It's probably worth poking my face in to say a piece, as admin here and ex-(a long long, damn long time ago)-admin at scanlover forum.
I have a lot of love for Scanlover forum, and it's pretty fair to say that without Scanlover there may not even be an Akiba-Online (at least not as we know it).
It's a shame to see it shutter. In a lot of respects, scanlover forum is a sister site, and both forums share a lot of members, including past and current staff.
Naturally, we welcome with open arms anyone who wants to try to build a community here from Scanlover.
There's a home for you here if you want it.
Keep in mind though, the two forums are similar, but not the same. Akiba has, over the years, become popular for direct-download links (and they pay the server bills) which can sometimes be a little overwhelming - but akiba has always maintained its community aspect.
I appreciate that people who come from another forum have certain expectations, Well-founded and well-explained ideas on how to improve akiba will always be considered, if not acted upon for one reason or another. Generally speaking though, if there is enough demand for a change, and it's sensible, then it can happen. If it's just content you want, and what you're looking for falls within the limits of the site's rules, I've always been keen on the old saying: Be the change you want to see. i.e. post it yourself!
As for the possibility of merging some of what Scanlover has into akiba, it's an interesting idea. Longer-time members may recall a time when we migrated an entire section of Scanlover forum (Jr Idol Club) to Akiba, but that wasn't done with a database dump - although it was considered - due to the general headache that posed. In the end, we created the subforums, and members just manually copied over threads and posts.