50 dollars so i could buy some games online without using a credit card. The girl had no idea what i was talking about shes didnt know what backwards compatibility was. Im thinking WTF?????!!?!?!??! you work at a game store and don't know what certain terms mean???? Anyways the manager came out... ( old fat guy ) with glasses answers all my questions, upsells me for another controller as he hooked up the price and i was done. Just one example, however i believe i get eh point y'all trying to make. But to say all sales persons esp the women should be all fit and good looking seems a little bias and personal and yes discriminatory... Just think if someone was writing a post from a call center that your mom worked at or something and was fully describing your mom followed by eww grosse... hahaha maybe it has happened but you guys are hilarious thinking that the world would be better if they were all slim people or somthing... More so the first poster topic setter... Not bashing or anything and i agree with u that some people do let them selves go... but who are we to set limits and goals for these people.. think about it...what if they said oh people with the first names steve should get fired of reason stupid as you posted for fat people to get fired... kinda wierd huh?


Oct 25, 2009
I think its wierd that you would care who you talk to on the phone or anywhere.. Whether people are fat slim ugly or not doesnt matter...

because the fat just may be educated on the product im gonna buy. Understadn im not buying a product from some hot girl cause shes hot.. Im buying the product that i want.

I thought that the question of why aren't all sales people smokin' hot chicks was more of a "wishful thinking" joke, I didn't think the thread was actually serious. At worst, I figured it was a jab at the whole "fat american" thing. :dunno:

If we're being totally serious here, then I agree with you 100%, competence trumps ascetics every time.

It can be pretty aggravating when the person working the counter is nice to look at, but can't tell you anything about what you're buying :destroy:


New Member
Jan 29, 2008
I think its wierd that you would care who you talk to on the phone or anywhere.. Whether people are fat slim ugly or not doesnt matter...

"Why would you buy something from a fat and fugly salesperson when it could be bought from someone you'd actually want to talk to?"

because the fat just may be educated on the product im gonna buy. Understadn im not buying a product from some hot girl cause shes hot.. Im buying the product that i want.

Perfect example.. im buying a PS3 for my GF last week and i ask the girl behind the counter at EB ( pretty hot btw). And im askign her questions like oh is the system backwards compatible with Ps2 games and asked them if theyhad a PSN card of 20 or 50 dollars so i could buy some games online without using a credit card. The girl had no idea what i was talking about shes didnt know what backwards compatibility was. Im thinking WTF?????!!?!?!??! you work at a game store and don't know what certain terms mean???? Anyways the manager came out... ( old fat guy ) with glasses answers all my questions, upsells me for another controller as he hooked up the price and i was done. Just one example, however i believe i get eh point y'all trying to make. But to say all sales persons esp the women should be all fit and good looking seems a little bias and personal and yes discriminatory... Just think if someone was writing a post from a call center that your mom worked at or something and was fully describing your mom followed by eww grosse... hahaha maybe it has happened but you guys are hilarious thinking that the world would be better if they were all slim people or somthing... More so the first poster topic setter... Not bashing or anything and i agree with u that some people do let them selves go... but who are we to set limits and goals for these people.. think about it...what if they said oh people with the first names steve should get fired of reason stupid as you posted for fat people to get fired... kinda wierd huh?

Are you suggesting that fat people are more knowledgable about electronics than people who take care of their body? In this case, the manager clearly hasn't done his job properly. He knew enough to answer your questions, but he was likely too busy either A: eating B: playing video games or C: staring at the nice looking salesgirl's ass to train her properly. Certainly I'd never hire someone unqualified, but I understand how looks go hand in hand with professionalism.

Also, how can someone respect a fat slob? I know in the US almost everyone is a freaking whale, but in this part of the world, being a pig and not taking care of yourself hasn't quite been accepted as healthy, normal behavior yet.

I'm not saying anyone should get fired. I'm just saying that I understand why an employer would want someone fit - it shows that the person cares about themselves and is capable of discipline and self-control. Also, it's good for sales. Anyone who disputes this can take a look in a magazine and just count how many fatties they see in the advertisements.


Jun 11, 2007
Same reason all receptionists and nurses who have been working for a few years are OBESE really. They don't do anything all day but sit and eat (usually at the same time)

Applies to most jobs really. Look at firefighters, outside of large towns/out west, there's never any fires so they just sit around doing nothing but eating and getting fatter.

Not like it's limited to america though, pretty universal really.


New Member
Jan 29, 2008
Same reason all receptionists and nurses who have been working for a few years are OBESE really. They don't do anything all day but sit and eat (usually at the same time)

Applies to most jobs really. Look at firefighters, outside of large towns/out west, there's never any fires so they just sit around doing nothing but eating and getting fatter.

Not like it's limited to america though, pretty universal really.

I can tell you haven't been to Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand or China before.

Obesity is pretty universal in developped western countries though... it's just that the US is ground zero.


Jun 11, 2007
I can tell you haven't been to Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand or China before.

Obesity is pretty universal in developped western countries though... it's just that the US is ground zero.

Are you f'ing lying to yourself? Trying to spin that "Asians aren't fat, only western country's!!" type of crap?


Or did you go to some prefecture like Oita if you didn't see the masses of "westernized" young/teenagers who are chubby at best as far as "characterizations"..

Fuck, if you really want to be technical about this shit, look it up. Fucking obesity rates among asians are soaring with rates around 25%-40% of people being obese depending on which source you want to use, or how many countrys you want to group together (malaysia and japan skew that # much higher for example)

Partially because of their change to our "westernized foods" such as Mc Donalds, but also because of their much smaller body types. A "skinny asian" can easily be obese by the BMI standards because of their much shorter heights with much smaller frames.

Now, ignoring all that, and getting BACK TO THE LAST POINT it doesn't change the fact that UNIVERSALLY if people are personally lazy, or have a life/job that requires no activity, it's quite a bit more likely they will be obese..



New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I think you overreacted, cattz. I think what wudjamahuh was saying is, in Japan and the other countries listed, the typical OL is not obese nor is the typical firefighter.

Having never been to Japan myself, I can't speak for either side. I know what I've seen on TV would lead me to believe that wudjamahuh is correct, but what I've seen on TV is a bunch of Japanese models (e.g. Ito Misaki) playing the OLs and a bunch of slender young men playing the firefighters, so... yeah. Newsflash: TV doesn't depict reality! [/sarcasm] ^^;

Shrug. Give the guy a chance to clarify what he meant. I don't think he should have blasted you as having never been to Japan, but I also don't think he meant it as rudely as you took it.


New Member
Oct 31, 2007
I'm doing a little study stint over here in Japan at the moment and there are definitely much less fat people here than in America. That's not to say that it doesn't exist, but really, there's a world of difference in the numbers, especially where professional employment is concerned. Most of the chubbies I've seen are students or older men. A genuinely fat office woman is pretty rare, in my observation. Which is good, because I really dig that professional look. (*´Д`)ハァハァ


New Member
May 6, 2009
I don't consider buying something a social outting, myself, when I order a resturant I don't care what the chef is wearing unless it's made out of dead oranguatans. Considering no one sees anyone who works in a call center, I figure it doesn't matter.

As for me, I don't mind fat women, but I prefer "classy" fat women, if that makese sense. Not all fat women are those cackling cigarette smoking heifers I see hanging outside the store. Fat doesn't really matter as much as hygine.


New Member
Jan 29, 2008
Certainly didn't mean it in a rude manner, but I appologize if I offended.

Yes, Mc Donald's, among others, has successfully invaded. Obesity rates across the board in east Asia are rising, especially among children. But they get made fun of for it by their peers and sometimes even by their parents(ironically their parents are usually the ones to blame), and practices such as expecting a photo delivered with a resume are still very much mainstream.

If the obesity rate in Tokyo is 40%, a lot has changed in the last two years since I've been. I'm not saying the country is populated with nothing by stick-figures, but I'd say truly obese(in the western sense - taking up more than one seat on the bus, weighing over 250 pounds) people couldn't possibly account for more than 2% of the population. Overweight according to their BMI? Possibly. But to be overweight and to be obese are two completely different things.

Universally, lazy people do often gain weight. Yes, it's true. Getting back to my original point though, people out here in Taiwan generally have enough honor to keep it together and control themselves by eating appropriately and not turning into a balloon. In the west, it's accepted that being fat is normal and it's someone's 'life choice' that shouldn't be frowned upon by others. Here, people aren't so politically correct about it, which I think is a good thing in moderation. Seriously, I've got some overweight western friends here and they're just like elephants in an antfarm.. it's ridiculous and I feel so bad for them because of all the unwanted negative attention they get all the damn time, but on the other hand I think it's a great thing that people here on average actually care about their bodies.

Have you ever been to Buffalo, NY? What a sight!


New Member
Jan 29, 2008
It's because we're all different people who have different values, different priorities, different lifestyles and make different choices.

Some care about what they eat, others don't. Some exercise, others don't. Some people believe that caring about how you look is vain and immoral, so they intentionally seem to not give a fuck and they try to be fugly rebels.