My JAV posters on my Twitter account.


Dec 24, 2012
Hey everybody
If any of you guys want to check out my JAV posters you can view them on my Twitter account


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Maybe you can write a little bit more about the purpose of that twitter account of yours. What kind of posters are these?


Dec 24, 2012
Maybe you can write a little bit more about the purpose of that twitter account of yours. What kind of posters are these?

It's an account where I post my Japanese adult video posters and other things JAV related. The posters are mostly promotional a lot of them being front covers of their movies.
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Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Momoka Nishina? :eek: That must have been 2 years or more ago, right? As she retired a while ago.

Somehow I get the impression you're in Japan more often. And each time you meet some JAV actresses. :eek:

Maybe you can tell us a little bit more how these actresses are in normal life. I mean outside the movies. Of course you also met / saw them for a short time. But it would be still interesting to hear what kind of impression you have about them. :)
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Dec 24, 2012
Sadly I haven't meet Momoka Nishina, I bought both of them off a guy in Japan. In some stores they combine a signed polaroid with their dvd. I've been to Japan twice and planning my next trip sometime in 2015 or 2016 at the latest. I have to say all the Idols I meet seemed very happy to see a white westerner at their event (I was the only one there lol). I can't speak Japanese but luckily there were people there who could speak English who I would speak through.
To get a ticket to an event you have to buy at least 1 dvd from the studio who is organizing it. On the ticket there is 3 spaces for a stamp. 1 dvd gets you 1 stamp.
1 Stamp - Group shot (group of 3's take pics)
2 Stamp - Solo Shot (just you taking pictures of her)
3 Stamp - You + Her (get a picture taken with her)
A handshake and an autograph is included in all of these.

BUT!!! some events wont let you use your phones to take pictures??? I unfortunately found this out at the Hana Haruna event.

Yuria Satomi was gorgeous and did a double take when she noticed me standing there amongst a bunch of Japanese people, she gave me a big smile, waved at me and said 'Hello' I only had 1 stamp as I didn't know the rules so I got to take pictures of Yuria for about a minute. Then after the group photo I went up to the table to meet Yuria and get my autograph and handshake. Again she was gorgeous her beautiful eyes staring up at me. I apologize that I couldn't speak Japanese (thankfully there was a guy next to me who could speak English) and she asked me where I was from. I said I'm originally from the UK to which she beamed a smile and said 'THE UK" then I told her that I now live in Canada and she went "CANADA" by this time my knees were shaking. She then motioned to her hair and mine which I said "we both have the same hair style" and we all laughed. Then she asked how I know of her and I said through AV and Onegai! Muscat. She handed me my card, shook my hand and I left knees still shaking.

Hana Haruna, when I saw her my immediate thought was "WOAH HER TITS ARE BIG" lol. Luckily the same event organizers were there to help us talk to each other. I only got 1 stamp because you had to buy dvds from that company and there wasn't any that interested me (Hana Haruna only had one dvd out with this company) When it came to the group photo the event organizer who was at the Yuria event said I couldn't use my phone for pictures and if I had a camera. I said no and explained that I take all my photos on my phone.
He then said that he will take one polaroid for me which I thanked him for. Again as soon as Hana saw me she let out a big gasp and ran over to the table (her boobs bouncing like crazy lol) Hana asked my name in broken English (bless her she tried speaking English to me even asking me how to write out Thank You and I Love You) then I showed her my posters I have of her and she was very pleased and thanked me and I told her she was one of my favourite JAV Idols which she smiled and blushed at. Said our goodbyes shook hands and left.

Now this is one I was hoping for when I booked my ticket in March...... An Anri Okita and a Hitomi event. Luckily I booked an extra 2 days (leave on the 26th of October) and a few weeks before I was going to Japan BOOM I see that they were both doing an event together :) but it was on the 26th :(

Now my flight was at 4.10pm at Narita and its about 40-50 mins from Tokyo and this event started at 12:30pm after a couple of hours there is a break and you come back at 5:30pm. Unlike the other events this was an all day kind of event, it was a completely different setup than the other events. I turned up at M'studio 2 hours early and was the first one there.
As I was waiting and close to the start time I heard a familiar voice and I turned my head and there was Anri Okita talking to someone in the line. She went down the line with a quick greeting and when she got to me I said "Hello and she replied "Hello" back. Then a few minutes later Hitomi comes walking in and does the same thing then flashes a cheeky smile at me when she sees me. We all get lead into a big room with a bunch of chairs and we all sit down. Eventually Anri and Hitomi come out and say a few words then one by one each row get up and have a minute to take pictures. Again I weren't allowed to use my phone so I bought a disposable camera (which took awful pictures)
I got three stamps but because of time I couldn't get my pictures with these beautiful ladies until 5:30pm :( so I only managed to get the standard group photo. After every one took their photo I went up to Hitomi who spoke a bit of English to me. She asked me what my name was and I said "Ben" she didn't catch it so Anri said "his name is Ben" I told her i've been a fan since her debut, she smiled shook my hand and thanked me then I went to Anri and she can speak perfect English. She thanked me for coming and asked where in England I lived, then I asked her where she grew up in England and she told me Birmingham then I told her I moved to Canada to which she asked me how do I like it compared to England. Then we shook hands and said our goodbyes I was absolutely gutted I couldn't stay to get my personal photo with them (at the other events you get your personal picture after the group/solo photos) so I went straight to Narita.

Girls I missed either because they were at the same date/time/different place.

Aimi Yoshikawa
Ai Sayama
Ran Niiyama
Rina Rukawa

and many more girls that I didn't know who they were. Sadly Akiho Yoshizawa and Meguri were in Osaka.
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Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Wow!!! :eek: Thanks for the long post, Brituk87. :)
Can't wait for report of your next trip. :D


Akiba Citizen
Oct 30, 2007
Wow! I had no idea Anri Okita was a brummie! :eek: Going to have to see some of her vids to see if she still has the accent. Do you know any of her movies in which she speaks in english?
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Dec 24, 2012
Anri doesn't have a Brummie accent. There are a few movies where she speaks English but can't think of the the names right now. You can find videos on YouTube, her Instagram and Twitter account where she speaks English.
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Akiba Citizen
Oct 30, 2007
Anri doesn't have a Brummie accent. There are a few movies where she speaks English but can't think of the the names right now. You can find videos on YouTube, her Instagram and Twitter account where she speaks English.

Big thanks for the suggestion, went to youtube and found this awesome interview :

Her accent seems more american then anything else so perhaps she was born in England but moved soon after which is why she has no hint of a brummie accent or maybe she just changed it after going back to Japan. Whatever the reason for the accent it was great to hear her speaking English, and now i just need to track down those Jav videos of her speaking English, although even if i don't find them it will be time well spent ;).

edit; Just found this, simply awesome :
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Dec 24, 2012
Her accent seems like a mix. There are times where she sounds English by the way she pronounces certain words (notice how she says water) and there are other times where it sounds like an American accent.
Yes that clip you posted was the movie I was thinking of and strangely the way she pronounces 'Bum' in it sounds like a Brummie accent lol.


New Member
May 7, 2010
Love your posters and story Brituk87! :)
May I ask how you obtain the poster?

I am heading to Osaka in Dec and is there some store in Japan that I can purchase them?

I so luv to get some to hang them in my man cave. :p