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  1. newsn

    Question about seeding.

    Alright so to be honest I'm quite the noob when it comes to understanding how all this torrent, seeding, ect. works which brings me to my question. Is there a way to seed torrents and hide your ip or isp? I'd really like to seed more of my downloads but I'm worried about getting in trouble for...
  2. newsn

    Rumbling Hearts and Shuffle!

    So I just finished both Rumbling Hearts and Shuffle! and really liked them. Does anyone know of any good animes similar to these? As always suggestions will be appreciated :chinesenewyearm:.
  3. newsn

    Chat room or box for the site.

    I'd love to see some kind of chat room on this site. From my experince in the forum I feel that the members of Akiba have a lot to say and socialize quite a bit in the threads. It seems only right then judging from this that we should have some kind of chat room to socialize with other...
  4. newsn

    [IDed] 50% 松嶋れいな Reina Matsushima & ???

    Can anyone ID these two? I know the one on the right was in a thread on here but her name was in Japanese so I couldn't read it. As always any help would be appreciated :chinesenewyearm: While they're both very attractive I highly doubt that we'll be able to find out who they are. You'll...
  5. newsn

    Question about torrent files.

    I was always wondering what exactly are the packaging files that are shown when you first open a torrent file and begin downloading it? I've been curious to know whether or not all this time I've needed them with my video download or if their just a waste of space. As always any help would be...
  6. newsn

    Maria Ozawa uncensored.

    Does anyone know if the Maria Ozawa uncensored video has been released yet? If so is it on DVD or where can I find it, get back to me and as always it's appreciated :goodboy:.
  7. newsn

    Questions about and opinions on the Metal Gear Gunmetal PS3.

    I know not everyone here is from the states like me so for those of you who already own the limited edition Metal Gear Gunmetal PS3 or are thinking of buying one what are your thoughts? I already own...
  8. newsn

    What are dvdiso files?

    What are dvdiso files and how or what program can I use to view them? :dunno: