Saki Okuda Retirement?


Sep 13, 2009
I'm really love Saki Okuda, her latest video was so awesome,hilarious due to three suprise sex on her and it is very clear to see in the movie that she is bluishing from that scene (I really love watching her bluish), but the sad part is that the title of the video is "graduation ceremony" and Alice's girls are giving farewell message to Saki. I've been watching AV video since 2007 however I dont have any idea about "graduation ceremony" video since I'm not in to it I'm more on r*** and molestation theme and av actress that I really like. Literally graduation ceremony video is a retirement video of an actress (Correct me if I'm wrong), however is there any av actress did a retirement video from certain company then transfer to other company? I'm hoping she was just want to transfer or explore other company that's why she did the graduation ceremony. If she's really into this retirement it is frustrating because she didn't have any r*** theme movie before retiring :nooo:however, I'm happy she's out of the business and hope she will not be depress of doing adult video and wishing her a wonderful and peaceful life.:tea:
