Leaked MediaDefender Emails


Local Psychopath
Jan 24, 2007

A bit of news today from Torrent Freak. A ginormous amount of emails from MediaDefender leaked recently. (MediaDefender = Anti-piracy assholes.) There are some pretty recent ones here too, the most recent being sent on 9/10/2007 at 3:01 PM.

I've just downloaded the emails and just started to browse through them. It's some fairly interesting stuff. Of course I don't expect a bit of a news blitz tommrow, maybe even tonight from some quick news broadcasters. You know, because of the nature of these emails being a: a stain on the image of a Hollywood ally and copyright bastards everywhere, and b: for reasons similar to those listed by Torrent Freak on why they won't link to the torrents "because thre[sic] is the potential for lawsuits regarding corporate security and trade secrets. We feel it is better to err on the side of caution."

I think this should become required reading for anyone who uses torrents or p2p in a way the RIAA, MPAA, and friends might not like. i.e. just about everyone here. Note that it's mostly mundane details, but after reading a bunch of these you start to get an idea of how they operate.