JAV Exclusivity


New Member
Jan 22, 2013
I'm asking this because I'm interested to know how others feel about it.

Since discovering JAV titles a few years ago I now find myself disinterested in western pornography and literally cannot get turned on by watching it.

Interestingly I do still enjoy western women in JAV titles, but the overall style of western porn does nothing for me anymore. I don't like the aggresiveness of western male or female porn stars, I do not like the lack of creativity and I very much see western porn actresses as nothing more than fuck toys where as I honestly feel admiration and respect for JAV actresses.

I also like the kindness and respect shown to the female JAV stars by their male counterparts, note that I do not enjoy SM/r*** titles at all so I am talking about conventional porn only. The women in JAV titles also seem to enjoy their roles more than western porn actresses and just appear to be treated better.

Mainly though I just like the creativity more; western porn bores me silly now but I really like the interesting and innovative approach to porn that many JAV titles show.

Has anyone else found that since getting into JAV they can no longer muster any interest in western porn?


Mar 3, 2010
Agreed with everything you said.

It also helps if you're an Asian guy and tired of yourself not being represented in western porn. I would love to see Keni Styles fuck some of the hottest chicks in American porn but the racists in Porn Valley won't allow it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
for me they each have their appeal, plus I can understand dirty talk in western porn which is an advantage for them. I alternate between JAV, western and hentai mostly:pandalaugh:


Senior Member...I think
Mar 22, 2008
AGREED! Western women can look gorgeous and sexy and curvy in porn, but once they open their mouths it makes it seem like smut (no pun intended! HAHA!) JAV scenes and titles do exactly what you say. There is a different level of taste and civility. So if JAV actresses are saying the same thing I can't understand anyway, so it doesn't matter. :pandalaugh:


Active Member
Jan 6, 2009
Yah, western porn is not that interesting to me anymore. I think we all have J fever and don't really want to get cured. I also just prefer asian girls and how cute they are overall. Western porn is ok but it is rare for me nowadays which is why I am trying to learn Japanese so I can understand what they're saying and read the titles and such. Then i can access all the hidden japanese sites out there!! But if I don't get there, partial but working knowledge is sufficient. learning the language is not easy, especially reading. Anyways, asian stuff good, western, not as good.


New Member
Jan 22, 2013
It's very interesting that you're actually motivated to learn Japanese just so you can understand what JAV actresses are saying! But I admit to feeling the same way, I have often wondered what they're saying and it has occurred to me too that this might be a good opportunity to learn another language.

But in some ways the not knowing adds to the allure; I like Japanese women in JAV titles because they seem mysterious to me and I can imagine the sweet words coming out of their mouths. I would be horrified to learn the language and then discover they're saying the same things their western counterparts are saying, "fuck me harder bitch" etc!

Japanese porn actresses are just so beautiful though right? I think because the women look so decent and un-pornographic it adds something special to the scene. A JAV schoolgirl actually looks like a schoolgirl, not some thirty-something with massive, artificial breasts and tattoos. That kind of makes it feel a little wrong which of course makes it feel oh so right!

Going back to the creativity, I do love the way some of the studios attempt innovation even if it feels a little cheesy at times. What western porn studio would think of time stop, and invisible men, and androids? One title I loved, but have since forgotten the ID for, is two schoolgirls who spend their day perfectly normally; getting up, brushing their teeth, getting dressed, going to school, eating lunch, going to gym, attending lessons but all through the day "invisible" men are just walking up to them and masturbating over them! Bizarre, weird, but really exciting to watch!


Jan 3, 2013
Well, preferences are preferences and what turns a person on and what doesn't is usually pretty complicated even if it seems simple at first glance. I think it's safe to say that nearly every one who spends any significant time reading and/or posting here has a special place in their... um... heart... for JAV.

But there's differences between opinions and facts - even if they're based on facts. I think to say that western porn is any less "creative" than JAV is naive at best. There is a a great deal of diversity of content, both from a quality standpoint as well as thematically. Many of the popular themes in JAV may be rare if not practically non-existent in w-porn but that doesn't mean the opposite isn't true as well.

In fact, there are several "traditional" conventions in JAV that are just as dominant in the market (if not more-so) than their western counterparts. Realistically, this has a lot to do with the nature of the different cultures. I don't see a point in getting into some philosophical/anthropological-study discussion, but I would say there are merits and drawbacks to nearly every culture.

I would also say that you shouldn't confuse porn with reality from ANY source. Saying that male performers like or respect their female co-stars in JAV more-so than in the West shows a lack of knowledge about the industry. Don't assume that what you see on screen is a reflection of what REALLY goes on BTS or how people are IRL.

As far as the sex in JAV seeming more realistic, I can see that to an extent. I think one of the main factors is that there is less-editing. And while that gives more of a "documentary" feel to it, sometimes you just want them to get to the "good stuff". Of course, then you have the whole mosaic issue to deal with and that's another discussion altogether...

But the schoolgirl thing is a tricky situation. You get into some dangerous waters (in the U.S. specifically) if you even IMPLY that a porno character (not even the performer) MIGHT be under 18. You'll find that most references to "schoolgirls" in western porn usually say they are college girls... even if they're wearing traditional Catholic SG outfits. Then there's the whole issue of Asian women in general "appearing" to be younger than most white/black/hispanic women of equivalent age. Keep in mind that loli-queen Tsubomi つぼみ was 24 when she was making movies last year.

Anyway, sorry for seemingly going-off; that's not my intention. I personally, watch mostly JAV these days - though there's some western porn I'll never give up on. But the main reason for the preference is cuz I REALLY dig Japanese chicks not because one industry is objectively BETTER than the other. And I guess that's the bottom line: when you say something IS this or IS that, than you can blur the lines of perception and reality. Sure a bit of that can be fun - but you gotta watch out how far down the "rabbit-hole" you go...



New Member
Jan 22, 2013
No apology necessary Nick, I liked your post.

I agree it is subjective and mostly about perception and I suppose that is the position I am coming from, perception. Jav actresses do seem happier to me, they do seem to be treated better and with more respect. This may not actually be true but I am willing to believe it is and if it is not then I appreciate the lengths the cast and crew are willing to go to maintain the illusion.

One title that left an impression on me in that regard was a debut title with Sakura Aida; during the entire film they were particularly kind and gentle with her and presented her with flowers at the end. the behaviour they were displaying towards her can only be described as reverence. Although I have seen much western porn where the producers and male actors are not in any way mistreating their female partners I have never seen genuine kindness being shown the way I have seen it in various JAV titles. I like that a lot and it always adds something to the experience when demonstrated.

I take your point about creativity, I suppose what I should have said is that I enjoy the kind of creativity more in JAV than in western titles. JAV seems to keep things fresh and the producers seem to want to push the envelope and try new things whereas the impression I get from western porn is that it seems to churn out the same stuff over and over. There is some western porn that I do enjoy such as "soapy massage" type films but that is mainly because it reminds me of so many similar themed JAV titles; still even watching those types of themes in western porn that in principle I enjoy leaves me cold these days.

Interestingly I actually really like the mosaic censoring; I don't like the porn industry's habit of making you stare right up someone's vagina which, call me weird, I find quite unattractive to look at. Give me mosaic censoring any day as long as it is not too obtrusive which admittedly sometimes it is.

I do agree with you on one major point, I really like Japanese girls. Faces are much more important to me than body types and, as a generalisation, Japanese girls are beautiful.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
Personally, I switch to western porn when I need to see some sluts get down and dirty...I don't recall ever seeing a JAV as physical as say Sasha Grey films, you know, grabbing cocks and cursing that the "service" is coming too slowly lol. The Japanese girls are always gentle and submissive,they just never ask for dicks in a violent manner,it's not in their culture I guess...

Western porn do have their creative moments, one of my favourites being the Casting Couch; there is a great candid feel to it and for some reason the acting is really superb. Some of the indie superheroine flicks are also fantastic (not the mainstream ones like Lexi Belle's, that is just fucking in a costume,there's no bondage or real story involved>.<). One of the things I hate about western porn is how they'd make a film with a story,but they are never serious about it;the cheesy acting and the horrible soundtrack makes them unwatchable. In terms of that they are faaaaar behind Japan. When it comes to the actual sex scenes however, hentai undoubtedly have the best execution; far more camera angles and dialogue (even get to hear their thoughts). I know it would take a tremendous amount of effort to shoot something like that in live action, and it may only last 5 minutes, but that could be brilliant=)

And you're not weird at all walpola, myself and a few of my friends agree that mosaic is not entirely bad...it used to be when I first got into porn, but after seeing countless vaginas and realizing some of them can be really ugly (huge flaps,loose skin and whatnot), mosaic turns out to be a good touch. The pixels can't be too big tho, like those before the mid 00s, that was extremely distracting,huge squares humping one another.


New Member
Jan 22, 2013
Sasha Grey epitomises my problem actually; in my opinion she is one of the most beautiful women on the planet so if she behaved like most JAV actresses she would be the perfect porn star, as it is she is too aggressive which makes her stuff unwatchable for me.

Some of the casting couch style titles are good fun; I particularly liked one Backroom Casting title with a girl named Tria; I liked it because Tria was gorgeous but when re-watching it recently I couldn't muster much interest because of the attitude of her male partner. I doubt Tria will reappear anywhere given that barely anything of her seems to exist but if she ever wants to get into the industry again I hope she gets into JAV!

Interesting that you mention Lexi Belle, she is a prime example of western woman in JAV titles that I do enjoy. There is one title I really like, DANDY-064, featuring western girls in the "man accidently gets on an all-female bus" style; while most western girls in JAV behave the same way they behave in western titles Lexi was different; she had obviously watched other JAV titles with Japanese girls and sought to emulate their gentle style with feather light kisses, cute smiles, lots of eye contact and even throwing in some "kimochi ii's" even now and then for good measure. She got in the spirit of what she was doing and clearly understood the point of the theme, something her western female colleagues obviously didn't get. What a trooper!


New Member
May 6, 2007
I switch between Hentai, JAV, and western
It depends on what I'd been watching that day. If I've been watching a lot of anime probably hentai, if been watching tv shows, western.

The censorship and lack of new titles keeps me away from JAV these days. Not to mention when you're looking for a specific actress it becomes difficult for JAV's because we don't get all of the video each actress does. Unless it's Sora Aoi or Maria Ozawa.

The same thing happens with doujins, we only get a handful of the ones that come out of each comiket.

I'm thankful for the videos/doujins we do get but I feel like we're only tapping into the well. Then again those few in Japan who enjoy western porn are probably feeling the same way.

Have to admit though Japan's got JI and we don't got that over in these western parts.You win this round Japan.:evil:


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
I must express my appreciation for the high number of brain cells buzzing about here. Especially Zen10101, Nick_Wells and, of course, Walpola have contributed so many smart points.

Western porn does have to try harder after one has become accustomed to the general level of respect to one's intelligence that JAV makers offer viewers. (And that is not to say there isn't a lot of JAV that is pretty dopey.)

Nick is correct, it's not like all western - and I should specify "U.S.," because Western European porn offers sensibilities harder to find with the Americans - is uncreative. One thing that hampers U.S. porn makers is that the obscenity laws are arbitrary, and a porn maker can be busted at any moment for the most insensible of reasons. For example, in the 1970s, r*** porn was quite common, but it's difficult to find the same "forced" themes prevalent in JAV, without apologies. Sure, some corners of the industry have pushed the envelope, with examples such as Max Hardcore and other depictions of rough sex - but rarely within a story context. This must be the reason why those specializing in the fetish areas, such as KINK.com, make sure to have interviews with the actresses before and after, to drive home the point that no real coercion has been involved.

And this problem must have something to do with why the women are so aggressive. Women hold the sexual cards even if they have no psychological hang-ups and possess healthy sexual attitudes - but it's the rare woman, in real life, who will act as aggressively (at least during the initial encounters, with an unfamiliar man) as the women of porn do. The clothes almost always come off easily, and without resistance.

The points made about the looks of the women are very spot on; what a turn-off to have performers who look so "professional," when it's the natural looking women (as many of the women of JAV) that are so much more inviting. I have a preference for American series that pretend to get the women of real life, such as Bangbus and NetVideogirls, for this reason.

I have come to watch porn with the sound off. You just know the American actresses are going to throw in a "Fuck, yeah" that is out of character with the roles they are playing, and ruin everything. Even in JAV, a lot of Japanese women make an annoying wailing sound during sex that becomes distracting. Since I don't know the language, I don't lose too much by ditching the audio... and in the case of American porn, the fact that I do know the language allows me to gain much, by ditching the audio; it becomes more effective when I "write the script" of what the characters are saying, in my own mind.

My vote, by the way, goes for no mosaic. I like vaginas of all kinds. Sure, some may not be as beautiful, but women in general rarely meet the level of beauty we see in the women of all aspects of show business, but that does not mean we still don't love them.

Backroom Casting Couch is one of those series that offers the natural-looking women, much to its credit. ('Course, you get the tattooed floozies too, but we have more of those in real life as well.) Walpola, I happened to have the one with Tria, and I took another look-see to understand why she made such an impression on you. I didn't think she was that special (pretty, of course), but I appreciated so much that you singled her out. (Of course, I only focused on the physical; maybe her personality helped to stir you.)



There was one BCC episode that was actually poignant, involving an Asian named Rachael. The character who operates this web site, the lucky bastard who gets to have the women he never could in reality, often finds women desperate for money, to appear in his videos. Rachael started crying at the end, saying something like, she doesn't think she could do this. It was pretty heart-wrenching, and a rare departure from the phoniness.

What an excellent point about U.S. porn actresses who can't help behaving in their usual false ways, even when thrust into the world of JAV. I downloaded DANDY-064, after becoming intrigued over Walpola's reference... but I was concerned once I read what passed for the "review" in the English language site Actionjav.com:

"This movie has brunette foreign girls in school uniforms on the bus, rubbing against Japanese men and rubbing and sucking them until they cum. Pretty repetitive with only one bonified sex scene, but ok if you're into handjob movies. "

So I fast-forwarded, and as the above warned, this "chikan" film is very unlike its Japanese counterpart, where the victims are taken unawares, and are very disturbed about being attacked - as any woman in real life would be. Lexi Belle (who looked very attractive) may have scored points for toning it down and acting more sensitively (I didn't watch carefully enough; she appeared pretty enthusiastic throughout to me, but at least she wasn't overtly "slutty"... I guess) and for trying to manage a Japanese word or two... but she and the other American actresses (whom I didn't watch, but I could tell from a quick glimpse of their facial expressions trying to look "sexy") behaved just as they would in American porn. They basically threw themselves at the men!


Lexi coos and ooos and goes into
heat instantly! Her hand is not placed
upon the man's penis by the man,
she is the one who reaches for it.

Anyone who would like to check out DANDY-064 may do so as a 576 MB painless download.



New Member
Jan 22, 2013
Great post jugulear, thanks.

I've noticed the theme of the Lexi Belle scene is sometimes called "reverse chikan" and is a theme I very much enjoy. I don't like the traditional groping JAV titles but when it is the other way around, the women initiating the encounter completely, I love it; and although this obviously does not happen in real life the producers make it seem utterly believable that this kind of thing actually happens. A true fantasy perfectly executed.

I really like Lexi Belle anyway, she seems like a really sweet person and she has appeared in several JAV titles that I have enjoyed.

I always feel sad when women cry in porn titles, but what pisses me off is the "uh oh, another drama queen" attitude of the producers and other cast when they do. That kind of roll-their-eyes contempt for the girl is just mean and unnecessary. I recently watched MAS091 with Karen Aoki where at the end of her last scene she began to cry, what stood out for me was how kind the cast and crew where to her, they gently stroked her hair, put their arms around her, took her hands and bowed respectfully to her. Obviously something was troubling her but instead of being humiliated she was comforted and treated well.

I found the BCC Rachael scene you referred to, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her and the guy seemed ok with her and he cut the video as soon as she began to cry. The difference between the Rachael scene and the Karen Aoki scene I mentioned above is in that the JAV scene showed the tears and allowed that to be part of the final cut. I am a little torn on that; on one hand it seems exploitative to film her crying but would I prefer they cut it so I can pretend all JAV actresses love what they do all the time and never let it get to them? I don't know on that one.

Tria stood out for me not exactly because of her pretty face, it was more her unique face. Great looking girls are ten to a penny, but every now and then someone has a certain look that says "girl next door"; very natural, very little make-up if any, no "enhancements", clothes for comfort not sexiness and a really laid back attitude about her own looks. It was like she made no effort at all which in an odd kind of way appealed to me. She wasn't a slut and she wasn't a victim, she just wanted to give porn a try and see what happens. This is why I liked her a lot; she just seemed like a regular girl which is the same quality I enjoy with JAV actresses.

I take the point about the limitations imposed upon western studios, but as a counter to that I think that what the Japanese have done is to use their own limitations to their advantage instead of allowing it to hinder them. I do not know this for certain, it's just my own theory, but I believe the reason why the Japanese are so creative in their porn is because they are forced to censor the direct act of sex. They know that straight sex would become very dull eventually if you cannot even watch the direct act of sex taking place, so instead they forgo that by adding other qualities that perhaps might not even exist if they didn't have their own limiting censorship. It reminds me of commercials for products that cannot directly promote the product such as alcohol, the agencies charged with selling those products cannot tell you how great they are so instead they are forced to become creative and you end up with some of the most memorable advertisements ever created.


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Walpola's last paragraph reminded me of a Hollywood detective/noir film from the 1940s, the title of which I will probably recall if you give me three or four months, where the director was so creative in getting around the censoring Hayes Code... he just shot the face of the blond actress to show what the audience could only guess at was happening off-screen. The effect was actually kind of erotic. When one needs to be creative while trying to bypass limitations, sometimes the result could wind up being more powerful.

I appreciated your clearing up a few things there, Walpola (and by God, I was impressed by how you found the BCC Rachael episode), such as why Tria grabbed your fancy, and that the Lexi scene had been identified here and there as a "reverse chikan" order of business. I'm afraid our tastes differ widely on that point, I dislike the ones where women transform instantly once hit upon, and especially avoid the ones where women go out on the prowl, because (as you wrote and are well aware of), it is so out of keeping with reality. On the other hand, I readily can believe JAV makers make this ridiculous situation more believable.

What comes to mind are those rare occasions in U.S. porn where the "aggressor woman" theme appears genuine, specifically in Bangbus. While Bangbus is a set-up, of course, I think when they go off to find men for their porn actress to have sex with, it could actually be real - because it wouldn't take much to find a horn-dog to readily comply.

In U.S. porn, there is a deluge of women-as-aggressor themes, because it is such an easy and lazy set-up to present sex scenes. Although I can appreciate the fantasy value when used sparingly, I think they are an insult to the viewer's intelligence.

One series comes to mind - "MILF Lessons." Its beginnings were wonderful; nerdy-looking secretarial women (almost always wearing eyeglasses) were conned into the act when they went off on job interviews. Then the emphasis changed, the idea becoming that the experienced MILF would show a young buck the ropes. Yeow. (I imagine the idea of the title at first could only have been that the MILF was getting the lessons... instead of the easy turn-around, now giving them.)

I can't resist adding that when I first noticed Lexi Belle, it was in an episode of Chanta's Bitches, entitled "The Bully." Lexi Belle played the role of a blond princessy-type, while Amber Rayne nailed her role as the tough girl putting Lexi through the paces. It was quite wonderful, but once I learned who Lexi was, and noticed how very overexposed she had become, she began to wear a little thin..!

I was intrigued about MAS091, and when I poked around, I was pleasantly surprised by how attractive the actress (Karen Aoki, AKA Hana Aoki) appeared:


What a fresh-faced beauty!

(I'd like to check this one out - I see it may have never been offered on Akiba-Online - but the 1.2 MB download I have found is a little rich for my blood. Those interested in getting MAS091 and who laugh at the larger sizes can go for a friendly Depositfiles package, with Links 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5; they are from daily-jav.com, which also offers Rapidgator and Uploaded. Stream enthusiasts may give what gojav.com offers, via an easy search, although I can never get the gojav streams to work.)

That was a great and sensitive point regarding the balance between showing an off-the-cuff crying scene, versus the exploitativeness of it. I suppose the answer would be no contest to most, whose voyeur instincts take over, without consideration for the subject's feelings. Probably a good many would justify such a scene's inclusion, as they would argue women are exploited in porn anyway.

The natural tearful reactions in porn are often edited out, and I don't remember too many examples of American porn where I've seen such scenes, but if the cast and crew treat the woman with scorn, that is truly despicable. Only one example of a crying scene comes to my mind, in the viciously over-the-top Meatholes. I had read "a description of the Nicki Hunter scene" (that may be accessed in the second post of this forum), which subsequently made me hunt for the Hunter scene. If I remember correctly, the abusive creeps slowed down the proceedings, and came to a stop. They were not critical of her, and if these meanies managed to offer their degree of "kindness," it's hard to imagine how others would have outdone them in the cruelty department. (Yet the Meatholes boys only stalled to allow for Nicki to somewhat come to her senses, so that they may begin their fun and games anew.)



New Member
Jan 22, 2013
I'm not into women aggressively seeking sexual encounters, but I do like a very particular sub-genre which has the woman casually initiating sex, like she is bored and the mood just takes her. She is just minding her own business, in a seemingly every day environment, and just catches the eye of a particular gentleman and decides to begin a sexual encounter with him, right there and then in front of everyone because why not?

A scene that stands out for me in this style is scene 6 of SDMT-097 starring Risa Tsukino. Risa, wearing a school uniform, sits on a train reading the messages on her phone; a gentleman appears and sits in a nearby seat, he is wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase. He notices Risa immediately and finds it hard to keep his eyes off of her; she doesn't seem to notice this and continues reading her phone.

At this point we believe it is the man who may initiate sex, or perhaps even harass this young girl as the man has escalated from just staring to trying to see up her skirt. Then, suddenly and unexpectedly, Risa puts her feet up on the man’s lap to the astonishment of the man and that sets the scene for the coming sexual encounter.

What I love about this scene, and many others like it, is the blasé and nonchalant attitude displayed by Risa while the man is rapidly losing his cool. Throughout the encounter, which culminates in full sex, Risa is not taking an aggressive approach but she is encouraging the man. You get the impression this is nothing to do with sexual attraction or lust from Risa's point of view, it is just casual boredom; there is something very erotic about that and especially about the one other aspect of this sub-genre which is that during the entire encounter not one word is spoken by either of them. It happens, they go their separate ways, the end.

Going back to the issue of censoring, Risa Tsukino is one actress I would love to see uncensored!

I decided to watch the Meatholes scene with Nicki Hunter you mentioned, the subject matter does not appeal to me at all but I was curious. I got to about a minute in and thought nope! I could see where it was going and also having read the description I knew it would turn my stomach. Obviously that is the extreme and cruelty is obviously their "thing", but I have seen several examples of mocking behaviour on the part of the crew and cast in conventional porn (usually added to "outtakes") when a woman breaks down and it appals me. It shows a real contrast between opposite ends of the industry where some girls are treated like dirt while others, Sasha Grey springs to mind, would not be messed with. I could see her getting into production actually although I understand she is currently seeking work as a mainstream actress.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
Great film man, goddamn Risa looked exceptionally hot in schoolgirl uniform, I've never thought much of her before.

"Nonchalance" is something that really turns me on too. I point to SERO-0023 by Yu Asakura as an example. One of my favourites, it has her stripping naked and shagging a guy in a video store, the twist being, it's not one of those where they hide and try to avoid the public eye; this one was done explicitly in the middle of the store, with a crowd surrounding them and taking photos etc. I think some of them even made requests like getting her to pose or try different positions (must...learn...japanese...). She was so calm and composed like everything was normal and still engaged in casual conversations instead of moaning all the time. The fact that she's such an innocent and adorable looking girl only magnifies the appeal, I believe that sluttier looking gals like Hotaru Akane would not have had the same effect. I think this is a good case to say that sometimes an open and unreserved personality from a cute and unassuming gal can be more seductive than one with a killer bod, for me at least lol.


New Member
Jan 22, 2013
I love Risa, although I think she may have retired as I haven't seen her in any new titles for a long while and she did quite a lot of stuff.

This is a major difference between JAV and western porn I think, getting the attitude just right. I like the women initiating sex theme but in western porn the approach is too aggressive, in JAV it is either shy and retiring or indifferent and casual and that really feeds a fantasy.

I watched SERO-0023, which is handily available to stream on xvideos, and that is close to what I like. I really liked the casual and relaxed nature of Yu Asakura's approach even though she seemed a little shy at first, but shyness only adds to the appeal so all in all it was a really fun title. Generally I would have preferred the exact same thing, but the other people to go about their business and pay her no mind. A minor detail I know!

Although I do like slutty looking girls I definitely prefer girls who look as if they're behaving out of character. I think that is why I like schoolgirl themes, and probably why they are so popular in general; you just don't expect that kind of behaviour from someone so young and seemingly inexperienced but of course it only works if they do actually behave like young and inexperienced girls at least initially. For this reason I also like girls like Karen Aoki, Ai Nikaido, Nami Maki and even Maria Ozawa, they don't look like conventional porn actresses which allows for a more realistic experience. I rarely find girls with those looks or attitude in western porn.

Every now and then I do just feel like watching a really slutty girl behaving in a really slutty way but even then I find the Japanese do it better! One such title is DANDY-032; some of the girls look and dress like you would fully expect them to be promiscuous and "easy" and they don't disappoint; but they're also savvy too, they too initiate the encounter but after getting the man worked up they casually put their hand out into which the knowing man places cash. They're not prostitutes, but they know they're going to give this random guy a handjob so they figure they might as well make some easy money too. Like with some of the other titles I have mentioned, no words are spoken and when the deed has been done the girl just silently gets up and walks off leaving the man spent, happy and a few yen poorer!


New Member
Oct 5, 2010
The way I see things as someone who for the most part is JAV Exclusive (exceptions are JAV idols in American porn), is that the way the men act is so much differently and the main focus in American pornography seems to be pleasuring the man, while treating the woman as a fucktoy. Now, there is plenty of JAV like that, but it doesn't seem to be the main focus.

I don't mind non-Japanese actors in JAVs if they don't act like they would in their native adult videos. For example, we have Little Mango videos, white men, Japanese girls. The men are quiet and from what I saw, I didn't hear any derogatory terms towards the women, which I hear a lot in American porn. I really dislike that in American porn. While Japanese men can act like pigs, it's not a gigantic focus like earlier, I do have plenty of JAVs where the girl is presented flowers and such after she was finished getting fucked.

Whereas most American porn these days comes off as trashy, JAV has a certain class to it. Even watching videos with women who act slutty like GAL/Gyaru seem to have a certain classy part to them, be it the fashion or something. It feels different and it almost never comes off as something some asshole made in his garage.

That's just me though, there is some very classy porn from the west, but it's not very common.


Low Angler
Nov 27, 2007
So much to view.

If you were to back me into a corner, and huff at me, "All right Vincent, why do you really like JAVs?"
An answer I might utter would be, "JAV directors get away with content we can't think of even hinting at in western pr0n." :coldsweat:
All the females in JAVs are cute. I have a huge open portal to my soul for cuteness. :beautiful:
I am having a difficult time getting through all the JAVs I have bought. This is a large downside to buying 4-hour compilations.
The largest problem I have with JAVs is the mosaicing. I believe I understand the true reason for mosaicing: In the 1980s, it was to obscure that no actual genital penetration was occurring between the male & the female. For the past eight years or so, it is to obscure that the male is wearing a condom (in a nakadashi video). :donotwant:
It is another topic which the Internet and the World-Wide Web has changed forever. Akiba-Online may not be able to allow its mention; but every member knows there is uncensored AV out here.
I also have an interest in U.S.- and European (& now Brazilian to an extent) pr0n; but my excursions into that orbit around its immense back catalog: Content produced in the 1970s & 1980s. I can't tell you much about the new era of "This Ain't ________ XXX" productions.
I do think U.S. producers went beyond the pale in catering to raincoaters. Just because they were renting everything released in that genre for years was not a valid reason to cease releasing content for "couples". Now that raincoaters are not renting everything (because they don't want to spend the money), the production companies find they are not attracting the market which would give them a chance. I am not interested in their new releases; regardless of if they have to wear condoms. (But I admit, I prefer non-condomed pr0n.)
I'll keep viewing these 673 JAVs until I finish them. :nosebleed:
If I find something arousing, I'll keep it. If not: I can trade it for something else possibly like it. :evillaugh:


Active Member
Jun 15, 2007
Spesific reason why love JAV :
- expression/moans of the girls (even though some people say overeacted)
- Cuteness (this is only a matter of preferances)
- Foreplay (I must say this is the most weakness for western porn)

However I have some old western fave such as :
- tarzan X
- Alladin X
- and others Xs that I've forgot