I rack them up.


Low Angler
Nov 27, 2007
I have a few moments here at the 'Smile' Hostel to let you know about how I am doing shopping for AV DVDs in Tokyo.
The store where I have done very well is, of all places, Don Quijote. :whisper:
The one where I shopped before (in Shibuya ;)) had more shrink-wrapped packs of three AV DVDs for ¥999. I bought some there.
I went to the Donki in Shinjuku - and it had no AVs at all. :eek:y:
Two days ago, I was strolling around Ueno, and found another Donki.
Ohmigawd. It had some shrink-wraps for ¥999, but also other shrink-wraps containing five AVs for ¥1,480.
Combined, I bought fifty-four AVs at the two Donkis. Donki takes credit cards.
I spent considerable time in Shinjuku. I found the Maps-and-porn store which Steve Schultz refers to on his website. Its DVD prices were average: nothing cheaper than ¥500. But yes; there are stacks reaching up to the ceiling; many AV VHS' (but they're from the mid-1990s, not as old as S. Schultz thought), and those could be a bargain, if you can somehow manage to cram them into your luggage. [10 / ¥3,000] I am not buying any VHS'.
Two places I will let you know about, and I hope you can keep this on the semi-quiet; are a book store (-a real bookstore-) in Shinjuku which was blowing out a clutch of junior idol AVs for ¥380. I obtained seven.
Lastly (for now), while shopping along Hasukan Dori, {the all-used-porn avenue} just off Hasukan, is a store where all the old rental VHS' and DVDs go to die. Its name is "LINK". This is the zinbo shop. There are six other shops in this chain.
This shop is very confusing to try and figure out just what an AV costs. The deal here, again, is the bound packages.
It offered ten AV DVDs for ¥2,100.
Here's the semi-secret part:
It also had a bound package of eleven AVs by Garo Aida for ¥2,310.
Quit stammering. Of course I bought it. Just don't say anything until I get them back to my domicile.
Obviously, I need somebody I can trust here with my identification data on Akiba-Online. I have no access to a duplication machine; and my regular internet connection [a v.90 modem] is way too slow to even contemplate bit torrent. Someone who has this, and who will possess a reasonable physical distance from me, should wind up with these DVDs. (Send them back when you finish ripping them.)
I have broken down all the cases. I have all the inserts in a separate envelope from the DVDs. (They are all in sleeves, which were also bought at Donki. Do you get the impression that when you come here, Donki is a place where you should go?)
I will leave Tokyo on the 17th. If you wish to repond to me personally, I recommend a private message. If you just want to drool about how well I have done buying AVs cheaply in Tokyo, that you can respond here.
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Sustaining L.I.F.E.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 22, 2006
vincent_z said:
It also had a bound package of eleven AVs by Garo Aida for ¥2,310.
WOW, that's one hell of a deal. I'm so glad that you bought that. It's an amazing find that I think you won't find elsewhere. The best I can get here in Sapporo is a shop that occasionally sells used items. Things that people buy, copy & then return most likely. I got 2 Garo DVD's for ¥1000 each, but 11?! That's unheard of. If your willing to ship them to me up here in Sapporo I'll be more than happy to rip and up them for you. Just PM me with details.


Super Perv
Former Staff
Nov 16, 2006
You bought 54 AVs? And then you bought more?? Wow man. I'm impressed. That's some serious shopping trip...

Are you going to put them in your luggage? Good idea throwing the hard-cases. But still those fuckers are gonna weigh a lot! Have you checked your luggage weight limit? I was 10kgs over my limit and had to dump a few things. Just a warning...

Which seven Jr. Idol DVDs did you buy?? I assume you didn't actually mean Junior Idol AVs.....


cats are great towels
Dec 9, 2007
If you'd upload some of them, I bet a lot of guys would push your thanks button:whisper:


Low Angler
Nov 27, 2007
The final carnage

I went to two more stores, both in Akihabara on Friday the 14th: Another Don Quijote; and Sofmap.
If any of you ever get here to Tokyo, you must, must, must go inside the Don Quijotes. Yes, the one in Shinjuku had no AVs at all, but you do not learn that until after you browse.
The AV DVDs are on the same floor as regular DVDs and CDs. There will be the palms-out "18" logo on the curtain separating it from the rest of the DVDs. There is no telling what you will find. But three for ・999, or five for ・1,480 are great for experimentations. I bought another 12 at this Donki.
I was correct. Sofmap bought out Yamagiwa. This time, I emptied out Sofmap's remaining DVDs which were still stickered 'Yamagiwa'. I bought another thirty-three there.
The final count is 134 DVDs, mostly hardcore. I'll work on the list of titles when I get back to the domicile.
I bought more, yet I still paid less for any one DVD than previously. The most expensive single DVD this time was ・380.
I still have not yet found the 100-yen shop with AV DVDs. But I am getting closer. :virtuous:
I tried some more obscure neighborhoods as well this time.
If you want the amount spent, figure it to be roughly $310 [US].
I am still awaiting a message from someone (not in Japan) who could rip these DVDs for Akiba-Online.


Low Angler
Nov 27, 2007
referrer reply

This is a referrer reply. I have posted the list of titles of the 134 DVDs in this rubric (which is more on-topic than here).


Low Angler
Nov 27, 2007
Ransacked again.

This is another referrer post. :snicker:
The list of the 133 DVDs I obtained at shops in Tokyo this trip is in this thread.