Milfs as Toys for Shotacons


Jan 28, 2016

Please help me with this. I can’t believe they made a movie with this dream scenario! Even in erotica it is hard to capture this.


a boy fucking Ai-san in bed while behind them are Yudruzu and two boys competing with rock, paper scissors. I really like this kind of colorful scenario, it's like back when we are kids, we do this kind of stuff with our friends, like doing rock, paper, scissors or tose coin, then who ever win, he will get to play the NES console or whatever stuff they want to play. In this scene, it's satisfying to watch the boys do the same but the prize it Ai-san's pussy. Also, when they do the rock paper scissors and then lined up to wait their turn, I like the picture of sexually objectification of Ai-san, she's just a mere sex toy to these boys and I love that they are truly having fun playing, using and abusing the sex toy, Ai Sayama.


Is there any more like this? Where the milf is being played with as if she was a toy..
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