Which film starring Hitomi enjoji ?


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
I took a look myself, but without success. I have a feeling she may have been uncredited and R18 did not connect their probable movie listing with her. The more comprehensive Sougouwiki would be a better place to sort through, for preview clues.

I've enjoyed Hitomi Enjoh for a long time, since I saw her in a mother-daughter movie that served as a primary reason for me to begin the Good, Bad, Ugly and Tubby thread, which turned out to be [NSPS-097]. I see she has been extremely active of late, bless her heart.

I'm looking forward to the identity of this flick myself; I don't care for romantic incest fare, but here (and I'm only presuming this is incest, by writing "son") the son (played by Sleazy) comes across as pretty disrespectful. I think Electromog or one of our wonderful and amazing experts may not have trouble pinning the movie down.

I can see you rarely speak up, Rozzo, but you have been such a lo-oo-ong time member (congratulations!) surely you must have been aware that the I.D. questions belong to this other section. Next time, make a note!



Akiba Citizen
Dec 7, 2009
The scene is in FABS-008 but that's a collection, so not the original source. It does show it's a FA-Pro movie directed by ヘンリー塚本.
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Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Too bad the secret to the ways Electromog works his miracles is locked away in the Coca Cola vault. Thank you for spending your time on this.

The way the rest of us lunkheads try to pin a movie down (usually by going through the previews in DMM/R18) sometimes works, although the time spent can be enormous. But what about the times you spend going through everything and the giveaway frame(s) don't come up? This one is over a four-hour compilation, so the odds of the telltale frame(s) coming up become less... but in this case there was not a clue. Even regular screen shots could be a miss, and even more detailed screen shots ... well, you could miss it, if you don't look carefully enough.

And what about the original movie? I looked through the Hitomi Enjoh FA-Pro'ers (I'm sure E.M. dug more deeply, too), and I don't think it was listed (at R18). Next step would be to go through the relevant possibilities at a more comprehensive reference site. Pretty frustrating.




New Member
Jun 9, 2009
Sorry to post on the wrong section. Thanks for your replies, I have also searched R18 but with no success. Anyway thanks for the FABS - 008.


Akiba Citizen
Dec 7, 2009
It took some searching but I finally found it. FAD-1741. You can even see a picture of the kitchen table sex scene on the back of the cover.
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Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
And it looks like R18 does not even list it; when I searched for the movie at DMM (in my preferred "Mono" section), it only came about in their "Rental" section, which did not contain preview photographs.

However way you found this, Electromog, you must have looked through untraditional sources. You deserve the greatest credit for not only your deep digging, but for not giving up, and for having kept going. You're really one-of-a-kind.

Ironically, it turned out I had this one, and the painless download link is still working. So, Rozzo, if you return to your thread, you will now have an easy way of getting the complete works.
