I am so disapointed. why my post was deleted?


Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2007
I am not the one who deleted your posts, so i don't know the exact reason.

But if I am not not mistaken, most likely it's becoz you said something bad regarding other member in the public forum. This is not the way you should do if you want to complain about other member. What you need to do is to click the report button. If you haven't do so, please do it. If you have, then good. Just let the mods to take care of the rest.

regarding the report you did in last few hours, you said that Autuxxxx is using multiple account. After the mods did the researches, we found out it's not true. He doesn't use any multiple-account. So your complaint report is closed.

And before you moan, please remember, members' complaints are not always neccesarry correct. if the mods find out the report is true and correct, then they will do their job. If the mods find out the report is inaccurate, then those reports would be ignored. All the final decisions would be lie on the hands of the A-O staff.


Jul 8, 2010
Why I know Rinxxxx = Autuxxxx. Rinxxxx started posting when Autuxxxx was suspended. also, his website http://tan____jav.net/. The link is the same. I think every mod in JAV download section knows about that.


Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2007
Why I know Rinxxxx = Autuxxxx. Rinxxxx started posting when Autuxxxx was suspended. also, his website http://tan____jav.net/. The link is the same. I think every mod in JAV download section knows about that.

JAV DL section is not my main area, so I wouldn't know about it. You said that every mod in JAV download section know about it, if this is true, then why not just let them to take care of it. Things would be done once the truth is found out. You insist that you are right and the mods should take action. But the fact is the mods don't take action. That means the mods don't agree with you, or they may have to take some times to investigate. Nevertheless, you should respect the mods' decision, no matter you agree or disagree with that decision. You helped to report the case, we appreciate that. However, it's not your responsibility to judge on someone whether he is guilty or not. That's the mods' job. So please understand this simple fact and move on. Thanks for your concern.


Jul 8, 2010
i think mod of JAV section have to tell us the ture clearly.

www.tan___.net owned by A
if A was suspended , he created a new account B
and posted the same data from www.tan___.net
is it allowed? why it is allowed? everyone think it is muti-account.


Jul 23, 2008
Yet another complaint about a deleted post. Why you would think the mods actually have the authority to remove posts they feel do not belong in the forum. The audacity of these moderators. Not that I have a problem with the practice, of course.

As far as the JAV sections go these moderators bust their butts, for free, in an attempt to control an utterly impossible flood of crap posts on a 24 hour 7 days a week basis. If you feel you can critisize that kind of commitment and expect perfection from these moderators you are just plain out-of-line. The moderators do the best they can in that area and if it is not good enough for you or anyone else I would think that is just too fucking bad.


Jul 8, 2010
Hey guys. I got a news. both of that two accounts was banned now. Really thanks for that mod who did it. I am glad to see that is because mod do the right and keep the forum fair to everyone.:grassdance::grassdance:


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
For your information, it was I that looked at it first, problems lots of them, first of all there was several of them, I had to go through all of them, and secondly, at that time, I could not find proof that they was the same member, it took 3 or 4 mods to get it sorted out, and a lot of time, it is easier to accuse somebody, than it is to find the evidence to be sure, and a lot of man hours was spent checking through everything,

Thank You for your reports


Jul 8, 2010
For your information, it was I that looked at it first, problems lots of them, first of all there was several of them, I had to go through all of them, and secondly, at that time, I could not find proof that they was the same member, it took 3 or 4 mods to get it sorted out, and a lot of time, it is easier to accuse somebody, than it is to find the evidence to be sure, and a lot of man hours was spent checking through everything,

Thank You for your reports

support u guys forever:cheer::cheer::cheer: