Nintendo Wii U puts his service of television with TVii


Wokkonno XP
Jul 15, 2011

Nintendo debuts today in the U.S. with one of his strongest
bets associated with the output of the Wii U.


The screen remotes had a more reserved role Brink
asymmetrical and TVii service output in the U.S.
it goes a step further to set.



TVii is the expected arrival of the home console from
Nintendo a market that is reaching sufficient maturity
to let not overlook.


Both Sony and especially Microsoft with its Xbox 360
have to demand content and live TV protagonism
important in their consoles.

Nintendo intends to join with access to content and
services streaming through its TVii free service
although the contents payment be what your
system will remain low.


Today, the day of its launch in the U.S., Nintendo TVii
starts with direct integration of Hulu Plus and Amazon
Instant Video.


By 2013 it is planned to incorporate the supply
giant Netflix Content on demand TVii and the
TiVo service.

The interesting thing about Nintendo is providing the
GamePad, which will both interact with social channels
like Twitter, Facebook or the system of Nintendo Mii
like to see on your laptop screen extra information
from the film, or live program series that we enjoy.


And of course, serves as an enhanced remote control
for all multimedia content to which we subscribe.​

Sources: BusinessWire | Google Free Photos


Active Member
Dec 24, 2008
I remember every one complaining about the Atari Jaguar controller being huge and clunky. I wonder what the same critics will say about this one.
I personally loved the massive Jaguar controller, and the multipurpose keypad in the middle, as long as you didn't lose the overlay for your game. But compared to that, this thing is HUGE!