Hentai Games for Mac


Jan 9, 2009
Hello, I'm looking for Hentai Games that will run on Mac. Can somebody point me to the right direction? Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :please:
Oct 6, 2007
=P *can't tell if that is sarcasm or not*

but yes, macs can play games. just have no idea about hentai ones.

Yeah, it was sarcasm but there is truth to it. The Mac is a horrible machine for gaming, a wonderful machine for multimedia. I recommend you install Windows on your Mac (you can make it dual boot and choose your OS of choice) and then just play hentai games that way.

To my knowledge East Asia is pretty oblivious to Macs given their reliance on Internet Explorer. I know a handful of Korean and Japanese sites that don't work properly on Firefox even though it is the superior browser of the two. It's slim to nill that Japan would manufacture a game intended for a niche audience that is compatible with a computer that has an even smaller niche within it.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Obligatory "lol, Macs" post. (see attachment) Pretty relevant to this thread, too.

Most eroge are Windows-only, afaik, so I would think it necessary for you to run some sort of emulation software on your Mac. As for software which is written for the Mac from the outset, no clue, sorry.


New Member
Oct 14, 2009
Wait can a MAC even play Hentai games to begin with since the majority if not all Hentai games are on PC. Except Flash hentai games then sure.
Oct 6, 2007
Wait can a MAC even play Hentai games to begin with since the majority if not all Hentai games are on PC. Except Flash hentai games then sure.

That's were installing Windows to make your Mac a Dual OS system comes into play. Yes, a Mac can dual boot and have Windows on it.


New Member
Oct 14, 2009
That's were installing Windows to make your Mac a Dual OS system comes into play. Yes, a Mac can dual boot and have Windows on it.

Oh yeah forgot about that. You can install both on the Mac. but why play on a Mac lol. The upside to a Mac is that they're good for like Video Editing and what not. And it's freakishly expensive for one too.
Oct 6, 2007
Oh yeah forgot about that. You can install both on the Mac. but why play on a Mac lol. The upside to a Mac is that they're good for like Video Editing and what not. And it's freakishly expensive for one too.

We all know that but unfortunately this is the OPs predicament


New Member
Mar 30, 2010
have you heard of vmware fusion?, you should be able to play *most* hentai games made for PC on a mac, even a few older 3d ones.., vmware fusion is only for macs and has directx 9.1C + shader model 2 support. so can support many even modern games..

on a linux machine i used VMware player and figured out how to make my own blank hard disk from files i downloaded, loaded my windows xp cd booted the virtual machine, installed windows XP sp2, japanese localization, did a few tricks to get directx9b to work and i could play in full screen like i was still on a XP machine. I could even let it only use 1 of my cpu cores.