Is it just me or are we beeing forced to open our mouths and drink the poison.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2007
EDIT, sorry about the typo in the title:

Anyone else seeing a pattern in life where our freedoms and privacy are being invaded to the point that it hits you in the pocket book? Anyone getting sick of technology being used in the so called: New World by man to screw his brothers and sisters over?

Here's a few things on my mind.

  • Internet search results are rigged today. Years ago you would search something, such as fixing a computer and you would get sites with suggestions and forums..ect. Now it's 90 percent ads. The internet is becoming useless.
  • No freedom at concerts today. When I use to go to concerns, you could grill out in the parking lot, go into where the show was, and then go back out. It was a big party. That aside, you can't even bring your own seats or drinks in. What are all these rules today. People have gotten so money hungry. They say it's about public safety, but he never had an issue before. Just like guns. The country was founded on guns, now all these kids are shooting them at schools. You think something else is wrong? You think maybe God has been removed from our lives?
  • Thanks to computers, now we have consumer reporting agency's, such as LexusNexus in every aspect of our lives. People are being screwed over with their car insurance rates and often the information that the consumer report obtains is inaccurate. Not everything is cut and dry and these agency's don't always do the full research on various matters. It's only a matter of time until other billing services utilize these consumer reports to force higher rates on loans and other services.
  • SAAS Software as a service Welcome to the new world of subscriptions, MS 360, adobe, Autodesk. All this dose is shrinks the base of users. What software developers don't get is, when people are allowed to use a (Fully working) program for free for educational reasons, those people often end up working for company's who purchase the software. When you take away the ability to use something for free, people then tend to find alternatives. When those people are asked by their employers to preform a task, the task will be preformed on alternatives. The employer doesn't care as long as the job gets done, and they would be saving money. But company's like Adobe, Autodesk.. ect are too stupid to see this coming. So software as a service is only shooting themselves in the feet.
  • OS's no longer respect user privacy. With the exception of Linux, Windows and OSX have put themselves in the middle of our personal lives for their own gains and offer less in customization's. For example, in windows, you can't even associate icons, or urls to portable apps. MS has made it so you have to use their browser if you want programs to open a browser for example.
  • COMP TIA and other testing sites have turned into a complete money making machine, bombarding it's client's with endless spam emails. When I got into computers, you kept your cert for years and years, but today you have to renew every three years? If someone is active in the industry, they should be able to renew every 5 or 10 years. The testing centers have gotten money hungry.
  • Cars have so many computer modulus, you can't work on them today today unless you have the software and equipment, so you get bent over when something goes wrong. Even mom and pop mechanics can't even afford to keep up with the demand, so it's getting to the point where large car corporations are pushing the small guys out and telling you how much you're going to pay if you want to have a car to drive to work everyday.
  • Free software sites like Sourceforge have sold out, with ads verification's of mandatory personal identifiable info.
Anyone else sick of how greedy man is becoming? What the FK is happening to this world?
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