Slimedog's Lesbian JAV (no ID request allowed)


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2013


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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2013
[QU-09D] レ・Zu・ビアン(9)

[QU-09D] レ・Zu・ビアン(9)




Grand Wizard
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Super Moderator
May 10, 2009
Just posted my encode of [post=2494207]LZKW-001[/post], for those interested, in the lezule thread:
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kof orochi 97

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
Thanks poppey6628 and SamKook for [QU-06] レ ズ ビアン6 , LZKW-001 Awesome movies!! :bigthumbs:


pretty girl lover
Aug 11, 2012


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Grand Wizard
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May 10, 2009
The thread is going through a major cleanup since yesterday, like the LADY thread was which is now down to only 20 pages.
No dead links are safe.
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Nutcase on the loose
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Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
Was there a major removal of posts over past three days?

not over the last 3 days, only started about 20 hours ago, was too tired to finish, and as there maybe up to a possible 10.000 posts on this thread, it will take some time to complete,

I have removed a lot of dead links by editing posts, which does take a long time to do, and removing a lot of the chit chat, which is not valid now, the posts that Slimdog with codes are still there as a reference to what has been posted, if time permits, I may try and merge them all, it is easy to see where I got up to.

I hope you will find the hunting for valid links easier as time goes on

one last point possibly renaming the thread as Super Awesome Lesbian Thread
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pretty girl lover
Aug 11, 2012


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Jun 16, 2012
not over the last 3 days, only started about 20 hours ago, was too tired to finish, and as there maybe up to a possible 10.000 posts on this thread, it will take some time to complete,

I have removed a lot of dead links by editing posts, which does take a long time to do, and removing a lot of the chit chat, which is not valid now, the posts that Slimdog with codes are still there as a reference to what has been posted, if time permits, I may try and merge them all, it is easy to see where I got up to.

I hope you will find the hunting for valid links easier as time goes on

one last point possibly renaming the thread as Super Awesome Lesbian Thread

Uhm excuse me what do you mean with chit chat not being valid now..?


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
Uhm excuse me what do you mean with chit chat not being valid now..?

after you have read this, it is no longer valid,

re-ups, faults, links dead, and stupid things in retaliation to some remarks to bratzboy, (as he is no longer with us, so these posts are not valid)
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Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
after you have read this, it is no longer valid,

re-ups, /QUOTE] ???????? We are not supposed to do re-ups ?!

you missed the point, this thread was started nearly five years ago, so when a re-up was posted, it was fine then, but now that post is no longer valid, and now we know, every post that has dead links, somebody will want a re-up,

and again as soon as this read it is no longer valid, and when I starting getting up to date, this will be moved, because nobody is interested in it, (it is possible a lot will be saying this is pointless now,, and wanting it deleted)

I hope this helps


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
"Postcards from the Edgier" was prepared for our fellow Slimedoggers. Someone had a problem with it, and it has been moved here.
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レズ(Rezu)-JAV Collector
Jul 28, 2009
"Postcards from the Edgier" was prepared for our fellow Slimedoggers. Someone had a problem with it, and it has been moved here.

CRPD-072 is clearly not a レズ title as you can clearly see on thumbnails at dmm or at you link ( the 4th picture in the upper right corner), hairy legs (ewww, even though I have them too :p).
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Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
You must find it in your heart to forgive me. I felt it would be fascinating for our fellow lesbian JAV lovers to be made aware of some very unknown fare. We are not even talking about a download offering, where a minor but unwelcome surprise would be awaiting after our trouble - simply a reference for not one, but a total of some thirty movies. Since the idea focused on how unknown these movies are, certainly I did not, or could not, study each and every one. Coincidentally, however, I did open up that very DMM page for CRPD-072, and all I saw were girls, girls, and more girls. I can see now that all the way down, in the seventeenth picture of the screen shots, an unwelcome interloper has pulled, what to me, was a surprise appearance. The awfulness continues for eight frames, out of forty frames. So CRPD-072 turns out to be 80% lesbian, which should not take away from its lesbian-ness for most of us - and if you add the nearly thirty other movies that were mentioned... all presumably 100% lesbian... we are talking about a transgression of - what tiny fraction does that work out to be?

Yes, I can see this was a terrible outrage, worthy of killing the whole post, which took some time to prepare, in the hopes that our fellow members would be informed, and entertained. I am ashamed for thinking that such an unforgivable transgression would be to the level that people could not handle, had I known the fare was not 100% pure.

Not that I don't understand entirely - we love women so much, sometimes we don't want to allow for the existence of that other variety. But then I selfishly shift this pattern of thinking, because if that were the case, I would be dead.

Regarding the passionate post that follows, of course banishing a post to a never-never land is tantamount to killing it; I would hope the majority does not feel such censorship would be the deserved fate of simply mentioning a movie with 80% lesbian content, as only one of many other lesbian movies mentioned. And if we may focus on just that one one-thirtieth or so, who is anyone to say an almost entirely lesbian movie would be "irrelevant" to the lesbian JAV lover? Why such overreactions to real or imagined "Het Offensives" with no tolerance to entrust others to bypass unwanted segments of a film, if downloaded... or even to just learn about a movie, as in this case. Such a level of thought policing is extremely disturbing.

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レズ JAV's only!
Staff member
Nov 4, 2011
You must find it in your heart to forgive me. I felt it would be fascinating for our fellow lesbian JAV lovers to be made aware of some very unknown fare. We are not even talking about a download offering, where a minor but unwelcome surprise would be awaiting after our trouble - simply a reference for not one, but a total of some thirty movies. Since the idea focused on how unknown these movies are, certainly I did not, or could not, study each and every one. Coincidentally, however, I did open up that very DMM page for CRPD-072, and all I saw were girls, girls, and more girls. I can see now that all the way down, in the seventeenth picture of the screen shots, an unwelcome interloper has pulled, what to me, was a surprise appearance. The awfulness continues for eight frames, out of forty frames. So CRPD-072 turns out to be 80% lesbian, which should not take away from its lesbian-ness for most of us - and if you add the nearly thirty other movies that were mentioned... all presumably 100% lesbian... we are talking about a transgression of - what tiny fraction does that work out to be?

Yes, I can see this was a terrible outrage, worthy of killing the whole post, which took some time to prepare, in the hopes that our fellow members would be informed, and entertained. I am ashamed for thinking that such an unforgivable transgression would be to the level that people could not handle, had I known the fare was not 100% pure.

Not that I don't understand entirely - we love women so much, sometimes we don't want to allow for the existence of that other variety. But then I selfishly shift this pattern of thinking, because if that were the case, I would be dead.


Well your work didn't go to waste since it just got removed but all in all the fact is that if there is a guy in a movie, it doesn't matter if it's for just one scene or for 3 out 4 scenes, a guy in a movie is a hetero scene, which makes the movie irrelevant for this thread. Even if it's just a reminder or a request, becuase after all this thread is still a "lesbian" thread and not a "almost only lesbian" or a "half lesbian" thread.
Plus almost everyone here, including me of course, come here for lesbian jav's only and that's not the case for the crpd one. As i said: The length doesn't matter, because het is het.

To quickly reply to your Edit: I already said it: That movie is irrelevant. As i said: This thread is a lesbian thrad, meaning women only. And i'm gonna repeat myself again: No matter how long a hetero scene is, a hetero scene is still a hetero scene, so it's not supposed to be posted or mentioned here. Yes, the movie might be 80% lesbian, but there you go: It's 80% and not 100% and that's the problem. Plus the crpd one has a full hetero scene at the end. And even if you would bypass it, the hetero scene is still in there. And some (if not all) in this thread don't want to see hetero scenes. Simple as that
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Grand Wizard
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Super Moderator
May 10, 2009
Uhm excuse me what do you mean with chit chat not being valid now..?

???????? We are not supposed to do re-ups ?!

All of what coolkevin said only concerns old post(that are not relevant anymore), not new ones so nothing has changed for you all and how you post stuff here.
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レズ(Rezu)-JAV Collector
Jul 28, 2009
You must find it in your heart to forgive me. I felt it would be fascinating for our fellow lesbian JAV lovers to be made aware of some very unknown fare. We are not even talking about a download offering, where a minor but unwelcome surprise would be awaiting after our trouble - simply a reference for not one, but a total of some thirty movies. Since the idea focused on how unknown these movies are, certainly I did not, or could not, study each and every one. Coincidentally, however, I did open up that very DMM page for CRPD-072, and all I saw were girls, girls, and more girls. I can see now that all the way down, in the seventeenth picture of the screen shots, an unwelcome interloper has pulled, what to me, was a surprise appearance. The awfulness continues for eight frames, out of forty frames. So CRPD-072 turns out to be 80% lesbian, which should not take away from its lesbian-ness for most of us - and if you add the nearly thirty other movies that were mentioned... all presumably 100% lesbian... we are talking about a transgression of - what tiny fraction does that work out to be?

Yes, I can see this was a terrible outrage, worthy of killing the whole post, which took some time to prepare, in the hopes that our fellow members would be informed, and entertained. I am ashamed for thinking that such an unforgivable transgression would be to the level that people could not handle, had I known the fare was not 100% pure.

Regarding the passionate post that follows, of course banishing a post to a never-never land is tantamount to killing it; I would hope the majority does not feel such censorship would be the deserved fate of simply mentioning a movie with 80% lesbian content, as only one of many other lesbian movies mentioned. And if we may focus on just that one one-thirtieth or so, who is anyone to say an almost entirely lesbian movie would be "irrelevant" to the lesbian JAV lover? Why such overreactions to real or imagined "Het Offensives" with no tolerance to entrust others to bypass unwanted segments of a film... such a level of thought policing is extremely disturbing.


Seriously I don't want to extend this discussion, about "to talk" or "not to talk"(or respectively to upload or not upload) about non-lesbian or half lesbian stuff in a lesbian thread, since this discussion was held here not too long ago.( I don't know if this was deleted too by the clean up).

First of all, my thought of commenting your post was to warn you about the hetero content in this movie you were attracted to, since I thought this interloper sequences would bother you like me.
Secondly I imagined someone who eventually stumbles across your post in a few years and is willing to pay for a good movie, buys it because of your praising post and is unpleasantly suprised by the fact it is not a full lesbian title, would be really angry about, why this issue was uncommented in "Slimedogs Lesbian JAV" thread.
Those were my reasons, although I didn't do it in a detailed manner, since I'm a uncommunicative person.
I don't have anything against the rest of your post, since they are truly old, unknown and lesbian.

Not that I don't understand entirely - we love women so much, sometimes we don't want to allow for the existence of that other variety. But then I selfishly shift this pattern of thinking, because if that were the case, I would be dead.

Yeah I love women that much, but I do allow an existence of that other variety, if this variety is me. :)
Other then that, no dicks in my レズ porn :super:
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