pleaaaase heelp..


New Member
Jan 14, 2010
I have bought amembership at Hotfile so i can download avi´s.. B U T.. everytime i cant combine the stuff to one file.. I am ONLY able to see the first file?? what am i doing wrong.. I have tryid with many splitting/ joining programs awailible but it NEVER works pleassseeee help me freinds....:donotwant::perhaps::shiver::puzzled::destroy:
I don't claim to be an expert tech but

Take a deep breath and relax. Try scrolling down and viewing some of the threads that might already have an answer to this and other problems you might be facing. Here is one that might help:

* Most files are not split using "HJSplit". If they are, the uploader will usually say so. If this is the case, go to and download the free program and follow their easy instructions.

* It is, however, normal for a series to be split using zip, rar or some other format. If this is so then:

i. Download all files, as you have so far been doing

ii. Download and install 7-zip at (free program)

iii. Right-click on file #1 of the file series you want to unpack

iv. You will see several options. You want to highlight the 7-zip option.

v. You will then see several more sub-options. You want to select "extract here".

vi. The files will then consolidate into one file, which will be the decompressed original. If it gives you another compressed file, simply repeat the previous directions from i - v with the new file.

* However, and as you have apparently purchased a Premium account on Hotfile, the easiest way to download and consolidate files from Hotfile (and other sites) is to use JDownloader, which is available free of charge at

JDownloader will automatically recognise any links you highlight on your PC/the Internet, and can be set up for premium and non-premium accounts. It will do all of the work for you while you are away from your PC, and will also consolidate files through it's own 7-Zip add on. It also has an interface for Firefox and some other tricks.

It is incredibly easy. Good luck!
Thanks for the help guys.. but it is NOT packet files like i use to open with winrar or like that.. i have done that many many times...
It is when i download AVI files like 5 parts of a movie, i van ALWAYS only see the FIRST part... it makes me sooo saaad.... Thanks again freinds
is the file extension for all the parts the same?

Like, are they all .avi or is just the 1st part .avi and the rest are different?

I just bring this up because some joiners require the file or file extension to be named or numbered sequentially in order to work properly.

EDIT: Just had a quick follow up question. Do you mean that you download several .avi's which are all playable on their own, but when you join them the larger file only plays part 1 from the series of vids (despite it being as big as all the vids combined)?

I ran into a similar problem trying to join some mpeg files with hjsplit. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get around the problem. But if anybody is going to provide a solution, we'll need to narrow down all the variables.

EDIT #2: If they are files that play just fine on their own, the thread Ceewan linked to is dead on the money. elgringo suggests the use of AviDemux to join video pieces. The program is free, opensource, and looks to be pretty popular (I might have to give it a go too). If this is the situation, I'd say give AviDemux a shot.
i download all parts of avi´s and 1avi is palyable but others say no videotrack??
I have used Vlc, divx, windows mediaplayer, and tryid to open or join the avi´s with differen joiners, but when i have to join them and find them on the desktop they do not show?? WTF am i doing wrong, hehe.. sorry my launghe.. Thanks freinds
1 possible solution is to go into the control panel, open "folder settings", switch to "show" find the "Hide filetypenames for known filetypes" option, make sure that option is turned off. If that is option is turned on then windows will see .avi.001 files as mere .avi files.
JDownloader will automatically recognise any links you highlight on your PC/the Internet, and can be set up for premium and non-premium accounts. It will do all of the work for you while you are away from your PC, and will also consolidate files through it's own 7-Zip add on. It also has an interface for Firefox and some other tricks.

This, jdownload automatically joins split video files...
* Most files are not split using "HJSplit". If they are, the uploader will usually say so. If this is the case, go to and download the free program and follow their easy instructions.
Actually, if the first file plays but the rest don't, then the file has been split using a simple splitter such as HJSplit (or any other split/join program). Has nothing to do with whether or not the uploader says "HJSplit". Also, even if the file is not split using HJSplit (but instead split using a different program), it can still be joined using HJSplit.

Files that are archive-split (multi-part RAR or 7z) will not play at all without decompression; not even the first file.

Given that OP's first file does in fact play, the correct solution is in fact HJSplit (or any other split/join program, they all do the same thing). OP must make sure, however, that the files all end in .001, .002, .003, etc, and in the correct order.
Has nothing to do with whether or not the uploader says "HJSplit".

Thanks Guy, but you misinterpreted my advice, which was IF the file had been split in accordance with the method HJSplit you suggest, the uploader would usually have adhered to good practice and mentioned it. It appears that this was not so in this case.
if you downloaded the files from the link could you please...we'll give a better answer that way.