One of many Japanese teachers who get... r***ing!


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012

I enjoyed the way this actress appeared... she has "smart" looks, in a manner of speaking.


Your mission... should you choose to accept it... is to find out which film this is. If you can figure out the actress' identity, I'd suppose that battle will be almost won.


This story has a twist. The student who has designs on her wears a mask, but once he attacks, she throws a judo move on him, and then kicks him in the balls. No helpless female, this one, as with many of these films.

Foiled, the student changes strategy. Somehow he gets her to rub an ointment on his prized possession.


Having taken secret shots which appear as though she is doing something very unprofessional, he can now blackmail her.


Time for that blowjob.


But in case she was thinking, if I can only get him off orally, it will all be over - we know it never ends with just a blowjob.


And he's not going to let her go easily. He induces her to give it up in a public library, making her feel very uncomfortable.


In the middle of the film, some strange older guy also convinces her to have sex. Who is he, and where did he come from? Times like these we can think, Why did I pass up taking Japanese 101?


If it's not bad enough for the blackmailing student to be doing all of this to her, does he have to share her with his pals?


Unfortunately for her, the gang is all here... and she's getting plenty of bang for her buck. Or yen.

I am hoping she is more readily identifiable than most, because there is an exotic look about her.


Those of you who would like to catch the film in its entirety, shoot over here. Thank you very much for your help.

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