Download problems with


Akiba Citizen
Jun 20, 2007
When Ryushare went down, I switched file hosts to uploadable, but have experienced some problems:

First- if trying to download several movies at a time, eventually will get a message saying" waiting for available socket" Sometimes it will give me the the next file-other times I have to switch to a different browser to finish the download. Even with multiple browsers, uploadable will stop downloading and force you to wait for that next socket. I emailed their support-but no reply. Never had this problem with Ryushare, DepositFiles, NovaFile, etc. I could download in succession, and downloads would never hang up.

Secondly- even when all files have downloaded, often one of them will not download completely- when I extract with Zipeg, it will crash and the problem is one or more files did not download completely even though the browser indicated the download was complete.

Sorry so wordy- I have a MacBook Pro with a 2.8 GHZ processor and a 54 MB download speed. Any help would be much appreciated.