Please help me to find her name


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Wow! Five whole years of membership, and only the second time you've opened your mouth, Delacuz... what a privilege to be addressing your incredibly quiet self.

I can't read Japanese either, but in this case it would not have mattered... we can see through Google Translator that the page you've referred to has put up a bunch of schoolgirl pictures without identifying a one.

Too bad you are not interested in the identity of the first girl, because she easily turned out to be Kogal Otome. You can see the fourth girl, the one whose identity you seek, has had this picture plastered in many sites. You can open up that last search result link and click around, but from what I've attempted, the sites have all reproduced that photo, usually among similar others, without identifying the source.

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