Need Help To Id this MILF actress thanks


Akiba Citizen
Dec 7, 2009
Looks like the first one is SPRD-661 which would make the actress 矢部寿恵 Yabe Hisae


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Hello, Xiaohan; you've been around for a long time (almost as long as Akiba-Online has existed... so that's long, all right), and while it's good that you've finally started to speak up this year, asking questions on the Identification section (you should consider adding your voice to "Discussion," as well... and get others to benefit by your wisdom), you are enough of a veteran to know we frown on those who bump their threads frequently. Please try your luck a good while from now (myself? I wait months), increasing the odds of new experts on the scene.
