Why do Japanese Girls travel so much??


New Member
Nov 27, 2008
This is a serious question.

Everytime i meet japanese in america, they always tell me they're going to travel to some other city, then to hawaii for 1 week etc.

As if already coming to USA mainland wasn't enough.

Are japanese girls just rich???

If i went to Japan, i wouldn't jump to France and back like it's nothing.


Old Member ;o)
Dec 16, 2009

This is (possibly) a non-serious answer. :)

... perhaps they've heard us "Gwailo's" are more handsome,
more intelligent, and ...bigger... than Japanese men ???...

/Well, having watched a "Certain" amount of Porn I would
say that last comment seems true ;p

But I don't think you can equate a "Race" as "Travellers",
as such ... (you might just meet Women of Taste who
want more than the usa can offer) ?!?! :)


Master of Space and Time
Dec 6, 2009
They also come to Spain... But always with their families!! Never alone!!


Jun 25, 2009
looks like only old japanese ladies like to come here in Italy :(


New Member
Nov 27, 2008
And you know what they always tell me??

When i ask them, "It seems japanese travel alot" They say "Yah cause we are an island nation, you know"

Well being an island nation doesn't mean nothing. I'm from my own island( My city) and i never travel, so it's like i'm from an island. That doesn't make me want to travel.

Hehehe. well anyways, it's kind of interesting


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
This has already been covered.

As if... coming to USA mainland wasn't enough.
And this is why you are still such a loser, you douche-bag ethno-centric prick.

Japanese girls (and guys) travel so much because they can afford to.

Finish high school (live at home)
Go to university and often take a part-time job (live at home)
Finish university (live at home)
Work at a job (live at home)
Get engaged (live at home)
Get married (move away)

Notice a trend? How many years worth of rent does someone save when they DON'T pay rent for about ten years? Rent in Japan is an average of 80,000 yen per month for a cheap place. Lets figure it out, shall we?

80,000 yen X 12 = ¥960,000
960,000 yen X 10 years = ¥9,600,000

That is a hell of a lot of disposable income, mate. That is considering -if- the person ONLY makes enough money per month to cover the average rent.

Hence why Japanese travel so much, plus its cheap as hell to fly from here. I can fly to SanFran for $224 USD, to HK for $96 and to Spain for about $500

Ceiling Cat

Oct 25, 2008
^^ Very true. A lot of my friends come to Hawaii three or four times a year-- there's no way I could afford to do that, but then again, I pay my own rent (I help offset their expenses by letting them stay at my place-- see? I'm a decent guy!). I passed the DFS currency exchange counter yesterday, and it's up to 91円 to our dollar. I would cash in mine from my last trip so I can scrape together a lousy profit, but I keep it locked away with my passport in case I ever have to leave the country. I thought I was hot shit when I got my JCB card, but everyone in Japan has Visa now... but back on topic:

josolopSon3, believe it or not, there is something that you actually do have in common with these Japanese (and the occasional Korean, but you just couldn't tell) hotties that you fap over-- both of you still live at home. They're called parasite-singles; they blow their money on LV bags and-- no matter how skinny they are-- can manage to afford (and finish) an expensive appetizer/entree/dessert combo-- and if you don't believe it, well, they will always have pics of the aforementioned dining experience as proof.

Unless you have a great job with lots on income, stick with that female-Ranma that you've got ironed-on to your body pillow. Despite the fact that the bubble has burst in Japan, a lot of these girls still seem to have it in their heads that, no matter what the cost-of-living in your area is (and believe me, Hawaii is fcukin' up there!), once they marry you, they will quit working and simply stay at home to make cute little aisai-bento while you slave away at work.

Even if you do get her to work part-time, that will evaporate the moment her pregnancy test comes back positive (expect her to say something along the lines of, "I have to quit my job to concentrate on having a healthy pregnancy").

Still want to marry a Japanese girl? Consider this: you will have to sell your entire anime DVD/lolicon figurine/JAV collection. Pillow female-Ranma would never make you do that...


Dec 22, 2009
This is a serious question.

Everytime i meet japanese in america, they always tell me they're going to travel to some other city, then to hawaii for 1 week etc.

As if already coming to USA mainland wasn't enough.

Are japanese girls just rich???

If i went to Japan, i wouldn't jump to France and back like it's nothing.


Instead of rattling on about why some people manage to travel more, why not get yourself a decent job, that offers a real salary, requiring true talent?
Perhaps, only then will you be able to get out and see a little more!!

...Unless, of course you'd prefer to stay in your little island city.


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
Double kudos to anyone who gets that reference.


New Member
Oct 7, 2007


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007


New Member
Oct 7, 2007


New Member
Nov 19, 2009
Japanese tourists/girls also lack "common sense".

like places that they shouldn't be in the first place.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Mexico City, Cape Town etc

I remember a girl wo wanted to travel to Tunisia alone...

or a student guy who wante to hitchhike in Somalia.....

I always wondered if he wanted to join Al-Quaeda...


Jun 25, 2009
Mexico City, Cape Town etc

I remember a girl wo wanted to travel to Tunisia alone...

i agree with the other places i haven't quoted (there are fkn wars in there!), but what's wrong with these? Tunisia??? it's a paradise

try Naples if you want to feel like Jason Bourne :coldsweat:


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
japanese girls are notorious for experiencing the world. so if you meet one in another country all you have to do is ask


Dec 22, 2009
Japanese tourists/girls also lack "common sense".

like places that they shouldn't be in the first place.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Mexico City, Cape Town etc

I remember a girl wo wanted to travel to Tunisia alone...

or a student guy who wante to hitchhike in Somalia.....

I always wondered if he wanted to join Al-Quaeda...

Japan is such a peaceful country compared to the others
some don't imagine the risk of visiting those countries... :victim:


New Member
Mar 11, 2008
Huh? It's not just japanese girls. Almost all girls wants to travel... I think it's time you met a girl :p