[IDed!] 宝生瑠璃 (Ruri Housyou) Looked everywhere, Failed. Please help!


New Member
Oct 21, 2009






Sorry for the poor quality pictures, but they are from the only two videos (which are obviously just part of one larger video: here and here) of her I've ever found.

The videos are hosted on xvideos from a site called Asiansex9, there is no mention of any name (actress or movie) on either site (or in the videos themselves for that matter). I've spent literally hours going through jav actress directories to see if I could simply brute force find her, but I couldn't. This is my last resort, but you guys seem like he best: please help me out if you can! (I even looked through every single thread to make sure no one else had asked)


New Member
Oct 21, 2009
I was going to wait to bump this thread until I found some more information, or even some new videos/pics, but I've been blindly looking this entire time and have come up blank.

Hoping maybe some new eyes will be able to help :...:


New Member
Oct 21, 2009

What an awesome start to the new year! My ~10 month search is over! Having tried going through idol directories based on criteria (and failing), expanding my scope (and failing), and asking for help (and failing), I settled on a new strategy: watch a ton on JAV on a bunch of different sites and look for her face. Today, my idiotic plan paid off - buried on the 39th page of full length Asian videos I found her!


It's usually romanized as Ruri Housyou (It bothers me that it's not "Houshou", but I don't make the rules). I've also seen it as Houjyou, but that was only once and must have been a typo.

She was active from 2005 to 2007, but she put out a lot of stuff between then. Here is her wikipedia page. I'll be on the lookout for more stuff with her!

I may be the only one interested, but she has one of the cutest looks I've seen, so I hope some other people might get some enjoyment out of my work!

Happy New Years!