Hentai Magazine Collections - Pure or Edited?

What do you do with your digital H-magazines?

  • I keep them intact! I don't delete anything!

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • I prune them, sometimes heavily, and relocate the files.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • I do both? -or- other possibilities

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I was wondering how many members who are collecting (or have collected) every volume from particular H-magazines like Comic Megastore or Comic Angel Club don't delete a single file or rename a single folder when they download it. The reason I ask is because:

1- I don't do this, so to me it's sort of weird to think of people wanting to do it, but
2- I realize that somebody has to do this otherwise magazines would never get reseeded.

When I download an H-magazine, what I usually do is:
  1. unzip it
  2. go through it page by page, and delete any images I come across which either offend me (by their material) or don't meet my expectations (by their drawing quality or story quality). For some magazines like Kairakuten Beast, this usually means I delete very little. For other magazines like Aun, it means I wind up deleting over 50% of the magazine in some cases.
  3. Once I'm done deleting the stories I don't like, I go back and put the stories I do like into newly-created folders like this example: "Azuma Tesshin - Hageshiku Futari de Dekiru mon - Comic Kairakuten 2007 11" for pages 045 to 064 of that issue.
  4. I create a shortcut folder that I leave behind in the original magazine directory, like this example: "Azuma Tesshin - 045-064".
  5. This way, when I want to enjoy a particular author's stories, I have all of his works in the same directory ...
  6. ... and when I want to remember what stories came from what magazines, I have the shortcut folders there to remind me of the author and the page numbers.

This is because, at least for me personally, I prefer to have hentai arranged by author than by magazine. I prefer to think of having "author collections," i.e. collecting every single story my favorite authors have ever written, than "magazine collections." And perhaps most importantly, I can't sleep at night knowing that I have hentai on my computer that I am morally or aesthetically disgusted by, so I find it impossible to leave magazines untouched -- I just have to delete the stories I dislike. But because of this, I can never reseed magazine torrents. :defeat: I'm only useful when somebody wants a specific doujin, H-manga, or collection of an author's works.

So what about you? To those of you who avidly download H-magazines each month, what kind of hentai fan are you? Vote in the poll above, but please feel free to post below and discuss your decision.