How are JAV titles organized in shop stores in Japan?


Senior Member...I think
Mar 22, 2008
Here's the order I've seen mostly in AV stores in Japan (thought I have never been to Japan).

1. Production Studios
2. Actress
3. Actress neighbor's last name

It can get confusing, so, just concentrate on the covers and you should be fine.
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Oct 22, 2016
It's arranged like book stores, like near the main entrance there's the monthly top releases and then arranged by Studios and hidden at the back are usually clearance items and more obscure genres like Scat/Piss etc.
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New Member
Mar 14, 2013
Yeah usually by Studio, but in the front they will list the bestsellers/new releases.
M's pop life in Akiba is at this link


Active Member
Apr 19, 2010
Yeah it is arranged by studio in the shop in my town. Also the shop has two halves -- the other half sells magic the gathering/yugioh/pokemon cards. I guess those are gateways to being a perv lol. Something I noticed is everything is still DVD and a only a few blu-rays. Cause I always wondered why there's a DMM/R18 jav category for HD-BluRay and I guess that is why. Even for new films released today if you want to buy a physical copy you can only get DVD/480p quality -- to get better you have to buy online except for those few that get released on blu-ray. And the price is the same as online or more -- about $20 for a new release. But i saw one of my old favorite hentai anime movies in there produced 2004 and it was near $40 but I am thinking maybe so few copies of that exist in circulation it must be like an antique lol.
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Low Angler
Nov 27, 2007
It's arranged like book stores, like near the main entrance there's the monthly top releases and then arranged by Studios and hidden at the back are usually clearance items and more obscure genres like Scat/Piss etc.
Yes, but I will point out that this means you need to inspect the more obscure genres (maniac) because a particular AV actress may have been in one of those, and her DVD will not be on the same shelves with her more mainstream releases.
If you are shopping for DVDs to buy, except for examples like the multi-disc theme box of releases from Next11, the sell-off racks at Don Quijote and TSUTAYA will be mostly pot luck. Especially the spindle of 30 DVDs at Donki. Just about any genre could appear on their racks.