selective service, huh?!


Active Member
Jun 5, 2009
Did I forget to tell you guys I tried to enlist in the ARMY a couple of days back? Yes I did, I did. Anyway, I tried to enlist or apply which ever, I took their math test and told them I had my GED which they didn't think was acceptable and told me I should go back to H.S and get a diploma......I thought for a while and asked them, well its called an equivalent for a reason?

I had the urge to join the ARMY when I heard the US was sending 30,000 troops over seas, I wanted to be part of that pack and get some action into my life and plus, I knew this would pay for my career in the long run, I wasn't afraid to fight for my country and die for it, I knew the risks.

Well anyway, they did a couple of medical tests and I also found out I was color deficient, so now I was completely disqualified because they needed soldiers with perfect color vision..what a load of bullsh*t, do I need color vision to hold a @#$QRD riffle and shoot someone? I think not! Do I need a H.S diploma to hold a gun or get shot at......I have my GED isn't that enough? Total bull sh*t.

I gave up on trying to join and just decided to pursue my career as an auto tech at UTI. Filled out the FAFSA and everything went well. The Financial Aid Officer calls me and tells me if I registered for the selective service.....I told him, "selective service? what in the world is that?" He told me I was supposed to register when I was 18 and that I should have gotten something in the mail....I never saw anything about any selective service or heard from it up until the FA Officer brought it to my now he tells me, financial aid may be denied and i'll have to get a private loan.

When I hung up, I started laughing.....after I found out what the selective service was after doing some research.......the funny sh*t is I HAD JUST ATTEMPTED TO JOIN THE ARMY......what a crock of sh*t! I'm surprised the ARMY didn't even bring this up during their "little" tests they were doing on me.

I am 29 years old now so its too late to register, well tough, now i'm @$%# for life.

I did some further research and found that in some states, you can't even get a driver's license if you did not register......holy sh*t, with out a driver's license is a if your life couldn't get any worse than it already is! I got my license when I was 27 years old..why did I wait so long? I lived in new york for over 10 years and in those 10 way of transportation was either the bus or the subway, I didn't need any car to get me around and besides, parking space and congestion discouraged me from getting a license it was only after moving to PA that I decided to obtain one.

So if you didn't register and entered the state of New Jersey with your PA driver's license and attempted to get a renewal, it would not be given to you! How fuc@%% is that? LOL....the work around? go back to PA, renew it and come back to New Jersey. Find someone else and register your car under their name so it can have NJ license plates, etc.....make sure its someone you trust.

Did you know you can't get a job in Florida if you didn't register with the selective service? Talk about pushing the limits!!! that is totally unfair, if someone wants to pay taxes, let them pay taxes!!

This selective service thing altho, I am not against it in any way is shutting doors down for people who are totally unaware of it, until its too late. Has anyone read a saying on the bibble that said something about the anti-christ saying, "he who does not have the mark, may not buy nor sell." Well lets see those with the mark are the ones who registered for the selective service so those that do not, are doomed to die.

I wrote a letter to the SSS explaining my situation but I'm not holding my breath. However, I did tell them I tried to join the ARMY and if they found it in their hearts, id be willing to head to war if they so chose to send me away. I gave all my personal info and signed in ink.......I don't expect any good results tho.

In my conclusion I made the following discovery,

The SSS sends you a letter and puts a gun in your face asking you to register. Yes folks, you don't have a choice in the matter. So given the mandatory registration requirement, why do you bother sending people stuff in the mail to register when you know its mandatory?!?!? Why can't the US automatically enroll the individual in the SSS the minute he turns 18. If he is called for war and objects, something can always be worked out but this is who it should be so those that are unaware, aren't ruined for life.

I think the SSS laws are dangling loose and this department needs attention from the president. You know how the government sometimes gives small windows of opportunites...for example to refinance your home in low interests rates.....well.....if they temporarly increased the age requirement to lets say 40......I would go an register myself immediately! a matter of fact, maybe thats what they should do......a 40 year old man is just as capable if not more mature than one who is under 26 years old....I think they are being way too picky.

Its remarkable to see the government spending almost a billion annually maintaining a stupid list of draftees. Tell me all this isn't classified as involuntary servitude......when you join the armed forces, your a slave of the government, you do what is asked of you, PERIOD. Involuntarily sending you to fight goes against the US constitution but the government can change and bend the laws even ammend new ones to make war possible.

You will find that over the years the US government has invested all of its money in warfare technology, its were all the US tax payer money goes. Very little has been done to fix the economy, to fix a corrupted health care system, reduce the comsumption of oil.......the US gov just wants money to build new technology that will decide the fate of humanity.