Help with busty runner topless


Feb 6, 2009
Hi all,
I think she could be named Konoha maybe, I looked here and in AV site for Konoha but found only other girls, or maybe I have trouble recognicing her, Im very bad at that. The clip I cant upload it right now but it can be found on this link, sorry for this trouble, Im not in my computer and cant do anything right with it:

Thank you for any help identifying her and maybe the DVD tag if you know it.

PS I will try re-uploading clip tomorrow, I spent a lot of time today and it was useless, Im very sorry


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Thanks to the sparks of Electromog, the actress has been identified - but as far as which film the clip comes from, it's not reassuring that the two primary sources for JAV reference (DMM and Sougouwiki) both agree that Mairi Konos has only three films to her credit. (Which does not mean she has been in others that have been overlooked, even by these sources. By the way, the Javlibrary site provided an English-translated name for her as Ki Noseichigori.)

Yet since three are all we have to work with, we know the "Milk Shake" clip (as the Japanese lettering from the clip's site put it), where Mairi is simply running around for us to enjoy the view of her bouncing jugs, could not have come from EVDV-56106, a lesbian story between two nurses. The remaining other movie, EVDV-55018, from a series called "Rookies," is not it either, according to this set of excellent and detailed screen shots. I could not find screen shots for the movie Electromog pointed to, EVDV-52056, and the only clues derive from the blown-up pictures on the cover, or back cover. (And there isn't enough to point to the sceneries from the clip, but the clip's nature could belong in a film such as this.) Unless there is an unknown other movie or movies for Mairi, I would guess EVDV-52056 is the only possibility.



Feb 6, 2009
Thanks a lot for pointing this Jugulear, I trully see what you mean and after checking the 2 that you discarded due to the given reasons it seems quite possible that its from EVDV-52056, I tried looking for info or source to download but I think even p2p is failing in the heat wave we are having, right now I can only see cover which is same as you mentioned and makes it possible to spot as the one Im looking for, I will post and share any other info I could get but I think the only remaining is porbably to find the actual links or share hash or anything which is what Im doing after I post this.

Ah by the way, I just recently heard that some indie companies that produce AV go a bit under the laws and have more freedom to produce what they want being slightly under the legal limits, I mean could it be that one of these indie company have produced yet another DVD with her and due to its nature, controversial, close to ilegal who knows... its not listed or well known? I know the clip doesnt look like that, she is not even fully nude and not in a totally public place so seems strange to think its anything risky there for them to produce but well, I have been thinking a bit.

EDIT Dont know why I always go first for the harder option, here in Akiba thanks to illuminatus3 there could be it, although I cant check availability now but we get to see the screen captures which help to know if its or its not the one, which by the way makes me more confused around this as it looks like this fragment is not captured, again as its time lapse could be that evil media player skipped this particular pat and only capture before and after but oh well

EDIT2 I forgot to mention that apparently in my previous attempt to find which dvd is this from I already tried Illuminatus3 torrent which was unseeded (or my client is broken) so Im still searching for this EVDV-52056


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Jeepers, I thought I had checked the Akiba-Online archives for EVDV-52056, but I obviously did a horrible job. Not only did you find screen shots, Asdronin, but you found magnificently detailed ones... great work!

There is no way Media Player Classic could have skipped the "Milk Shake" scene, running for two or three minutes if I recall, because Member Illuminatus3 illuminatingly set the capture for about twenty seconds apart, between each frame.

The only chance for EVDV-52056 to still be in the running as a home for the "Milk Shake" scene is that the film runs for seventy minutes (according to DMM), which I will accept as more accurate than Illuminatus3's claim of eighty minutes. (The blown-up covers don't mention a running length as far as I could see... not that porn movie covers' information is always reliable.)

On the other hand, the total running length, according to Illuminatus3's three thumbnails, is a little over sixty minutes. So there is an outside chance that there may be eight or nine minutes of footage that Illuminatus3 did not include for his download. (So even if this 2010 torrent were still active, you would not have wound up with the Milk Shake scene; if you run into other downloading options that similarly run for a little over one hour, the same would apply.)

Studying the nature of the screen shots, the Milk Shake scene could easily belong to EVDV-52056... but this is going to be a hard nut to crack.

Don't melt!



Feb 6, 2009
Jugulear thanks a lot for the info about the running time from EVDV-52056 and your efforts in finding it, I didnt know there was a difference in the spected running time from the Illuminatus3's copy even if its not reliable info. And yes I thought that seeing the nature and more or less environment and situation this could be it, although as we see in the screenshots and as you pointed this version could be not the full one, this has happened before and its hard to get the whole I know, I got a certain movie from iTwins site which had a glitch or two and therefore some jumps, then in every source I looked for this movie it was always same copy with same glitch, from p2p to torrent or just the friendly neighbour.

So I will continue searching for this although its going to be hard but I have some of these hard to find in my "impossible is nothing"-list, so I never lose the faith =).

I'll survive the wave!


Akiba Citizen
Dec 7, 2009
I managed to find a working torrent file that has EVDV-52056 in 4 parts and the jogging scene is in there in the second part. It's just pretty short which is why it might not show up in one of those screenshots pictures.

I've attached the torrent in case people want it. There's not a lot of seeders so it may take a bit of time to download.

Edit: Looks like it may be the same torrent you tried before, but this time there are actually people seeding it.


Feb 6, 2009
Thanks a lot Electromog =), I was searching through the slowest p2p engines so you know if its working torrent i dont mind if its slow, the important is that its there, Im getting it :D

EDIT It says it will finish in around 7 hours, irs like... 10 years earlier than I was specting before you posted your torrent, so thanks for sharing :D