The most disgusting JAV? (Just so personal)


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2008
I think, just from where I’m sitting, the worst disgusting:victim: AV is this; [V&R]SAS-032 史上最高 大食糞.

I have a steel-like nerve(just in watching, not in acting), so I have never ever puked, shrinked, or been surprised watching all kinds of movies, even though it is a gore, horror, disgusting, etc.

For example, I was able to eat fried chicken sauced with yellow mustard and drink yellow-colored tea, watching the ill-famous scene, shit dinner party of 'Salo O Le 120 Giornate Di Sodomaa'.:miserable:
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Just to eat different kinds of feces or bug such as shit, earthworm, or cockroach is not the reason to be awarded, but the hard-to-watch and alien-like outlook(including body) of the actress is the actual fuel for me to put this film on the winner’s podium, which is not that honorable. :)warning2: - No Pregnant woman, Old and Weak!)

At least, she is "shock and awe" for me.

Images attached below are all I made. (not produce each movie, just capture and edit)

V&R was(is?) infamous for releasing not-ordinary adult videos. Interested, would you visit here(

If you believe you’re an ordinary(?) person who has normal(?) taste for this and the likes of it, it’ll be better for you not to go there. Disregarding my concern and visiting there, don’t pelt me with a stone, please.

The page is more convenient to browse videos that have been released and popular than V&R official homepage, I think.

Watching this movie, you’ll be able to find out yourself begin to feel Haruhi Ibuki is so pretty.:petrfied:

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Personally, purely personally I don’t dislike Haruhi, but not like her.

Mook and Poo of Sweetmook and Kinkythai, too.
They are all Thai, South-East Asian, so I didn’t write anything specific about them in this post.:donotwant: