new lesbian JAV with lolis (from LADY X LADY)


Feb 18, 2007
Can someone please up this sequel's torrent asap? Thanks!


New Member
May 9, 2008
What a heated debate... Here are my five cents on this:

The first thing I thought when I saw this cover "oh my god... now they're posting real child porn... this is not right". There's no way that those girls are over 18. Maybe we've been looking at underage schoolgirl porn for so long that we've forgotten what an 18-year old girl looks like.

But now regarding the ethical concerns... I think with child porn its the same as with all other natural urges that society forbids us. Deep inside we're all still hormone-influenced animals designed by nature. Nature gave us greed, aggression and sexual urges and most likely for a reason. People decided that in order to live in harmony, we have to suppress many of these urges. Its not nature who decided that 16-year old girls are too young to have sex (in front of the camera), it was us who decided that a 16-year old girl is not mature enough to not carry any psychological damage away from doing so. But it was also us who decided that 18 year-old girls ARE mature enough to perform in porn movies, while 20 year-olds are NOT mature enough to WATCH those movies. So, that alone questions our common sense. If nature would agree with us, she'd start growing boobs on girls and boners on guys a few years later, don't you think? We are PROGRAMMED to find girls in that age sexually attractive, period.

Now, I'm not trying to make a case here for pedophiles. I do think that it's not ethically right to produce a underage-porn movie, and therefore I would never support such a thing by actually paying for one. All I'm trying to say is that people who get hots for 12-year olds, just like people who get hots for pissing and peeing and sm games and animal sex and bondage and bukkake and who knows what, are regular people who have a slight hormone imbalance (if there is such a thing), you know.. like people who are depressed or hot-tempered. They are NOT perverts or sickos. They are people who have been configured in a way that makes it hard for them to fit in. The difference is, that society chooses to help hot-tempered and depressed people, and put pedophiles to jail.

nuff said.


Feb 18, 2007
Can someone please upload this new video? Thanks!




Jun 4, 2008
Oh man!! They are starting to produce lolli lesbian now!! Frigging awesome.

There seems to be a big demand for it since they produced a second one.


Feb 11, 2007
For JAV, if you see mosaic/censor, the girls are always 18+. No exception.


New Member
Jun 6, 2008
yeah, it would be kind of pointless to cencor an illegal porn movie xD

people liking this one probably also like the anna kuramoto one, were she pretends to be a little girl going home with a strange man. Its pretty hot too ^^

The sequel kind of looks like more of the same :( tho I'd want it anyway, can't seem to locate a download yet :\


Feb 11, 2007
[SOD]LADYxLADY-40 (in original post) is available on Share (untested)

AV [2007.12.11] (SOD LADYxLADY) 朝倉家3姉妹物語 おかあさんが帰るまでお留守番の巻 [2h18m50s 640x480 XviD1.1.2+MP3].avi  64,764,024 544fc70edd05c44198ec964ae3a56ecfa4fd7f66