help with torrents


New Member
May 15, 2008
somehow my utorrent wont download even a single byte... it started 3 months ago... any idea what must i do or what torrent dler is better????? thanks


Apr 23, 2008
It could be a million things.

Is anyone seeding the file?
Is your torrent application buggy?
Is your ratio of downloads to uploads too low?

Check these things. Or try re-installing your torrent application.


New Member
May 15, 2008

that i dnt know... from any torrent i pick its the same... all torrents except for wholesome videos cant be downloaded..... and i dnt have filter of any kind...

btw if its not too troublesome... how bwt the files i dled from the uncensored jav... how to view them... they're seperated in many files... thanks


New Member
May 24, 2008
It can be a lot of things as Buster has told us. But let's do the usual step by step first

1) Check what torrent program you are using. I prefer uTorrent the most but be up to date with it! Sometimes, some trackers detect older versions and block them due to activity in the past. If you're running an older version, update it ASAP!
2) Check that you are connected to your peers. I.e. do you see any seeds/leechers when you connect? If not, then you're not connected. If so, check your connection to the internet. Make sure your firewall is allowing the torrent program to have access and for god's sake, open the ports required for the torrent program. Default is usually 6881 - 6889 but you'd best open the default ports the program starts with and go up by 1000.
3) Check that the torrent isn't giving any errors. You can see that usually when the torrent checks for the tracker. Any messages of ERROR: XXXX or TIMED OUT means the torrent is dead.