Meeting Ayami Shunka (あやみ旬果) Tomorrow


New Member
Sep 25, 2010
Hi guys.

I'm meeting Ayami Shunka at a signing tomorrow. She's amazing - one of my favourite JAV actresses.

I've got her a small present and will give her a card. But, I don't know what I should write in it.
I know it's a kind of crazy idea, but thought of writing my email address or somewhere she can contact me in the card has crossed my mind. Maybe I'll be memorable enough since I'm not Japanese? Haha.

I went to a Julia signing a few weeks ago. That time, I didn't bring anything. Just got her autograph and a picture and that was it. But, a lot of guys brought gifts and cards. Really wonder what they wrote in them.

Any ideas?

Later, I'll write a full report of the event and other events I've been to so far.



Senior Member...I think
Mar 22, 2008
Tell her she's amazing! Tell her (politely if possible) how she makes you feel when you see her movies. And how you wish she will have a great and successful career ahead of her. Maybe your email and an invitation to please send a dedicated fan a note now and then that she's doing fine. :cool:
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Akiba Citizen
Sep 13, 2015
Wow! Sounds great! Keep us updated, please!

As for giving her your contact info, I'm not sure about that... I personally wouldn't do it. I don't think that that could come off in a way that doesn't make you look desperate for her attention, or stalkerish, or like a crazy fan. Maybe if you came up with a fun way of doing it, like... "If you can read this, send me an e-mail :D" in English with some custom smiley-face and your e-mail address. But then again, that might be a terrible idea. In any case, if you can make someone laugh they'll instantly like you more, so I'd definitely try to think of something funny. Now, I haven't been to any signings myself, of course, so feel free to disregard everything that I just said. It could be common for fans to give the actress their contact info for all I know!

EDIT: All right, I just took a quick glance at her twitter and blog. It looks like she's recording an album or something, so if that's the case, you could wish her luck with that and write something along the lines of "I hope to see you at your CD signing next". Also, she's got some pictures up on her blog where she's with a cat - I'm assuming with one that she owns, so if you can draw a smiling cat face as a smiley, that would be preferable I think. Even if it's not hers, most girls love cats for some reason, so I doubt that you could go wrong with that. Besides, it's Japan, so probably everyone loves those cutesy cat smileys there. Probably.
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Active Member
Jan 17, 2011
Wow! Sounds great! Keep us updated, please!

As for giving her your contact info, I'm not sure about that... I personally wouldn't do it. I don't think that that could come off in a way that doesn't make you look desperate for her attention, or stalkerish, or like a crazy fan. Maybe if you came up with a fun way of doing it, like... "If you can read this, send me an e-mail :D" in English with some custom smiley-face and your e-mail address. But then again, that might be a terrible idea. In any case, if you can make someone laugh they'll instantly like you more, so I'd definitely try to think of something funny. Now, I haven't been to any signings myself, of course, so feel free to disregard everything that I just said. It could be common for fans to give the actress their contact info for all I know!

EDIT: All right, I just took a quick glance at her twitter and blog. It looks like she's recording an album or something, so if that's the case, you could wish her luck with that and write something along the lines of "I hope to see you at your CD signing next". Also, she's got some pictures up on her blog where she's with a cat - I'm assuming with one that she owns, so if you can draw a smiling cat face as a smiley, that would be preferable I think. Even if it's not hers, most girls love cats for some reason, so I doubt that you could go wrong with that. Besides, it's Japan, so probably everyone loves those cutesy cat smileys there. Probably.
Nice avatar mate...who is the girl?