Met my old time Japanese GF(online)again!!


New Member
Nov 27, 2008
we hadn't talked for about 5 months cause she was living in usa and then she went to japan and was sick. But today i found her at the chat site and Wow. she's back!!! we're talking again. In Japan she has a webcam and showed me.
wow, and she's hot.

Anyways now that wed're back together( online), we decided to talk everyday and lets' see what happens. I'm hopeful. And she said she's coming to america pretty soon again.

If we meet in my city, i dont know but i dont' think i will be able to resists. But for sure for sture i'll get condoms and we'll go to get checked at the doctors.


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
Unless you get a screenshot of her holding up a paper with todays date and a note that says "Akiba Online", then you're full of shit and more annoying than me when I'm calling you out on your bullshit stories.

Go away, troll.


Sustaining L.I.F.E.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 22, 2006
Agreed, I've nicely warned and recommended that you back your stories up with proof or tell us outright that their fantasies of yours. This shit comes up again about some random girl that we know you've never met having ultra hot lesbo sex with you cause you fooled her into it via voice chat... Is gonna get you an infraction mate. there's only so much nonsense we can take around here.


New Member
Nov 27, 2008
You guys don't back up any of yours either. In fact there is no way you can prove your experiences are true. Post pictures whatever, anyone can make up stuff.