H-game/anime seiyuu/voice actress look like


Mar 22, 2008
have you ever wondered how your favorite H-games or H-animes seiyuu look like ?:lols:

while I have to admit that most of them got really sexy voices that send shivers to the spine but sometimes reality shreds you to pieces :evillaugh:
the lady in the fourth line fifth column in the picture I posted would simply crushed the competition :frozen:

I wonder if any of these seiyuus got to fill aya and natsume from soramizu nyahaha, but seriously they are much better than I expected because most of these girls are decent :XD: (come to think of it I once suspected they are much worse:dies2:)

and which of these girls that you'd wanted to fill the voices of a spesific characters in H-anime/game ? (state the name and series)


Jun 11, 2007
Most seiyuu's are fairly cute really. Not that surprising.

A lot of them are cute, know it, and try to use seiyuu work to springboard them into other stuff like singing and roles in t.v./films.