Problem: save JPEG is now save Attachment


Dec 27, 2007
I used to be able to save jpegs from AO. Now when I right click to "save image as" a jpeg, my only option is to save as an attachment. Has something at AO changed or did I change something? I use Firefox 3.0, ABP (allowed), NoScript (allowed), and Greasemonkey. Thanks in advance for your help.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I just tested it with the following pictures: one, two, three, and four.

I tried the following two methods:
(1) right-click the image, select "Save Image As ...", and it prompts me to save a jpeg
(2) left-click "File," then "Save Page As ..." -or- just go ahead and hit Ctrl+S on the keyboard, and again it prompts me to save a jpeg

For all of them, I show a browser title-name of "attachment.php," but neither the URL nor the ultimate file have such names. The URL is a bunch of letters and numbers, and the file name is intact (e.g. Japanese characters and whatnot).

Browser: Firefox 3.5.1


Dec 27, 2007
When I right click and select "Save image as..." mine says:
file name: Attachment
save as file type: All Files
But it will allow me to save your avatar and sig pic as gifs!

Thanks for your quick response.


Dec 27, 2007
One more thing...
I can save the jpegs from the originating page (thru greasemonkey) by right clicking and save link as...


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I can't answer your question. I can say that I've never had this problem before. I can also say that I upgraded from Firefox 3.0.x to 3.5.x just a couple of days ago, so for all I know it is a browser-specific glitch. But it's not one I'd be able to confirm for you, sorry.

Out of curiosity, tell me what happens when you try to save these jpegs. These are not attachments. Instead, they are jpegs which somebody posted directly to the site by use of the {img} tag.

1. load this thread, and try the top image. It's a jpeg. It's stored offsite but is being parsed here via the {img} tag.

2. same idea, different user and different host site for the image file

Also, have you tried doing it with JPEGs outside of Akiba-Online? Specifically, have you tried doing it on other forums that use vBulletin version 3.8.1 or vBadvanced CMPS version 3.1.0, the versions listed for Akiba-Online?


Team Tomoe
Oct 4, 2007
We recently made some changes to how attachments and album pictures are served to browsers. I would suspect the problem is one of your FireFox addons or GM scripts. Restart Firefox in Safe Mode to confirm my suspicion.


Feb 11, 2007
Although the url points to the attachment.php script, the server will still send the appropriate Content-Type=image/jpeg header when sending the file over. Without that header, Firefox would not be able to render it as an image, so the fact that you can see the image in the first place means the server is doing its thing correctly.

As with Rollyco, I suspect one of your other addons may be causing the cached Content-Type=image/jpeg header to be dropped or ignored when you save, thus Firefox getting confused and feeding you attachment.php as the default filename.


Dec 27, 2007
Thanks for your replies and help.

Out of curiosity, tell me what happens when you try to save these jpegs. These are not attachments. Instead, they are jpegs which somebody posted directly to the site by use of the {img} tag.

1. load this thread, and try the top image. It's a jpeg. It's stored offsite but is being parsed here via the {img} tag.

2. same idea, different user and different host site for the image file

Also, have you tried doing it with JPEGs outside of Akiba-Online? Specifically, have you tried doing it on other forums that use vBulletin version 3.8.1 or vBadvanced CMPS version 3.1.0, the versions listed for Akiba-Online?

I can save those as jpegs, but as you said they are posted directly to the site, i.e., they don't open in a new tab when you click on them. When I go to any other page on AO (everywhere else, no problem) and click on a thumbnail, then go to that newly opened tab, right click, and select "save image as," the file name is "attachment" and the file type is "All Files."

Now that I know I can pass thru using Greasemonkey it really doesn't matter, but it is an annoyance: load thumb to preview, then go back to originating page and dl using "save link as."

Friggin browser mysteries. I need to do a full reformat on my machine anyway. This isn't the only issue I have with Firefox-AO compatibility. For example, I can view a users profile if I click on their user name from the forum page, but I cannot if I click on their name from an individual post!? Then once I get to the user profile, I can't view user posts or any other functions.:defeat: I like Firefox, but sometimes it's a pain in the ass.