Looking for Interactive Anime Recommendations.


New Member
Feb 21, 2009
I wasn't sure where to put this, because it encompasses a few different topics I guess.

I know I am new to posting here, so I hope you will not be cross at me for posting in the requests section; this is more of a question than a request and I'd be interested in talking further.

Having just watched and enjoyed the 'train with hinako' DVD, I was wondering if there is anything else like this out there... It claims to be an exercise video, but it really isn't :nosebleed: It's more like some kind of anime gravure, with one character interacting with the viewer.

IS there anything else of this nature? I'm not into out-and-out porn, I really prefer this charming, ecchi style, which actually is very reminiscent of many non-nude idol videos. Not that nudity is a problem, I just want to avoid the more hardcore ones, and in my experience there seems to be very little middle ground with those :puzzled:

So, any ideas, suggestions, comments, or discussion topics? :D


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
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