Please recommand a good client and good ratio.


New Member
Oct 10, 2009
Torrent is caring.
but There is bad client and bad ratio.
So Please introduce to good client and ratio as akiba-online announce.
For example , utorrent and ratio 1.

Thank you.


Dec 15, 2006
I use utorrent on PC, ctorrent on Linux (seedbox), and transmission on Mac. I usually seed to a ratio of 1-2, unless i see that the number of seeds is greater than the number of peers, in which case I might stop before the ratio gets to 1. Typically, the more I like the torrent, the more I'll seed. If it's a torrent that I *really* like, then I might seed to a ratio of 10 or more. If it's a torrent that I created, then I seed ad infinitum, or at least until there are no more peers or I delete the file.