Politicians Seek New Loli Ban


snow queen
Sep 25, 2008
Emboldened by their success in turning over the craven eroge industry, Japan’s own spineless politicians are once again obediently heeding international demands for a complete ban on artistic depictions of minors engaged in sexual activity.

The latest assault on the artistic freedoms guaranteed by the Japanese Constitution comes from the Komeito (”Clean Government Party”), which exclusively represents the interests of a Buddhist cult, the Sokka Gakkai, and consequently is a great fan of censorship and attempting to legislate public morality. UNICEF Japan honcho Agnes Chan herself is a member of the cult.

Responding to the usual outrageous international claims that Japan is causing child abuse and encouraging lolicon in other countries with its liberal laws on pornography, the Komeito obediently proclaimed that Japan should obey these demands:

“Being called ‘a child porn power’ is shameful and we must act to rectify this by an immediate revision of the law. The Diet must immediately consider such a revision.”

Domestic politicians often like to claim Japan “is out of step” or “lagging” compared to other countries when they wish to push through a policy, and in this case they have also been claiming it is “a national disgrace” to be defamed by feminists and their ilk.

They go on to make a lengthy screed against the evils of child pornography, as usual failing to register the fact that Japan is vastly more safe for children than any of the nations so concerned with banning the material.

Then they reveal the latest direction in their thought:

“Further, last month we conducted an investigation at Akihabara, looking at those games and similar depicting sexual violence which fall outside the scope of current laws, and how their sale might be restricted. We as a party are absolutely determined to pursue a revised law which lead to a complete elimination of child pornography.”

2ch wryly remarks that it is the Komeito who should be eliminated from Japanese politics.

In 2008, the laws against such pornography were stiffened, but the LDP dodged the messy issue of whether to ban 2D artistic depictions of sex involving minors by deferring judgement to a later date. The Komeito is clearly aiming to obtain immediate additional restrictions.

The Komeito is a minor party, but has long held disproportionate influence due to its willingness to ally with the ruling LDP. It remains to be seen whether the LDP will side with them in making further assaults on freedom of expression.

The recent self imposed ban on “r***” in adult games was imposed by an industry short-sightedly opting to secure the sales of the majority of companies by sacrificing the minority to appease the moralists.

The industry seems set to repeat this dismal calculus with loli and any other politically objectionable genres, and it is possible that manga, anime and who knows what else will fall prey to censors next, especially with politicians encouraged by the postiviely supine response seen so far.

As expected, the lack of any enthusiastic or organised opposition to creeping censorship has only emboldened those who would force their moralistic views onto society. It is a slippery slope and a long way down…

>>>taken from sankakucomplex.com


Jul 7, 2008
Ah, faith and religion in action again... Anyone with good hand drawing skills to depict some really cool scenes from the bible or the qur'an and make'em into an eye-opening manga? Let's see what they'll think of banning then, fuckers!


Jul 24, 2008
I so agree Axandra....
People can say what they want and I wont go into details this time but I've got a fair bit of insight on the issue Religious Moralists - vs. - Reality.

They can start with explaining why in every bible they like to quote, there is a copyright mark. As if the "big one" himself was working for the publisher.
In other words, faith is not protected from IP laws, so they might as well continue to reason they can make whatever they want into another obscure law.

Let's have some truly talented manga artist make a rendition of Jesus' presumed relationship with Ms. Magdalene an then ask them to censor their own bible first.

And if that sect in Japan is truly Buddhist related, shouldn't they be the first ones to recognize the simplicity of nature and simply state "It is all good".

Being a "Radical Buddhist Organization" is as much an oxymoron as sending the "US Peace Corps" to fight in Iraq or hiring Girl-scouts to replace the NYPD.

These moralists should reflect on their own actions before running up a stack of popular media attention in a matter they don't even fully understand.

Isn't there any "organization against stupid lobbying" somewhere???
I think we need one.

Also, in Japan of all places, these organizations are fighting against a whole generation of gamers, comic book readers and manga/anime/hentai enthusiasts.

Isn't there a law prohibiting then from wasting the governments time and money from the real issues, such as the fact that Japans economy is declining 4% faster than the rest of the planets? Something which in reality affects every one of 128 Million + Japanese, and not only locally, but also globally affects the market and other nations economies depending on the investments of Japanese corporations.

If these lobby organizations worldwide get to restrict a whole industry limiting income opportunities and publication rights for regular writers and artists, whereas nobody cares that they are in fact still making money even at slump times. This, to me, implies a need of relief from the economic grief and not more regulations preventing even these pockets of fresh air from surfacing.

Or should we simply let these nutters regulate the living daylight out of everything, until there is no valve for relief left. What we then end up with is as JFK predicted, an "inevitable violent revolution".

--as I've said so many times before...

The bottom line is, that as long as no one takes a stand, we will end up moving towards an ever more repressed society.

What we need is a Comic Book Association of Former Delta Forces.
After all, we all agree with their insignia...

"Freedom from oppression..."

Not all, would apply the good old S.O.F addition to it though...

"...by superior firepower" :chinesenewyearm:

...no matter how much we wish it would happen. :XD:


New Member
Oct 8, 2008
This is it, at first they start with the art that they consider loli and they take it from there. This groups cannot have a victory or they will keep on. What really is behind all of this is the total ban on any pornography image or video. It started this way where I live and now you can get 2 years jail for porn that even looks like a teen. I is a sad day but mark my words, first r*** sims, then loli, then date games with high school girls then anime with any fan services. If it was up to the even Sailor Moon would be illegal since they transform naked and they are fifteenth.


May 30, 2009
These Komeito people are really stupid because if the market for lolicon becomes illegal then pedophiles and other "perverts" can right look for REAL child porn, because if both is illegal then it doesn't matter which kind of illegal stuff they get. So these stupid do-gooders revitalize the almost dead child porn market and bear the guilt of REAL child abuse. Congrats, short-sighted dumb-asses!

Just my 2 ¥.


Jul 23, 2008
a serious threat

What is sad is that this very likely has little to do with pornography. This it would seem is something much more dangerous. It is political maneuvering and manipulation. What party in their right mind is going to actually going to take a chance of being associated as being the party that is "for childporn"? This worked in western civilizations and in the Phillipines and it is apparently being copied in Japan.

How does one make a serious public statement that their citizens rights and freedoms are the issues when the target is directly isolated to one area of questionable media behavior? Lets be realistic for a moment, most artists draw landscapes and people and not sexualized pictures of children. No matter how big the following, it is likely in a serious minority. The politicans I am sure are aware of exactly what the actual motivations are behind this and the protection of the innocent would not be their honest answer if they were to express it.

It is always possible that this will come to naught and that Japanese pride in their individualist freedom of expression will win the day. I personally hope that this is the case because I like lolicon.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
The solution to your observed problem, Ceewan, is to identify it exactly as you have done and to point out the non-offensive things which would be impacted by such revisions to the law. Let them call you the Pedophile Messiah: you'll have much bigger ammo on your side of the field as you hyperbolically label them as Mussolinis and Stalins. Do most people like pedophiles? No! Would most people be comfortable sitting next to a pedophile on a subway train if they knew he was a pedophile? No! Would most people sooner sit next to a pedophile than sit next to a mass murderer? You're damn right they would! If asked to pick between a society with pedophilia and a society without any freedom whatsoever, most people will pick the pedophilia option. It's the lesser of two evils. And that's all the opposition party has to do: is remind the Japanese people of their priorities as rational, freedom-loving people.

That's the problem with transparent politics: its transparency. LOL It makes it way too easy for the opposition to set up a rebuttal.


Jul 7, 2008
I don't know for how long this particular trend has been going or, for that matter, how long it will last. This kind of political pressure is less about kiddie porn and more about information flow control.

It is happening all across the world and for any given medium of expression, and one could venture to say that it has always been like this. Nevertheless, the communication venue of the last two decades (i.e. the Internet) has made their task considerably more difficult. So much so that now even the most ludicrous reasonings are put forward to justify more access to or keeping the power.

Every country does it, from Japan to USA and from UK and France right down to China. Apparently, we live in an era of technomythology (for the lack of a better word) when a certain level of thinking tends to become prevalent in the minds of the powers to be.

Create boogie man. Shamelessly use lies, damn lies and statistics to misinform. Strike fear, and use it to justify your generous protection... at a cost of some liberties, of course. As I can see it from here, it works like clockwork: security theater,intellectual "property", child porn, whatever.

I say this, with sadness, but I'll say it: if humans have become so feeble as to fear a 2D fantastic depiction of anything at all, sex with minors or a pitiful prophet, then we've really come such a short way and the end of the road toward enlightenment lies far behind the horizon.

And now it's time for me to look around for some "pregnant material", since I've been in the work of enlarging the Axandra family and, you know, I need visual instruction. ;)


Active Member
Apr 10, 2008
Slippery slope. One of these days, it will be the norm to use new borns as sex slaves. Reprobate minds only beget even more reprobate minds.

As far as religions go, not all religions are against this type of moral depravity. The talmud says that it's permissible to have sex with a 3 year old baby.

Artistic loli. Like artistic torture. And artistic bombing of hiroshima. And artistic raping of Nanking.

"They go on to make a lengthy screed against the evils of child pornography, as usual failing to register the fact that Japan is vastly more safe for children than any of the nations so concerned with banning the material."

O rly?

Really, how can a society who legally permit loli take women seriously?
By forming r*** clubs, of course.

Perhaps the politians are not being spineless. Maybe they're concerned that they would like not their daughters or granddaughters to be stalked by people that enjoy playing loli raping games...or their wife being stalked by people who want to capture them raping her on camera and then sell it for a bit of money...


Jul 7, 2008
No offense, but the only instances of slippery slope that I can see is in your post are the broad and at best disingenuous generalizations plus the straw man you're trying to set up here.

First of all, you can't exactly control imagination and its manifestations (e.g. fictional depiction). Ever.

Second, this thread is about Komeito proclaiming that Japan should "obey [...] international demands for a complete ban on artistic depictions of minors engaged in sexual activity".

If that isn't clear enough for you, please re-RTFA. Nobody here is either talking about war crimes, genocide, and other historical facts, nor (as I certainly hope) does anyone seriously and in full consciousness condone r*** as a socially / morally acceptable behavior.

Furthermore, the link you have provided is interesting but irrelevant: no minors in those scenes, as best as I could tell, and the perpetrators have been dealt with according to the local laws, right? So the "think of the children" mantra only has any meaning if you consider 20+ to be late childhood. Maybe you do, I don't know.

Finally, I am a member of this society and I have to say that your point-and-jump connection between women treatment and loli is flawed at best... Women are treated seriously here you know, this is not Afghanistan under Taliban rule. If anything, think of the Women's Universities: some clearly civilized European countries don't have them. Also, but only as an anecdote, my Japanese wife is certainly much better positioned in her carrier (big branch manager, real estate) than many of her male colleagues.

Anyway, to wind this up... If there are any apparent discriminations they are of totally different nature and with roots far removed from the existence of "artistic depictions".

Thank you for your understanding.

[Jesus on a lolipop stick! And when you think I'm not even remotely into manga, hentai, anime, etc.]


Jul 24, 2008
I wont make this a religious discussion but the Talmud is not the Torah and its quite (in fact when studying it) obviously a "man-made" interpretation by the desired popular political intentions at the time, much like Hadis Sharif in the Quoran or to take a more down-to-earth example, as good as reading Isaac Asimov's "Guide to the Bible" rather than looking at a) historical records and b) the main scripture directly.

To say thay we're moving towardsa depraved society by such general statements as you made here, iamnowonline, I would say we are truly heading towards dangerous times. I tend to give common sense and human-kind a bit more benefit of the doubt that you are painting up here.

I doubt very much that the whole world will turn into a new Sodom and Gomorra simply because we have comic books and freedom of expression, which in essence is what the recently proposed "generalized legislation" is trying to, or will succeed to prevent should all these proposed bans come through.

It will be very simple to move along and ban one thing after another if the population doesn't simply say stop and force legislators to actively think of the consequences of their "popular approach" to all things for a change.


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
"If you don't jump off of this bridge, they're going to sell your kids into sex slavery!"

"If you don't jump off of this bridge, they're going to illegalize sex!"

Fear tactics are used by both sides in this debate all the frickin' time. If I had a nickel for every time somebody used the phrase "slippery slope." >_>


Jul 23, 2008
I am totally against censorship in almost any form. However there will always be a degree of censorship people, ALL people, are willing, often eager, to accept. There are examples in every society. In Japan, for instance, porn is legal as long as there is a certain amount of censorship regarding the genital areas. (I find this to be silly but I am not from Japan and you would think that this is something they could change.) I can't think of a country that doesn't allow or encourage censorship to some degree. I believe in America taking your 16 year old son to his first porn flick at the local porn house would be cause for incarceration,(then again so would loaning him your old Playboys). In England Peter Townsend was publicly smeared and investigated because his credit card was used to gain access to a website advertising child pornography,(after a four month investigation no evidence was found of possesion of child pornography and he was let off with a stern warning). Name a country and I will give you an example.

I provide this link for those who are unsure of the definition of censorship:

Again I am not for this law passing in Japan but I would think such a law would have a serious chance of passing. Even in America, where the Bill of Rights absolutely forbids the passing of such a law, not only has one been passed but someone has been prosecuted by it. It is not always a case of absolute right and wrong but what the majority of the population finds to be morally acceptable.


New Member
Jun 10, 2009
My view regarding this whole matter is that other countries are afraid of Japanese culture and how it might affect other people.

Now you might ask me why I think so. The reason would be that last few years Japanese culture has rapidly expanded mostly due to anime, manga and other fiction-related stuff. More and more people are developing interest in exploring Japanese culture and while I know that Japanese culture isn't just about anime, manga etc. I tend to believe that those exports of their culture have the most effect on the masses lighting little spark that grows proportionally with their interest.

Politicians, feminists, moralists etc. are afraid of how it might affect their respective countries and its people and as precaution they slowly started imposing on Japan,enforcing their rules and norms.

This opinion of mine might be "flushed down the toilet" by most people but I can't help myself but think that way although I might be wrong and this is nothing more then a political maneuver.


May 30, 2009
My view regarding this whole matter is that other countries are afraid of Japanese culture and how it might affect other people.

Here, in the middle of Europe, nobody talks about Japan. Our televisions, our cameras, our HiFi-sets, our electric tooth brushes, our electric shavers, our cars - anything comes from Japan. But beside this nobody talks about Japan. Maybe because we can't even read the Kanjis and don't understand the language and the culture. So I think you are wrong. But we in Europe have the same problem: Politicians are using "child porn" for theirs interests. Interests to control the web. The web as a medium this dumb nuts don't understand at all (so it's frightem them). As Axandra wrote abobe:

I don't know for how long this particular trend has been going or, for that matter, how long it will last. This kind of political pressure is less about kiddie porn and more about information flow control.

In my country the leading fascistic "christian" government party is even talking about "industrial child porn" (anybody here knows, something like this is not existing) just to establish web filters. I'm not into lolicon or CP but censorship is the beginning of the end of any free statement or change of views.

In fact censorship is bullshit. Even the really ugly things shouldn't be censored or eleminated! Anybody has the right to know what happens in the REAL life. Life is too short to live in a dream world and censorship will not change anything of the ugly reality! Real abused kids needs REAL protection. Censorship is just a poor hiding out for the dumb-asses.

And in my opinion child abuse is not a global or local problem. The problem is the abuse of the poor human beeings (independent of their age). Abused by globalisation, abused by the big international companies, abused by perverted but established media.

Sorry for my English. I hope you got it anyway.


Jul 24, 2008
Great minds think alike, and sometimes it happens to me too...

Even the really ugly things shouldn't be censored or eleminated! Anybody has the right to know what happens in the REAL life. Life is too short to live in a dream world and censorship will not change anything of the ugly reality! Real abused kids needs REAL protection. Censorship is just a poor hiding out for the dumb-asses.

And in my opinion child abuse is not a global or local problem. The problem is the abuse of the poor human beeings (independent of their age). Abused by globalisation, abused by the big international companies, abused by perverted but established media.

Sorry for my English. I hope you got it anyway.

Thank You...

I was so agreeing with this in another post
just at the same time I stumbled on your post... :)


Jul 7, 2008
[...]human beings are utterly Xenophobic by nature.
[citation needed]
I know, it's a lame use of a wiki meme, but still...

It starts when you're a kid with "My dads car is bigger than yours" and goes from there.
I wouldn't say that's a start for xenophobia. Try "My dad's car is American, because (he thinks) only American cars are good, and Japanese ones suck."


Jul 24, 2008
[citation needed]
I know, it's a lame use of a wiki meme, but still...

I wouldn't say that's a start for xenophobia. Try "My dad's car is American, because (he thinks) only American cars are good, and Japanese ones suck."

LOL... yeah I avoided intentionally elaborating on that statement above.
Well American cars are made by Mexican workers, assembled in Canada, and now sold to Koenigsegg in Sweden again :)

I agree, it wasn't the best example but still ...

As for the Xenophobia...

Just take the popular issue of sports.
My team is better and for that reason some Italian guy stabbed an English supporter in the face only last week.

I have always stated to many of my friends from very unfortunate circumstances in some Middle Eastern regions, that the reason to why we have so many "ethnic problems" is indeed quite simple.

Far to many spend to much time looking at the apparent differences, rather than trying to find similarities and common ground.

The latter requires sometimes much effort and understanding, or at least a will to learn, and some fundamental respect for others equal rights.
The former is so much simpler, and humans are by nature Xenophobic, perhaps because it is the "road of least resistance" and we are more lazy by natural causes than xenophobic by environmental conditioning.

Anyway, that's my take on that.