Question on some studios


New Member
Jan 29, 2015
Hey everyone,
I've been wondering for a while about videos that come from studios such as K-Tribe and Minimum. Although I could find a lot of their actresses names and check their dates of birth, some of the videos didn't have a name for the actresses, and they looked super super young. As in, too young. I understand it'd be a dangerous game to play for them, and I realize that if dmm decides to put those videos up, they must be sure, but how can you be sure that all these girls are of legal age if you don't know who they are? I know some of them just "look" young, but some others are baffling. And I don't know Japan, their culture is so different, especially when it comes to this topic, with the laws they only recently passed. Is it really sure 100% that among those, some just aren't of legal age? If anyone knows more about this topic, I'd be really interested. Thanks!!


The Great Gokkun Sage.
Jan 29, 2015
i know what you mean man. i just watched MUM-137 by Kagami Shuna and its fucking scary how young she looks i mean look at this shit.
[MUM-137] - Kagami Shuna[14-27-52].JPG

i love this vid but damn this shit is freaky. Kagami Shuna is so small! sometimes i forget this is a grown woman 18 or 19 years old. i dated a Filipino girl that was small like this, she was 18. i'm 6"2 and she was 4"10 or 4"11. she had a body like that. never got to fuck her. i'm just saying Asians that are that small look like 8 year olds. it's the best to date them if your a big guy like me.
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New Member
Jan 29, 2015
Well okay but that's not answering my question :) That actress is named, it can be checked, others aren't and look even younger. Hence my question about said studios, and what is possible to happen in Japan or not. It's one thing to like tiny slim girls, it's another thing to see videos that might involve kids, and I don't want to when I'm not sure what I'm looking at, you know.


Akiba Citizen
Dec 7, 2009
Even if they don't list the actress' name and age they will have it on record. They wouldn't want to risk their studio so they will make sure the girls are legal, especially a studio actually specialising in young looking girls. After all, they'll be under the most scrutiny. Of course you can never be 100% sure, there have been cases in US porn too of girls lying about their age, but they won't knowingly use underage girls.
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The Great Gokkun Sage.
Jan 29, 2015
Well okay but that's not answering my question :) That actress is named, it can be checked, others aren't and look even younger. Hence my question about said studios, and what is possible to happen in Japan or not. It's one thing to like tiny slim girls, it's another thing to see videos that might involve kids, and I don't want to when I'm not sure what I'm looking at, you know.

yeah but like Electromog said they are under the most scrutiny. it would be a huge deal if it was found out that they are under age, it can happen of course, but damn they would feel the pain. most of these girls are unnamed i know, but the underground market for cp in japan is so fucking huge that i think it would be dumb to do it with all eyes on them. you know the sale of cp was only banned in japan in like 2001 and the jk idol vids are a sign of that past. so i can't speak to what is possible in Japan seeing that i'm from the states. i bring up my own dealings with young looking girls because if i had not known that girl i would had thought she was 12 too. :D Minimum only uses the first name for the girls but i think they do that because they want you to wonder if they really are under age. that's why thay have the 150cm minimum for the girls. i would say that if you don't what to wonder about it steer clear of studios like K-Tribe, Minimum or First Star and don't fuck around with jk idol stuff. there is a lot of jav out there, no need to see what you don't want to.


Captain Bondage

Active Member
Sep 30, 2013
The production companies absolutely screen and know the ages of their actresses which are all kept on file. They are compliant with all the laws and regulations of Japan, and similar to the 2257 law in the US, have all the legal documents and proof for the actresses. Minimum also complies with these practices and I can assure you none of the actresses are under 18. There really is no need to hire underage models, there are plenty of 20 year old girls who look very young. In the case of minimum I would even go as far to say that most of those models are probably legally classified as disabled for being dwarfs.
Mar 28, 2008
Man, I love these types of girls and videos. Minimum is one of my favorite makers.

But to OP and the 2nd post.

It must be weird.

Living with fear, with horrible shame and the way you try to rationalize it and cope with your love of little girls.

So much, that you have to make a thread about it. Having someone tell you its okay.

1. A reason why they dont display names for many of the actresses in the Minimum videos is due to adding more to the illusion, the scenario of the movie, that it was recorded by the father fucking her daughter or step father or boyfriend of the mother , whatever story it is. Is to say " oh this isnt an av actress, its completely legit."

Much like you see in the chikan videos, the actresses names are almost never displayed in the list of actresses.

Hence why the fathers eyes are blurred out. Adds more to the entirety of the video, perverseness of it and now you all get to see the "recording." The hidden cameras or the obvious handling of the cameras footage.

2. Its 2015, come on, really? Underage girls in 2015 in Japan in av? Come on.
*some small exceptions to some events that occurred*

3. If you feel so much guilt watching these types of movies, u should stop. You will only do harm to yourself.

Leave these kind of girls to people like me. :cerutu:

Plus, you can always find out these girls names , with a little research.
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The Great Gokkun Sage.
Jan 29, 2015
Man, I love these types of girls and videos. Minimum is one of my favorite makers.

But to OP and the 2nd post.

It must be weird.

Living with fear, with horrible shame and the way you try to rationalize it and cope with your love of little girls.

So much, that you have to make a thread about it. Having someone tell you its okay.

1. A reason why they dont display names for many of the actresses in the Minimum videos is due to adding more to the illusion, the scenario of the movie, that it was recorded by the father fucking her daughter or step father or boyfriend of the mother , whatever story it is. Is to say " oh this isnt an av actress, its completely legit."

Much like you see in the chikan videos, the actresses names are almost never displayed in the list of actresses.

Hence why the fathers eyes are blurred out. Adds more to the entirety of the video, perverseness of it and now you all get to see the "recording." The hidden cameras or the obvious handling of the cameras footage.

2. Its 2015, come on, really? Underage girls in 2015 in Japan in av? Come on.
*some small exceptions to some events that occurred*

3. If you feel so much guilt watching these types of movies, u should stop. You will only do harm to yourself.

Leave these kind of girls to people like me. :cerutu:

Plus, you can always find out these girls names , with a little research.

duder, i'm ok with it all. no shame here my loli loving friend. you have said the same things i did in my follow up post, it's not real cp, they hide the names for the illusion and if you feel weird about it don't watch. i'm just saying they are REAL REAL good at it is all. you can really lose yourself in the illusion. sometimes it's a lil unsettling. like i said, freaky. i like girls with that body type and have fucked a few in my day. so, no living with fear for me el capitan. but it is freaky and as much as i love me some loli's i can still see that. i'm not so sure about op tho. i dont think he has come to terms with it yet.
