I noticed that the speed of the forum improved a LOT in the last weeks


BRASIL, Rio de Janeiro .
Dec 17, 2006
I noticed that the speed of the forum improved a LOT in the last 2 weeks. :relief:

Now I am attaching files in my thereads much more fast ( 3 weeks ago, is so slow, very very slow... ) but, in the last 2 weeks ( I guess , I not sure about the specify period of time) I noticed that the speed improved a LOT. Now everything is VERY FAST !

Thank you very much. You are always doing a wonderful work in our beloved shibuyabashi Forum. :goodjob:

I hope everything keep ( still ) like that for a LONG time... :goodmood:


reverse the earth
Jan 20, 2007
It's just about acceptibly fast, however the forum seems to be outgrowing the server. Definitely need an upgrade.


Sustaining L.I.F.E.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 22, 2006
The speeds are up and down for me, but the forum being slow is much better than being offline for sure.
An upgrade would always benefit but there really aren't enough people donating and chompy seems to be having trouble with paypal.