

New Member
Dec 15, 2006

I browse Akiba frequently, I always start with "New Posts". I've noticed when I haven't visited for a few days that the page count always limits itself at 20 or 480 new posts since last logging on.

I know it can't be a coincidence, so is there an option to increase the limit and or what happens to the excess post? I've also tried to cut a few "Forums To Exclude From View" by removing the Jr. content but I still max-out and worry that I'm missing something.

Tough cheese? Or have I overlooked a really simple solution?

...and yes, I've realize the irony of this post adding to my problems.


New Member
May 24, 2008
I don't think so as there is a reason why they limit new posts to twenty as not to overload your bandwidth. Yes, it is a pain to have only twenty new posts but there is an easier option called browse and see...


New Member
Aug 21, 2008
if you havent been on for a while and there were more posts done then can be listed you can always go to the sections that have icons displaying they have new posts and work you way down the list determining which new ones you want to read. thats how I do it