images I know the kanji on the left.


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
Took a while as I know only a very few kanji (like 車/くるま/kuruma which means car).
I guess its this: 狼群出品/ろうぐんしゅっぴん/rōgun shuppin
Which means: Wolf group exhibition
If you google for it you even get some hits so I guess I'm right.

How did I work: I used the Google Translate for my Android mobile-phone (I hope they will improve the web version in the future or create a PC application with the same functionality) and tried to write the Kanji by hand (handwriting recognition). I also tried the OCR, but it didn't work at all - even with a grey-scaled version of the picture. The last two characters were no problem. For the first two I had to draw one part of the character at a time (means first the left part of the character, then the right part of the character). I worked first on the 2nd character. After I knew how both parts of character have to look like I drew the whole character again. Then Google Translate recognized my writing and showed the right Kanji including the transcription and the meaning. The first character was the hardest one: I didn't get the right character so I took the wrongly recognized character and used my PC and Wikipedia. Wikipedia shows my an Article about Radical 94 and there I found the Kanji.


Akiba Citizen
Nov 2, 2010
159357123, I don't know. The last two Kanji mean 出品/しゅっぴん/shuppin/exhibition again.
But first two are two difficult for me to read. Seems like some kind of cursive letters. I even have difficulties to read the normal, block letters / printed letters.