Exclusive Uploaders


Jul 23, 2008
But it would be okay to repost, torrent or upload an "Exclusive Uploader" share without his, (or her), permission....as long as we do it at another forum. Otherwise, I take it we need a permission slip. Okay, I can handle that. I mean as long as I know the rules of the game. Since we repost from other forums at this board certainly there can be no law against reposting from here to other boards.


Outside Context Problem
Sep 23, 2007
Surely guys like illu-kun and Kaleb (to name a couple!) are more than worthy of this title!!


Too Much Too Soon
Jul 11, 2010
Nice of you to say, but I certainly don't fit the definition -- all I up are re-encodes. Now if the mods ever decide there should be an "Exclusive Horny Idiots" group they can sign me up.


Akiba Citizen
Oct 9, 2007
Surely guys like illu-kun and Kaleb (to name a couple!) are more than worthy of this title!!

Thanks for the vote bro, but I don't really want exclusivity. I don't mind anyone re-posting, re-torrenting, or uploading my posts here or in other forums.

Who: The usergroup is for people that have a solid history of uploading videos that aren't pirated anywhere else, including torrent/DDL forums and P2P. Re-encodes don't count. Not all of their uploads have to be 'exclusive', of course. But there does have to be a history. Obviously this is a judgement call the staff has to make on a case-by-case basis. Some cases are easy to determine (akiva), others not so much. It helps if the applicant picks out as many specific cases where they were "first on the scene" from their post history as possible.

The first on the scene how please. My issue is still with a user being given exclusive uploader title given 80% of his posts are reposts or pulled from share. To Kaleb's point, should anyone be reprimanded for torrenting or uploading the same content?

I happen to have all his Shibuyashoten posts (obtained through share before he posted), just haven't gotten around to posting some, and didn't feel some were worth torrenting.:joker:


Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2007
My issue is still with a user being given exclusive uploader title given 80% of his posts are reposts or pulled from share. To Kaleb's point, should anyone be reprimanded for torrenting or uploading the same content?

I know who are you talking about, bro. If you don't mind, do let me explain this to you.

Yes, as you said, 80% of his stuff are reposts or pulled from SHARE. However, the other 20% is definitely new to us and they were surely posted by him in the first place. We can't deny that effort. Of course, it's no way we could compare him with those great posters such as akiva, takeshi and mm6eri. But still, he does post some rare new stuff daily (in term of DDL), that contribution alone already top over a lot of other reposters whose sources are came from the torrent and DDL. So I think he deserves for the title. It's an encouragement.

As for the torrent section, we do consider about it and we may implement the "exclusive uploader" system as well on it. As the matter of fact, when the mods were discussing about the "exclusive uploader" for the torrent section, your name is the first one I could think of, bro. LOL. However, currently the mods are concentrating on DDL section with full force, so we don't have time to plan anything for the torrent section yet. May be in the future. We don't know. But for sure, we will let everyone know if we have new plan for the torrent contributors.


Sep 7, 2008
Should I report a user who re-up files/video from an ex EU and, an current EU, even if the original links are dead?


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
Should I report a user who re-up files/video from an ex EU and, an current EU, even if the original links are dead?

I have been thinking about this one, at the moment I am looking into this, yes you may report them,


Sep 7, 2008
Dead links cannot be considered for double posting, whoever posted them in the first place.
yes, but lately after MU scandal lots of links are dead and I don't want to see other members take the advantage of this situation , besides the original poster (EU) are still active, they just need time to re-up the files by themself.


Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2007
yes, but lately after MU scandal lots of links are dead and I don't want to see other members take the advantage of this situation , besides the original poster (EU) are still active, they just need time to re-up the files by themself.

Sorry to say...Nope. They won't. Currently they might still consider whether they should continue to contribute in the future. So re-up the old files would hardly be an option for them.


Survived to Japan
Super Moderator
Apr 28, 2008
yes, but lately after MU scandal lots of links are dead and I don't want to see other members take the advantage of this situation , besides the original poster (EU) are still active, they just need time to re-up the files by themself.

In some sense you're right, but there is just too much to be reuploaded. And as ryuuga said, many exclusive are not interested in reposting their stuff, or gave up posting at all. For example I haven't seen anything from akiva since a while...

In the end we could consider the word "exclusive", as something which has a duration. But nothing is really decided on our side.


Mar 10, 2012
Though I respect someone's wish to not redistribute it's a pretty futile stance to hold. Look how much money MPAA/RIAA spent on trying to do so.

Within akiba though it's worthwhile to discourage taking credit for someone else's release.