Neat Video Of Bioluminescent Footsteps At San Diego Beach - CA - USA.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
You're looking at the results of red tide bioluminescence a
phenomenon produced by single celled microorganisms known as

When washed up by the surf, beaches can look like they are from
another world.

This neat video shows how they react to touch.

Red tide can sometimes, get so dense that they eat up too much
oxygen and produce a high toxin density, producing marine life
fatalities that includes fish birds and mammals.

Consumption of seafood like oysters and shellfish exposed to red
tide toxins can result in serious illness in humans too.

" Karenia brevis blooms can potentially cause eye and respiratory
irritation (coughing, sneezing, tearing, and itching) to beachgoers
boaters and coastal residents.

People with severe or persistent respiratory conditions
(such as chronic lung disease or asthma) may experience
stronger adverse reactions. "

Interested ....

Alien Footsteps On Beach In San Diego - CA - USA
Bioluminescence (Red Tide) makes Avatar Footsteps.

